Sandy Lane / Main Road
Birchwood Corner
St Paul's Cray
01689 821642
Above postcard, date unknown. |
Above photo circa 1890, showing a Russian Orthodox priest outside the
pub. |
Above photo, date unknown. "Bull" is building on left of photo. |
Above Google image showing a similar shot circa 2016. |
 Above photo, date unknown, kindly supplied by Matt Minch. |
Above photo, date unknown, kindly supplied by Matt Minch. |
Above photo, circa late 1970s, kindly supplied by Matt Minch. |
Above Google image 2016. |
Above photo, 2016, kindly taken and sent by Eric Rush. |

Above sign left February 1994, sign right, 2006.
With thanks from Brian Curtis and Roger Pester |
Above map 1840.
Above map, date unknown. |
The actual address of the "Bull Inn" is Main Road St Pauls Cray, however,
just to confuse matters everyone round here calls it ‘The Bull at Sandy
Lane’ as it is on the junction of Sandy Lane and Main Road, probably as
there are several roads called ‘main road’ round here. This used to be the
main route to Sidcup / Foots Cray before they built the Orpington bypass, it
is thought that this pub is two older 1700’s cottages joined together,
It was on the same road as a massive paper mill called Nashes.
I also have reference to a "Bull
Inn" that is addressed at Birchwood Corner, St. Mary's Cray.
Kent Times, 15 March 1862.
SIDCUP. Petty Sessions, March 10.
Present: James Chapman, Esq. (chairman), F. M. Lewin, Esq., R. B.
Berens, Esq.
Transfer of Licenses.
At these special sessions the license of the "Bull Inn," Birchwood
corner, St. Mary Cray, was transferred from Mrs. Isabella Jewel to
Miss Sarah Honess.
Kent Times, 10 May 1862.
Petty Sessions, Monday, May 5. Present: C. L. Wilson, Esq.
(chairman), Col. Lennard, R. Boyd, P. Cator, Coles Child, and R. B.
Berens, Esqrs.
Transfer of Licenses.
This being a Special Sessions for the transfer of ale-house licences
the following transfers were made:
"Bull," St. Mary Cray, from Sarah Honess to William Henry Ford.
Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser, Wednesday 24 May 1871.
The Eltham Murder.
The following extraordinary statement in reference to this
mysterious case has been made to the police. The author of it called
upon Mr. Pook, the accused's solicitor, on Monday evening, and was
immediately taken by that gentleman before the police inspector, at
the Blackheath Road station, who took the statement down. It has
been sent to the Treasury.
The statement is as follows:- "I, John Hutton, of the "Clarence
Hotel," Jeffreys Road, Clapham, and of the "Bull Inn," Birchwood
corner, St. Mary Cray, Kent, say:- On Thursday afternoon last I was
at my house, the "Bull Inn," Birchwood corner, when Mr. Bridge,
the "Running Horses," Erith, called upon me with reference to the
purchase of a tent which I have the sale. In the course of
conversation the subject of the Eltham murder was mentioned, and Mr.
Bridge turned around, and in the most energetic manner said, "So
help me God, they have not got the right man. Pook is not the man',
nor "the murderer," I cannot say which. I said, "What are you
saying? Be careful; and he replied, "So help me, God, I know the
murderer." I said, "Bridge, you are not doing your duty to the
public;" adding, "Are you waiting till Pook is discharged and the
reward is offered by the government?" Bridge then said, "I have told
the police, but they did not take much notice of it." I then asked
him who he believed was the murderer, and he said, "I know him, and
I could pick him out of a thousand. He is a soldier," and with great
force repeated the words "I can pick him out of a thousand." Some
other conversation then followed, but I do not remember the words,
after which Mr. Bridge said, "The soldier came to my house on the
night of the murder, between 11.30 and 12 o'clock, without hat or
cap. Blood was on his hands and clothes, and I took him into the
kitchen and assisted to wash him. I do not recollect Mr. Bridge
saying anything more."
Kentish Mercury, Saturday 14 October 1871.
A smoke nuisance.
William Nash, paper manufacturer, St Pauls Cray
Mills, was summoned for allowing his factory chimney to send forth
black smoke, whereby a nuisance was caused. Mr. Hickson, district
inspector of nuisances, said that, in consequence of repeated
complaints, he served a notice, per registered letter, on the
defendant to abate the nuisance within 14 days from July 24th; but
the defendant not doing this, he summoned on October 5th. The Rev.
George Langton, incumbent of St. Paul's Cray, liveing about 600
yards from the mill, said he attended the court that day on public
grounds rather than the smoke being a private nuisance. For the last
2 months dense volumes of smoke could be seen rising from the shafts
of defendants mill 10 or 15 times a day. When the wind blew in his
direction the blacks settled on the house and entered his rooms. Richard George
Boynton, cab proprietor and landlord of the "Bull," St Paul's Cray, living within 100 yards of the
mills, said he had seen
black smoke issuing from the defendant's chimney day and night for 3
or 4 months past. The smuts fell upon the clothes hanging out in the
garden. Defendant said his chimney was allowed to smoke 3 minutes
while the fire was being made up. Mr. Litter referred to the sanitary
act and found that there was no time whatever allowed for the
nuisance to continue. Defendant said the chimney shaft was 115 feet
high, the internal diameter at the base 12 ft, and the top 6 ft.
He had not put in a smoke consuming apparatus, as it would have a
tendency to spoil the draught. He had never seen any smuts fall
though he lived close to the mills, and his neighbour Vincent had
never complained of it. He tacitly admitted there was a little
nuisance which he attributed to his inability to get Welsh
Anthracite Coals, and promised that when the strike in the Welsh
collieries was settled they should have no cause for complaint. The
Chairman said the nuisance had been before the Board of
Guardians (the local nuisance authority) and the defendant promised
to put up a smoke consuming apparatus to abate it. The Bench now
ordered that it should be done within 2 months, and told the
defendant to pay the costs of the summons and hearing amounting to
10s. 6d. |
Bromley & District Times - Friday 07 December 1894.
Over Watered Gin.
William Laslett of the "Bull Inn," St. Pauls Cray, had been summoned
by Mr. George Tucker, inspector of Foods and Drugs, for selling gin
adulterated, with 37.51% of water being 2.51 above the legal limit.
Mr. Gregory appeared for the defendant, who pleaded guilty.
Mr. Tucker said that the gin was served by the defendant's daughter.
When he was taking a sample she said that her father was out, and
that in his absence she had had to break some of the spirits down.
She said she hoped it would turn out all right.
Mr. Gregory said that this was exactly the truth, and inasmuch as
the defendant's spirits had been tested on five different occasions
and had never been found wanting, he appealed for a very small fine
- the payment of the cost would be sufficient, he's submitted.
The Bench fined defendant 6d., 8s., costs, and 10s. 6d. the
analyst's fee.
MORGAN James 1840+
STYLES Richard 1861+ (age 53 in 1861 )
JEWEL Isabella Mrs to Mar/1862
HONESS Sarah Miss Mar-May1862
FORD William Henry May/1862+
BOYNTON Richard George 1871+ (cab proprietor age 35 in 1871 )
HULTON John 1871+ (publican age 41 in 1871 )
LASLETT William 1882-94+
SLAWSON Sara A 1901+ (widow age 59 in 1901 )
BOXALL Sarah Mrs 1903+

HOBBY Thomas 1913-18+
LEANEY John J 1922+
BURN George Frank & SMITH Albert M 1930+
EDWARDS William 1938+
From the Kelly's Directory 1903 Census