Sort file:- Catford, February, 2025.

Page Updated:- Monday, 03 February, 2025.


Earliest 1838-


Closed 1999-

79 Laleham Road


020 8488 3117


Above photo, date unknown.


Above photo, circa 2015.

Dartmouth dinner party 1950s

Above dinner party, 1950s, people unknown.

Dartmouth regulars 1950s

Above photo 1950s, people unknown.


New addition to this web site and research is ongoing. Local knowledge appreciated.

Further information to be added as found.

I have also seen this pub addressed as Lewisham. Woolwich Gazette

I believe this pub also listed in 1844 as being in Lewisham in the same as this, Catford being in the Borough of Lewisham.

The 1901 census didn't give this to be a pub at all, the occupier was a James Franc May age 49 who was a Horse Dealer.

Further research informs me that the pub is adjacent to the Charlton Athletic, Mount (Mountsfield Park) in Catford and a former owner of the pub financed the stadium.


From the Kentish Gazette, 6 November 1838.

On Saturday se’nnight a coroner’s inquest was held before Mr. Cartter, at the "Angel Inn," Loampit-hill, Lewisham, on view of the body of Henry Beasely, aged 18, a train carter employed on the Croydon Railway, about the line of excavation carrying on near the "Dartmouth Arms." It appeared that on Thursday week, between three and four o’clock, he was returning towards the works, driving some empty carts, and when he had arrived within a few yards of a loaded train going in the opposite direction his train by some means unfortunately ran off the tram rod. In his anxious endeavour to prevent his master's horses receiving injury from that occurrence, he became jammed between the opposing trains in so shocking a manner that he was taken up insensible, and conveyed to a neighbouring house. Mr. Steel, the surgeon of Lewisham, was shortly in attendance, and rendered every assistance medical aid could suggest, but without avail. The young man survived the occurrence about twenty-four hours.

Verdict:— Accidental death.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 9 November 1844.


Richard Wright, a master builder, was summoned before Mr. Jeremy, to show cause against a claim made by two sawyers, named Evans and Lake, amounting to £1 2s. 8d., alleged to be due for work performed under the following circumstances:—

The complainants deposed that, the work charged for by them had been performed jointly. Mr. Wright stated that an overcharge of 8s. and 2s. 2d. had been made in their bill. The works of charged or had not been done by his order.

Mr. Jeremy inspected the plaintiff's bills, and considered the disputed items were overcharges, and adjudged that the defendant do pay the amount, deducting these sums.

Mr. Wright immediately paid 12s. 6d.

Mr. Chapman, landlord of the "Dartmouth Arms Inn," Lewisham, said that he trusted the men, on their undertaking to allow his bill to be stopped by Mr. Wright, on taking their wages. Mr. Wright said he would be responsible under such circumstances to applicant, and he hoped the worth magistrate would order the payment into Court.

Mr. Jeremy said he could do no such thing — he had no power. If a voluntary undertaking had been made on both sides, and executed in writing, the case would be different.

Mr. Chapman said it was a verbal arrangement that had been entered into.

The sawyers on hearing the magistrate’s remarks refused to allow the bill to be deducted by Mr. Wright, and refused also to pay Mr. Chapman.

Mr. Jeremy said that all parties must enter into a written agreement voluntarily, the master was not bound to pay, although he had made himself verbally responsible.



The Dartmouth Arms (Dartmouth Road, SE23) was the focus of protests in 1964/65 as a result of its policy of banning black people from its saloon bar. Matters came to a head in December 1964 when anti-racists staged a sit-in at the pub and in January 1965 when the Brockley International Friendship Association organised a picket of 50 people outside the pub. The demonstrators included the curate of St Hildas Church in Crofton Park and eight members of the Church's youth club.

Coloured bar Dartmouth

A few days later the Mayor of Lewisham, Tom Bradley, was refused service in the pub when he tried to buy a drink for Melbourne Goode of the the Brockley International Friendship Association: 'He had ordered a drink for himself and a friend but had never received them. The reason: his friend was coloured. And the publican, Mr Harold Hawes, refuses to service coloured people in the saloon bar.'

