Page Updated:- Wednesday, 03 July, 2024.


Earliest 1844

Blue Pigeons

Closed Dec 2022

The Street


01304 613233

Blue Pigeon

Above photo, date unknown.

Original Blue Pigeon

Above photo, showing the original building that was the "Blue Pigeon."

Blue Pigeons 2011

Above photo taken 2007.

Blue Pigeons 2011

Above photo taken 2007.

Blue Pigeons sign 2011Blue Pigeon sign 1987

Above photos taken by Paul Skelton, 17 September, 2011.

Blue Pigeon sign right, February 1987 with thanks from Brian Curtis

Blue Pigeon card 1973

Above Whitbread card from Kent Series, No. 5, released 28 May 1973.

Blue Pigeon at Worth

Above photo taken 2007.

Earliest date found so far being 1844 when the Dover Telegraph reported the death of the licensee, Edward Farrier, the elder.

From the Dover Mercury, 20 Februay 2003.

Blue Pigeon advert


 According to Michael David Mirams in his 1987 book "Kent Inns and Inn Signs" the "Blue Pigeons" took its name from a nearby farm, but the old inn is now a private dwelling. In fact the present hostelry, formerly owned by Mackeson of Hythe, was once the Rectory serving the parish church opposite. I believe it was still operating out of the original building till the early 1980s.

Martin Tapsell writes to inform me that the current pub was the vicarage, but when a new vicarage was built the "Blue Pigeons" just moved next door into the old vicarage.


Dover Express 02 October 1931.


A sitting of the Wingham Petty Sessions was held on Thursday.


Mr. D. A. Daniels (Deal) was granted the final removal order for the "Blue Pigeon," Worth, which had been moved to a house adjoining.


The building was listed on the 28 March 1987 as a Grade 2 listed building. The description is as follows:- "Public House. Early C19. Painted brick and slate roof. Three storeys with parapet to hipped roof with stacks to rear left and to rear right. Regular fenestration of 3 half-sized glazing bar sashes on second floor, 3 full sized glazing bar sashes on first floor and 2 on ground floor. Central door of 2 tall, moulded panels with rectangular fanlight in double pilaster surround with cornice. Rear outshot to second storey height. Included for group
value. Listing NGR: TR3363256134.

The original "Blue Pigeon" was grade 2 listed on the 28 March 1996 and is described as follows:- House, formerly a public house between 1830 and 1930. Date plaque of 1723 with the initials GIA, restored in C20. Red brick in Flemish bond with front elevation painted. Tiled roof with end brick chimneystacks. One storey and attics; 2 windows. A two bay end chimneystack house. Sixteen-pane sashes, the right hand one set in earlier, wider, cambered arch with 2 projecting courses of brickwork above. Central door-case with C20 hood and half-glazed door. Plinth. Lean-to extensions to side. Interior has timber-framed partition walls, spine beam, original brick open fireplace with wooden bressumer, plank door with s-shaped wooden ventilation slits and further ledged plank doors with iron hinges. Listing NGR: TR3366156138


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 1 September, 1900. 1d.


Frederick Clarke and George Noble, labourers, were charged at the "Blue Pigeons," Worth, on the previous afternoon.

Mrs. Farrier, the prosecutor, said that about 5.30 p.m. on Friday, the prisoners came into her house, the Blue Pigeons, Worth, and asked for a pint of beer each. She did not hen notice that they were in drink. A little later two other men came in, and the two prisoners did their utmost to provoke a quarrel with them. They both left, and the prisoners then became very abusive, and commenced throwing the chairs and saw-dust about. Witness requested them to drink their beer and quit her premises. She did not even then detect that they were the worse for drink. When they finally went they plucked and trampled down the flowers in the garden. She then locked the door and sent for the police. One of the chairs was broken, and she estimated the damage done at 2s.

The prisoner Clarke contended that he did his utmost to maintain peace. This the prosecutrix admitted, but said he was as bad as the other man afterwards, and the language of both was filthy.

P.C. Whitehall deposed to apprehending the men.

The Mayor sent both to gaol for 10 days with hard labour.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 13 April, 1917.


