Sort file:- Catford, February, 2025.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 01 February, 2025.


Earliest 1803-

(Name from)

Green Man

Closed 2003

335-337 Bromley Road

Southend Village


Green Man

Above postcard, date unknown.

Green Man

Above postcard, date unknown.

Green Man

Above postcard, date unknown.

Green Man

Above photo, date unknown.

Green Man

Above photo, date unknown.

Green Man

Above photo, showing the original pub, just before being demolished, date unknown.

Green Man

Above photo, date unknown.

Green Man

Above photo, date unknown.

Green Man postcard

Above postcard, date unknown.

Green Man 1950

Above photo, circa 1950.

Green Man

Above photo, date unknown.

Green Man 2007

Above photo circa 2007. Taken by Matt Martin.

Green Man 2007

Above photo, 2007.

Green Man 2009

Above photo 2009 by Mike Quinn Creative Commons Licence.

Green Man demolition 2005

Demolition of the pub circa 2011.

Green Man sign 2013

Above sign now houses in Community Centre 2013.

Green Man Community Centre 2013

Above photo showing the Community Centre 2013.

Green Man glass 1919

Above glass, purchased at the Alton bottle fair 2024 by owner Sophie. Says "Property of W. L. Snook, Southend, Catford" which dates it circa 1919.


I have also seen this addressed as in Lewisham.

The original pub I am told was demolished around 1935 and a new one built.

The pub was closed in 2003 and has since been demolished but rebuilt just after 2009 as the "Green Man Community Centre" and opened in 2013.


Bromley & District Times, Friday 8 April 1898.

Green Man, Southend, Catford.

Three minutes from Beckenham Hill Railway Station.

Noted house of call for cyclists, luncheons provided, good stabling.

Proprietors George Hollingbery late of "Railway Hotel," Penders End.


From the Essex Chronicle, Friday, 23 September, 1938.



Bearman wedding 1938

Several officers from Essex Police Headquarters were present at Algernon Road Congregational Church, Lewisham, on Saturday, when Miss Kay Mary Elizabeth Beckwith, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Beckwith, of “Fernleigh,” Algernon Road, Lewisham, was married to Mr. Ronald H. Bearman, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bearman, of “Maybe,” Moulsham Drive, Chelmsford.

The fathers of both the bride and bridegroom are ex-police officers, Mr. Bearman being for many years a police-sergeant at Danbury, and the bride's father being a former member of the Metropolitan Police. The bridegroom is a mobile officer at the Headquarters of the Essex Constabulary, Chelmsford. The Rev. C. L. Storer conducted the ceremony. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a charming dress of ivory satin broché, cut on simple classical lines, with a medium length train. Her headdress was of orange blossom, and she wore a four-yards veil of tulle, and carried a two-way sheaf of Madonna lilies. She was attended by three bridesmaids - Miss Felicia Blasek (chief), Miss Queeni Beckwith (cousin of the bride), and Miss Diana Bramble (Hatfield Peverel), in sapphire blue velvet dresses, with long-sleeved boleros to match. The headdresses were rucked clusters of velvet, surrounded by blue tulle set on a swathing of velvet, and gold shoes were worn. Their wide gilt bracelets were presents from the bridegroom. They carried sheafs of white, pink-spotted tiger lilies. Master Peter James Beckwith, cousin of the bride, was page, wearing a long-trousered suit of same coloured velvet as the bridesmaids, trimmed with white satin. Mr. Cecil E. Bearman, brother of the bridegroom, also an officer at Police Headquarters, was best man. The organist was Mr. Knoweldon, of London.

A reception followed at the “Green Man Hotel,” Catford, some seventy-five being present. The honeymoon is being spent in Devon. The bride left in a black silk dress, with pink beaded yolk and short black silk jacket to match, black hat, and black suede accessories. Among the presents the parents of both bride and bridegroom gave cheques. The employers and office colleagues of the bride gave a canteen of cutlery and a wireless set.



CHALLIS Thomas 1803-09

MELLER J 1809+

FROST Shadrack 1826+

FROST John 1851+ Census

JONES James 1852-58+

FROST Lydia 1858+

WOODCOCK William May/1961+

HILLSON Thomas 1862+

COLE Robert 1862+

MOORE Thomas 1866+

JERRARD Samuel John to Sept/1870

PETTITT Henry James Sept/1870+

YATES Thomas 1871+ (age 55 in 1871Census)

BATH Caleb 1874-81+ (age 47 in 1881Census)

MARCHANT James 1891-97+ (age 38 in 1891Census)

HOLLINGBURY George 1898-May/1901 (age 51 in 1891Census)

STAGG Elisha May/1901+

WOOD Benjamin 1907-08+

HOLLINSBURY Susan Mrs 1911+

SNOOK Walter John 1919+

EATON Arthur Albert & BROADWAY Cecil Hugh 1944+



Woolwich GazetteWoolwich Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-