Later in 1965 The British government made it illegal to refuse to serve black people in pubs and other ‘places of public resort’ when it passed Britain’s first Race Relations Act (a year after the similar US Civil Rights Act). The pub is still there of course, and all are welcome. However, a tale told to me recently of the experience of the only non-white member of a group entering a local club suggests that this kind of racism has not been entirely banished.


From the Mercury, 29 January 1965.


THE Major of Lewisham, Cllr. Tom Bradley, walked out of the saloon bar of the "Dartmouth Arms," Forest Hill, on Wednesday night after the licensee had refused to serve him.

He had ordered a drink for himself and a friend but had never received them.

The reason: His friend was coloured. And the publican. Mr. Harold Hawes, refuses to serve coloured people in the saloon bar.

Mr. Melbourne Goode, vice chairman of Brockley International Friendship Association, arrived with the Mayor shortly before 7 p.m. Cllr. Bradley walked to the bar and ordered a drink for Mr. Goode and himself.

When refused by Mr. Hawes, Cllr. Bradley asked if he would be prepared to discuss his recent actions. Mr. Hawes replied, “This matter is entirely in the hands of my solicitors. See them.”

Two minutes after I arriving they left. “It wasn’t a complete waste of time,” Cllr. Bradley told a Mercury reporter afterwards, “I had read a lot of reports of incidents in the pub and I wanted to see what the situation was at first hand.

Mayor Cllr Tom BradleyMr Melbourne Goode

Above photo left showing Mayor, Cllr. Tom Bradley, photo right, Mr. Melbourne Goode.

Keep trying.

“What I wanted to do was to bring both sides together on this matter but that seems nearly impossible. I am going to see Mr. Hawes’ solicitor."

Mr. Goode who helped run the demonstration outside the pub on Saturday, said it was sad that there appeared to be no solution to the problem. “But we have to keep trying. We don’t even know what his reason is for holding this colour bar. If we knew that perhaps we could do something about it" he said.

A motion, was placed before Lewisham Council last night (Thursday) by Cllr, William Brett, attacking Mr. Hawes’ segregation policy.

The motion said: "This Council wishes to place on record its abhorrence of racialisms of any form within this borough, and strongly deplores the action of the landlord of the Dartmouth Arms, Forest Hill, in operating a form of segregation on his licensed premises.”


The "silent" publican of the Forest Hill "colour bar" pub spoke out this week and claimed that his segregation saloon bar was the customer's wish and not his own.

Mr. Harold Hawes told a Mercury reporter: "The funny thing is that I am not against coloured people. I have taken a conscience of opinion of the people that use the saloon and they don't want to have coloureds using it.


I feel that my trade has increased because people know that they won't find coloured people in my saloon bar."

Asked whether his trade had suffered because of the demonstrations he said: "Whenever these pickets take place I always do a roaring trade. It doesn't matter how long they keep up the demonstration I am never going to change my mind."

The "Dartmouth Arms" was once again the centre of controversy when fifty people marched outside the pub on Saturday. Among the demonstrators was Joan Lestor, West Lewisham's Labour candidate at the last general election. She told the Mercury: "There is not one part of South East London where there are not coloured people. People must be tolerant and we must integrate."

Another demonstrator was the curate of St. Hilda's Crofton Park, who arrived with eight members of the Church youth club.

He said that Mr. Hawes' license to sell drinks was to be objected at the next meeting of the Blackheath licensing Sessions on February 9, by members of the Blackheath Friendship Association, who arranged the picket outside the public house.




WILKINS Henry to Nov/a897 Woolwich Gazette

HART Morris Nov/1897+ Woolwich Gazette

TURPIN William W H 1901+ (age 41 in 1901Census)

TURPIN Walter 1904-11+

ISAACS Harry 1921+

LOVETT Percy Horace 1944+

HAWES Harold 1964+



Woolwich GazetteWoolwich Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-