17 High Street
Above photo, 2017, showing "The Works" building which was the former
"Lion Hotel." The building shown on the left is the Beaney
Institute. |
Kentish Chronicle, 9 June, 1829.
A sad accident happened on Friday last, to Mr. J. Gibbs of
Littlebourne. He had been looking over the
"Lion Hotel," in this city, and was about descending the ladder which
leads to the roof of the building
when the bottom of it slipped, and he was precipitated to the floor
below, breaking his leg just above
the ankle in a shocking manner. Professional aid being immediately in
attendance, we are happy to
say, Mr. Gibbs, considering the serious nature of the injury, is
doing well.
From the Kentish Gazette, 7 February 1837.
WITH Immediate Possession, in Full Trade, situated in the High Street of
the above populous City,
An elegant, modern, and highly convenient erection,
built at an immense expense, with every regard to the comfort of its
These extensive premises comprise six sitting-rooms, two coffee rooms,
sleeping accommodation to the number of 26 beds, a very superior kitchen
(fitted up on the most approved principles), excellent cellarage, bar,
detached tap, stabling for 54 horses, and dry lock-up coach houses.
There is a good supply of water, and a back entrance to the yard for the
purpose of cleaning out the same and taking in fodder.
A large local and coast connexion has been hitherto enjoyed by this
Hotel, as also a long-established line of misting, and a full share of
the immense coach traffic which the Kent road (being the great
thoroughfare to the continent) so peculiarly commands.
The Furniture, which is all modern and in good condition, as also the
Stock-in-Trade, the Post and Express Hones and Carriages, may be taken
by valuation.
For particulars, apply to Mr. Joseph Wright, 93, Hatton Garden; Mr. John
Smith, Sittingbourn; Mr. Delasaux, Solicitor; or Mr. J. M. Davey,
Surveyor, Canterbury.
From the Kentish Gazette, 29 May 1838.
THE Report having been widely circulated, that JAMES N. WEEKES intended
leaving the "LION HOTEL," and such report tending greatly to his
prejudice, they having caused many of his friends to withdraw their
interest from him, he takes an early opportunity of gratefully returning
his thanks for past favors, and respectfully solicits a further share of
their patronage, assuring them he will, with unremitting attention,
endeavour to study and promote the comfort of those who may honour him
with their support. The extensive alterations the the house has recently
undergone, by enlarging several bed-rooms, newly papering, carpeting
them, &c. cannot fail of giving complete satisfaction.
P.S.— Excellent Flys, Gigs, and Saddle Horses, by the day or longer
From the Kentish Gazette, 17 November 1840.
C. TREVOR respectfully informs the Inhabitants of CANTERBURY, and the
Public in general, that he has taken and entered upon the above very
commodious Establishment, and begs to assure those who favour him with
their patronage, that they may at all times depend upon finding good
accommodation, the utmost attention paid to their comforts, and articles
of the best description at moderate charges.
C. T. also begs to acquaint his friends, that his GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT,
at No. 21, HIGH-STREET, CANTERBURY, will continue to be conducted under
his immediate superintendence as heretofore, and avails himself of this
opportunity to solicit a continuance of that encouragement and support
he has received during the six years he has been in business, and for
which he respectfully tenders his best thanks.
From the Kentish Gazette, 19 April 1842.
C. TREVOR respectfully recommends to his friends, and the public
generally, his very superior XX DUBLIN STOUT, sold either bottled or
draught; the increased demand for which is the best proof of its
excellent quality, and has induced C. T. to give the article more
general publicity.
COBB’S celebrated MARGATE ALE, so much recommended for invalids, by the
Finest SCOTCH, BURTON, and PALE INDIA ALES will also be ready for Sale
in a short time. Prices moderate. The trade supplied; and orders
received at C. Trevor’s Grocery Establishment, No. 21, High-street, as
well as at the "Lion Hotel."
N.B.— An Apprentice wanted to the Grocery business.
Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette.
Saturday 29 April 1843.
C. Trevor, in announcing to his friends and public that he has left
the "Lion Hotel," begs to return his thanks for the support he received
whilst there, and to recommend to their friendly notice his successor,
Mr. R. G. Fox.
The bottled ale and Porter trade will be carried on, as usual, by C.
T., at his grocery establishment, 21, High Street.
Robert. G. Fox, having removed from the "Falstaff
Inn," St Dunstan, in succeeding Mr. C. Trevor, at the "Lion Hotel,"
High Street, Canterbury, earnestly solicits the support of the Gentry,
his friends, and the public generally, to the above spacious and
excellently fitted establishment, which has lately undergone, at a great
expense, all repairs necessary to render it's convenient and
comfortable, and trusts, by moderate charges, strict attention to the
business, and superior articles, to merit a liberal share of their
The stables and yard, which are also well arranged, have undergone
thorough repair, offering good accommodation to livery or bait horses.