The license of the "Blue Piper Inn," Worth, (incorrectly named) was transferred from Mrs. Emily Farrier to Mr. George Farrier.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 2 October, 1931. Price 1½d.


Mr. D. A. Daniels (Deal) was granted the final removal order foe the "Blue Pigeon," Worth, which had been moved to a house adjoining.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 11 April 1931.


Mr. Frank Tucker applied for confirmation of a provisional order authorising the ordinary removal of the licence granted by the Justices of the Wingham Division in respect of the "Blue Pigeons," Worth. The order was confirmed.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 18 January 1935



George Ainsworth, licensee of the "Blue Pigeons," Worth, was summoned for selling and supplying intoxicating liquor during non-permitted hours to Maurice Charles Locker, Harold Leslie Ford and William Wilson, on January 4th.

Locker, Ford and Wilson were summoned for consuming intoxicating liquor during non-permitted hours.

Mr. A. K. Mowll appeared for the four defendants, and pleaded not guilty.

P.Sgt. Setterfield, Sandwich, said that at 9.55 p.m. on January 4th, with P.C. Cloke, he kept observation from the Churchyard, on the "Blue Pigeons," just opposite. Later he went to the side door leading to the bar, and P.C. Cloke  stood by the bar window. Witness heard voices inside the bar, and to hear better, lifted the cover over the keyhole. He heard the sound of dice being thrown. Then there was the sound of an engine being pulled, followed by the sound of silver and copper coins being thrown on to the counter. Then there was the sound of the coins being placed into the till. Immediately afterwards the public bar door was opened by Locker, and witness and P.C. Cloke entered, the latter stopping Locker from leaving. There were two half-pint glasses of what appeared to be beer on the counter. One was in front of Wilson and the other by the right arm of the licensee, who was leaning on the counter. The beer appeared to be freshly drawn as it was clear, and there was a "head" of froth .In front of Ford was a full wineglass, and between Ford and Wilson another wineglass, containing similar wine. That was, apparently, Locker's drink. Witness, who was in plain clothes, informed the licensee who they were, and asked them to notice the time. The clock in the bar showed 10.40, and another behind the bar 10.35. Witness told the licensee he would be reported for selling intoxicating liquor in non-permitted hours. He said, "I am right down sorry, sergeant. I promise, if you let me off this time, I will go straight in the future. This means ruin to me, and the ed of my licence. Ford came to see me about my wireless, and Locker came to give me hair treatment. Wilson was waiting for Ford and Locker to take him back in the van to Sandwich."

P.C. Cloke, Worth, gave collaborative evidence.

Mr. Mowll submitted that there was no evidence at all against any of those men for consuming.

The Chairman: The Bench are of the opinion that there is a case to answer.

George Ainsworth (50), said that he had held the license for six years, and was the sole support of his wife and child. He did not dispute that the men were in his house, but there was no tossing for drinks. Mr. Locker, a hairdresser at Sandwich, came to his place three times a week to give him hair treatment, and started that night just after ten. Ford was there to adjust his portable set, and did that whilst Locker was doing witness' hair. He admitted that the liquor was on the counter, but it was not paid for. Witness gave it to them for their kindness. He treated them as friends and not customers.

Locker, a hairdresser, of Sandwich, said that on the night he went to give Ainsworth violet ray treatment, as he was doing for three weeks. Ainsworth gave him a sherry. They did not dice.

Ford said that he was a wireless dealer, and did general repairs. He was in the "Blue Pigeons" that  night to attend to Ainsworth's set, and he did that just after 10 p.m. Witness was going to take Wilson back to Sandwich.

In reply to Supt. Webb, witness said that the rattle which the police thought was dice and money was probably caused by his tools and some plugs being put on the counter.

Witness, who lives at Sandwich, said that he was waiting for a lift back to Sandwich. There was no dicing for drinks.

Mr. Mowll submitted that there was no evidence that could justify a conviction against the defendants accused of consuming. As regards Ainsworth, he submitted that he was entertaining bona fide friends. If he were convicted of the offence he would be down and out for good. He would not be able to hold another licence, and a man of fifty years had as much chance of getting a job as "the man in the moon." As regards dicing, Mr. Mowll suggested that was imagination on the part of the police.

The Bench were ten minutes considering their decision.

The Chairman: The Bench are quite unanimous in finding all defendants guilty.

Supt. Webb said that all the defendants had good characters.

The Chairman said that they had no reason to think that the police deliberately concocted the story. Ainsworth would be fined £10, or a month, for supplying, and Ford, Wilson and Locker, 40s. each, or a month. Allowed to pay a month.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 10 September,1937

The licence of the "Blue Pigeons," Worth, was granted an occasional licence from 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m., on September 18th, for the West Street Hunt Gymkhana.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 11 March, 1938. Price 1½d.


At the adjourned annual Licensing Sessions the licensee of the “Blue Pigeons,” Worth, was granted an occasional licence from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. at Knowlton Park, on March 23rd, for the West Street Harriers point-to-point races.


From the Dover Express, 16 September, 1999

Blue Pigeons pub will keep Pumpkin Day flying high

THE Blue Pigeons in Worth is holding its Pumpkin Day on Sunday, October 3.

It is a great fun day for families and is organised to raise money for the Cancer Research Campaign.

The new owners of the Blue Pigeons need help in raising funds through sponsorship.

Anyone growing a pumpkin can contact the pub for a sponsorship form on 01304613245.

Landlady Laura Heath said: "We 'ye only just moved into the area from London, but are determined to continue with this terrific local tradition and hope to raise more this year than ever before, but we do need the support of local gardeners.

There will be prizes for the biggest and the ugliest pumpkin and an under-16s category. The day starts with the weighing of the pumpkins at 10am.

A bouncy castle, circus entertainer and face painting in the garden as well as live music in the afternoon and evening will ensure all members of the family are entertained.


From the Dover Express, 7 October, 1999

Pub landlady is amazed by sight of growers' big 'uns in contest.

Matthew Williams

Above:- Matthew Williams from Deal.


SQUASHES of all shapes and sizes lined up for the great pumpkin day weigh-in at the Blue Pigeons, Worth.

Growers young and old proudly displayed their efforts, hopeful of winning not only a prize but also the admiration of the crowd.

In the all-comers section an 87.2kg monster grown by Jeff Motuel of Deal was a clear winner.

Robert Vauall

But Robert Vauall from Worth was acclaimed the luckiest contestant.

He won the pub section, for the largest pumpkin grown from a plant bought from the Blue Pigeons in April.

His pumpkin weighed a respectable 55.3kg.

His prize was the weight of the pumpkin in beer some 130 pints.

Mr Vauall refrained from claiming all of his winnings at once. Instead, he has a slate behind the bar, so he can enjoy his prize over the coming months.

Mathew Williams won the under-16s section with a 44.4kg squash.

Brothers Richard and Jack Payne won in a contest for pupils from Worth Primary School. Their entry was 40.8kg.

To prove size isn't everything there were two sections dedicated to pumpkin appearance.

John Pipe's torpedo-shaped vegetable won the dubious accolade of ugliest pumpkin.

At the other end of the scale, Ryan Beer, five, from Betteshanger was declared the grower of the prettiest pumpkin for his perfectly formed entry.

Landlady Laura Heath said judging the competition was a tough job.

She said: "I'd thought, if you've seen one pumpkin you've seen them all, but there are so many different types, it's amazing."

As well as raising a laugh, pumpkin day raised money for the Cancer Research Campaign.

Four customers volunteered for a head shave to further boost profits.

Band Gold Top provided musical entertainment and there was a bouncy castle for children.

Pumpkins at Blue Pigeons 1999


November 2009, the Dover and District CAMRA Branch meeting reported that the pub has been sold and is currently closed for refurbishment.

Open again January 2010.


From the Crackerjack Magazine. No 31 December 2009.

The UK's No 1 Online Rockabilly Magazine.