R. G. F. at the same time begs to call the attention of his friends
to his superior stock of wines and spirits, which he will continue to
serve in any quantity, and on the same level terms as heretofore for
N. B. A good ordinary every Saturday at 1:30 o'clock.
From the Kentish Gazette, 30 May 1843.
ROBERT G. FOX begs to acquaint his friends and the public generally, the
OPENING DINNER will take place at the above House,
on WEDNESDAY, the 7th June, when their Company will be particularly
Tickets 7s. 6d., including Dessert and Waiters.
Dinner on Table at Five o’clock.
Kentish Gazette, 30 April 1844.
ROBERT G. FOX returns his sincere thanks to his Friends and the Public
for the favours conferred on him since his occupation of the
above House, and begs at the same time to inform them he will continue
to conduct the Establishment on the most moderate terms,
trusting thereby to secure to himself a continuance of their favours.
R. G. F. begs also to inform the Gentry, his Friends, and the Public
generally, be has taken the YARD and POST WORK of the above
House, and that he will always have in readiness at the shortest notice
Carriages of all descriptions for double or single harness, with
excellent Horses and quiet, to which he most respectfully invites their
N.B. Livery and Bait Horses taken at the most moderate prices, and every
necessary attention paid them.
30th April, 1844.
From the Kentish Gazette, 25 February 1845.
J. B. RUTLEY begs to acquaint his Friends and the Public he has removed
his Railway Carrying Business from the "White Lion," Saint George’s
Street, to the "LION HOTEL" COACH OFFICE, HIGH-STREET, which, from its
much more central situation, he trusts will be a source of convenience
to his customers, assuring them every possible care shall be paid to the
safe and early delivery of their parcels, ad trusts to ensure a liberal
share of their patronage.
Delivered, free of Porterage, at the following Prices, in Canterbury:—
Parcels not exceeding 14 lbs ..........................8d
Parcels 15 lbs not exceeding
Parcels 29 lbs not exceeding
56lbs.............1s 2d
All Parcels above that weight at the rate of 2s. per cwt.
"Lion Hotel," Canterbury.
From the Kentish Gazette, 3 March 1846.
With Immediate Possession.
TOPLIS and SON have been favoured with instructions TO SELL BY AUCTION,
at the MART, near the Bank, LONDON, on TUESDAY, MARCH 10th, at One
The FREEHOLD FAMILY and COMMERCIAL HOTEL, situate in High Street, in the
preferable part of CANTERBURY, erected about fifteen years since in the
most substantial manner. The front presents an architectural elevation;
the interior is most judiciously arranged, and affords every
accommodation for carrying on a most extensive and profitable business.
The Stabling and Coach houses are in character with the Hotel. It is
anticipated that the opening of the Railway will produce a great
increase of business to this ancient City.
The Furniture and Effects, which are modern and suitable, may be taken
at a valuation by the Purchaser of the Freehold.
May be viewed till the Sale; and Particulars had on the Premises; at the
principal Inns at Dover; of W. Murray, esq., London-street,
Fenchurch-street; of Messrs. Taylor and Collisson, 28, Great
James-street, Redford-row; at the Mart; and of Toplis and Son, 16, St.
Paul’s Church Yard.
From the Kentish Gazette, 10 March 1846.
Comprising FURNITURE, 100 doz. choice WINES, 150 oz. PLATE, four
Carriages, Harness, &c.
TOPLIS AND SON HAVE been favoured with instructions from the Assignees of
Mr. R. G. Fox, a bankrupt, TO SELL BY AUCTION, on the Premises, on
MONDAY, MARCH 16, and TWO FOLLOWING DAYS, commencing at Eleven o'clock
each day,—
ALL THE EXCELLENT MODERN FURNITURE, comprising bedsteads, furniture's,
clean bedding, drawers, washstands, dressing tables, glasses, and other
effects, of fifteen bed chambers; Spanish mahogany dining and other
tables, sideboards, chairs, couches, a large Turkey carpet, Brussels and
Kidderminster carpets, curtains, and chimney glasses.
150 OUNCES PLATE in spoons, forks, soup and sauce ladles, &c.; plated
cruet frames, forks, and spoons.
BED AND TABLE LINEN, composed of every requisite for the Establishment.
100 DOZEN CHOICE OLD WINE, comprising 70 dozen Thompson and Croft’s
Port, seven years in bottle; 4 dozen very choice Port, bottled in
Oporto; 12 dozen Sherry, and about 15 dozen Champagne, Hock, Moselle,
and Claret; a quarter cask of Port: about 18 gallons Spirits; Beer,
bottled and in cask.
The usual Assortment of CHINA and GLASS. A CAB PHAETON, built by Ivail,
London, with enamelled leather head and aprons, patent axles, pole and
shafts. A CHARIOT, FLY, and a double-seated FLY; a modern DENNET;
several Sets of Single and Pair Horse HARNESS, and Effects.
May be viewed on Saturday and Mornings of Sale; and Catalogues, 6d each,
to be had on the Premises; of Mr. Bird, Auctioneer, Canterbury; of Wm.
Murray, Esq., London Street, Fenchurch Street; E. Edwards, Esq.,
Official Assignee, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry; and of the Auctioneers,
16, St. Paul's Church Yard. |
MINTER John 1832+

FIELD John 1838+ (Lion Tap)

WEEKS James Norton 1838+

TREVOR Charles Nov/1840-Apr/43
(age 45 in 1841 )
FOX Robert G Mr Apr/1843-44+
the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
Guide 1838