I am sure many of you must be wondering what has happened to ‘Virginia', now that her Creepers club has staged it's last event.....well, I am able to report that she has now settled into her new lifestyle as Landlady, Hotelier and barmaid, and that things are going well. Her new venture, a tradtional public house, called "Blue Pigeons" at Worth, has been refurbished in double quick time, and there's even a website as well!

The pictures below don't really do the place justice, I can assure you (because I've been there to visit) that it's much nicer than this...there are themed rooms - Johnny Cash, Betty Page...50's and of course rockin' folk on their way to the continent are more than welcome to stay in one of the well appointed rooms. There are also two chalets out the back as well and I know that there are some interesting musical events (They would be interesting with Virginia involved!) planned very soon, although details are not available just yet.

Blue Pigdeon at Worth

They have an internationally famous chef on hand to provide a fantastic menu and of course the bar is stocked with all your favourites and for those that are into real ale, they have some of them as well!

From the East Kent Mercury, 7 January  2010. ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE


THE new leaseholders of the "Blue Pigeons" want to take the Worth pub back in time.

Marilyn Coleman-Mellins, who is running the Pigeons with Ray Rough, said: “We're after the Louis XIV look, with a shabbily chic feel. We're going back to neo-Georgian, we're not in this century.”

And Ms Coleman-Mellins and Mr Rough have wasted little time in revamping the establishment, which has had a number of owners in recent years.

“We want to draw a line under whatever people thought of the "Blue Pigeons" before,” added Ms Coleman-Mellins. “It was a place that kept changing hands and that you felt hadn't been cared for as well as it should have been.”

The pub has been “gutted” according to Ms Coleman-Mellins, for whom this is a first venture into the increasingly tough world of the pub trade.

Like Mr Rough, Marilyn hails from London where she is a music promoter and producer, and quality music will therefore be high on her agenda at the Pigeons, including blues and 1940s and 50s jazz.]

So, too, will good food in the Barn Restaurant, and that department will be in the capable hands of Broadstairs chef Andrew Johnson, who has worked extensively overseas and the menus will reflect his international influences.

With the 2011 Open Golf Championship at the Royal St George's course at Sandwich now beginning to loom large on the horizon, Ms Coleman-Mellins believes that the Blue Pigeons' five guest rooms, including two chalets, will provide classy and convenient accommodation for some of the thousands of golf followers who will be descending on Sandwich and the surrounding area.

The three upstairs rooms have their own individual themes: art-deco, 1950s vintage and Johnny Cash, the latter again reflecting Marilyn's passion for music. It all bodes well for an exciting new era for the "Blue Pigeons."


From the East Kent Mercury, date 2010. By Dave Mairs


There's a sense of decadence descending on the village of Worth, in particular over one of its landmark pubs.

Marilyn Coleman-Mellings and Ray Rough

Big changes are afoot at "The Blue Pigeons" where new leaseholders Marilyn Coleman-Mellings and Ray Rough are turning things around in no uncertain fashion.

In little over a month, they have "gutted" the place, according to Ms. Coleman-Mellins.

"It needed a lot of work and tender, loving care," she said. "This was the first place we looked at and initially I said no."

"However, once we'd seen some more premises, the potential of this one became obvious. We realised it could be very nice."


Another pub, another makeover, you might think. But there's a genuine difference at "The Blue Pigeons," where the intended feel is "shabby chic."

"We're after the Louis XIV look," said Ms. Coleman-Mellins. "We're going back to neo-Georgian - we're not in this century. We want that air of decadence."

And for those who want to indulge in such moods, there are splendid sofas i which to recline while seeing all or little by the light of a chandelier. The image may be from another era, but everything about "The Blue Pigeons" is shiningly new.

"We want to draw a line under whatever people though of "The Blue Pigeons" before. It was a place that kept changing hands and that you felt hadn't been cared for as it should have been."

Food will play a big part in the new venture. Broadstairs chef Andrew Johnson has big plans for forthcoming menus, his culinary career having taken him across the world.

Blue Pigeon dining area

Brazil, Bermuda, Germany, Iran, Egypt and Oman and some of the countries to have hosted his talents, and just maybe a little but of each will eventually be finding its way to Worth.

Initially, however, the emphasis is on the traditional. Sunday lunches have just got under way, while the Christmas menu is launched tomorrow (Thursday).

The venue is already unrecognisable from how it used to be, so much so that it comes as a surprise to learn that this is the new leaseholders' first commercial venture into the pub world.

Both hail from London, where Mr. Rough has plied his trade as a hairdresser and Ms. Coleman-Mellins is (still) a music promoter and producer.

The latter will of course have  a strong influence on "The Blue Pigeons," and a range of bands will in due course make their mark.

Expect to hear the strains of rockabilly, blues and 1940s and 1950s jazz any time soon.

For those staying over, there are three rooms upstairs - themed respectively on art-deco, 1950s vintage and Johnny Cash - and two chalets looking out on the large garden.

Although the theme concept is strong, Mr. Rough and Ms. Coleman-Mellins stress that the two bars are very much open to local people "in work-clothes."

And if all the plans come to fruition, it could be soon standing room only.



Recent licensees Ray and Marylin recently appeared on Channel 4's "Three in a Bed." The program can still be viewed from this link. unfortunately you'll have to put up with the adverts as well at present.

Three in a bed

Three in a bed winners certificate, on display in the pub.


From the Dover Mercury, 4 August, 2011. 70p


Winners of photographic competition

Outside the "Blue Pigeons," with the winning pictures, are from left, Sandwich Deputy Mayor Paul Graham, Mercury editor Graham Smith, Vivienne Lavender, Mike Dallen, John Hilson, Josephine Wells, wife of runner-up Paul, and Val Mercer.


WINNERS of the Sandwich Photographic Competition have had their prizes presented at the "Blue Pigeons" pub in Worth.

The competition, aimed at promoting Sandwich and encouraging photographic talent in east Kent, was run by Mike Dallen, who runs B&T Builders in Woodnesborough Road, and the Mercury.

Judges were Mr Dallen, Mercury editor Graham Smith and Sandwich deputy mayor Paul Graeme.

Winner of the competition, which produced 150 entries, was a stunning picture of Sandwich Ropewalk by Vivienne Lavender, of Balmoral Road, Kingsdown.

Runner-up was a picture of the Richborough cooling towers by Paul Wells, of 51 Francis Close, Deal, in third place was a picture of Strand Street taken by John Hilson, of BIake Close, Walmer, and a photograph of a snowy St Peter's church taken by Val Mercer, of Dover Road, Walmer, was highly commended.

Mrs Lavender receives £100, Mr Wells £60, Mr Hilson £40 and Mrs Mercer £20. The prizes were presented at a lunch, hosted by Mr Dallen, at the "Blue Pigeons."

Congratulating the winners, Cllr Graeme said: "Some of the entries were absolutely stunning, and it was so hard for the judges to pick the winners.

"This was the third year of the competition, which is going from strength to strength."

It is now hoped to put all the photographs entered on display.

Full details will appear in the Mercury.


From the Dover Mercury, 1 November, 2012. 80p ADVERTISING FEATURE


Rob and Emma Hutson

Rob and Emma Hutson Picture: Tony Flashman FM2306485

AS SOON as you pull up outside the "Blue Pigeons" in Worth until the moment you leave, you can not fail to be impressed.

Recently transformed and decorated with love and finesse, a truly warm welcome is extended to locals and tourists by new managers Emma and Rob Hutson and their staff.

The couple took over the pub/boutique hotel in July and with experience that includes running The "Telegraph" in Deal and The "Bricklayers" in Shepherdswell, they know what a village pub should be.

With a great range of wines, beers and real ales, well kept by brilliant bar manager Mel Austin, alongside a mouth-watering food menu, the free house is a must for celebrating special occasions, overnight stays or just a pint or two in a country pub.

Monday nights are curry night and sizzling steaks, cooked to your taste, are served on Thursdays.

Weekend specials are a reason to sit back and enjoy a relaxed Saturday or Sunday at the "Blue Pigeons," and scrumptious Sunday lunches start from £8.95 or £11.95 for two courses and £14.95 for three courses.

“We want it to be a really nice family friendly venue,” said Emma.


And with a varied two-course children's menu that does not all come from the deep fat fryer, little ones will leave empty plates before playing on the climbing frame and slide in the long, well kept garden. One course is £4.95 and two courses are £6.95.

If you are looking for somewhere to lay your head, or a base for out of town guests to stay, the "Blue Pigeons" has two garden rooms next to the terrace and four well kept bedrooms inside the house, including one luxury suite. And with weddings in the pipeline for next year, the suite, with its deep tub and airy feel, is perfect for a romantic honeymoon night.

Emma added: “We are doing over night stay specials on Sunday nights for couples consisting of a Sunday lunch each, a bottle of house wine, a room and breakfast in the morning for £99.95.

“We are also running a promotion through Facebook. Once we receive 1,000 likes, we will run a 10% unlimited discount for a month on drinks, food and rooms for everyone who has liked us.”

To book a table, or your pre-Christmas party, call in at the "Blue Pigeons," The Street, Worth.

Reservations can be made over the phone by calling 01304 613233 or email: For more information, visit:


From the Dover Mercury, 15 November, 2012. 80p. ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE


New managers offer a warm welcome

Emma and Rob Hutson

Emma and Rob Hutson at the Blue Pigeons

Picture: Tony Flashman FM2306484

FROM when you pull up outside the "Blue Pigeons" in Worth until the moment you leave, you cannot fail to be impressed. Recently transformed and decorated with love and finesse, a truly warm welcome is extended to locals and tourists by new managers Emma and Rob Hutson and their staff.

The couple took over the pub/boutique hotel in July, and with experience that includes running The "Telegraph" in Deal and The "Bricklayers" in Shepherdswell, they know what a village pub should be. With a great range of wines, beers and real ales, well kept by brilliant bar manager Mel Austin, alongside a mouth-watering food menu, the free house is a must for celebrating special occasions, overnight stays or just a pint or two in a country pub. Monday nights are curry night, and sizzling steaks, cooked to your taste, are served on Thursdays. Weekend specials are a reason to sit back and enjoy a relaxed Saturday or Sunday, and Sunday lunches start from £8.95 or £11.95 for two courses and £14.95 for three courses.

To book a table, or your pre-Christmas party, call in at the Blue Pigeons, The Street, Worth. Reservations can be made by calling 01304 613233 or emailing



Was owned by Punch Taverns, but now (2012) a Freehold.



FARRIER Edward sen to Apr/1844

WANSTALL Stephen 1858-61+ (age 83 in 1861Census) (Beer retailer)

FARRIER Thomas 1869-91 (age 70 in 1891Census) Deal Mercury

FARRIER Mrs Emily 1901-Apr/1917 (widow age 73 in 1901Census) Dover Express

FARRIER Mr George Apr/1917+ Dover Express

BULL William to Apr/1932 Dover Express

BURNS Maurice James Apr/1932-July/33 Dover Express

AINSWORTH George July/1933-Feb/35 Dover Express

WALTER Mr R G Feb/1935-Nov/35 Dover Express

RISK/RICK Mr A W E Nov/1935+ Dover Express

MAY Mr A J to Feb/1937 Dover Express

RICKWOOD Mr Frank L Feb/1937-Aug/1938 Dover Express

SEAGRAM SPENCER Mr H J Aug/1938-39 Dover Express

BLAKE T H Mr 1940+

EASSALL Dennis W 1974+ Library archives 1974 Fremlins

HEATH Laura 1999

COLEMAN Paul sen. & Paul jun. 1999+

???? Mark & Tracey 2005-07

SPARKS Russell (holding manager of Punch) 2007-08

???? Mark & Joanne (tenant of Punch) 2008-Dec/2009

ROUGH Ray & COLEMAN-MELLINS Marilyn Dec/2009-8/Feb/12

HATZIPOLAKIS Minos 8/Feb/2012+

Last pub licensee had HUTSON Robert & Emma June/2012+


In 1938 the Magistrates said that the public house was changing hands pretty often.


Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-