Calais Hill
Tyler Hill
Above photo after 1914, kindly sent by Dave Jordan. |
Above photo after 1914, kindly sent by Dave Jordan. |
Above 1874 map identification by Rory Kehoe. |
Only found one instant of this pub at present and unfortunately no
definite address other than Tyler Hill.
Further information found by Rory Kehoe says it may have been called the
"Bridge House."
In 1869-70 the pub was part of a consortium who were advertising their
goods of selling tea in response to grocers' selling beer and wine. (Click
for further details.) In this advert it was called the "Bridge House
By 1914 it appears to have closed as a pub but in 1925 it was being run
as a grocery shop by William Yeatman.
Above photo, showing Alice and her husband William James Yeatman,
kindly sent by their grand son, Dave Jordan. |
Kentish Gazette, 25 January 1853.
Death from Riding on a Waggon.
On Thursday last, an inquest was held at the "Bridge" public-house,
Tyler Hill, St. Stephen's, before T. T. Delasaux, Esq., coroner, on
the body of John Mutton, employed at Rayham Farm, in the parish of
Whitstable, who came by his death under the following
The deceased had left the farm for Canterbury on the Wednesday
previous with a load of wheat, and on his return incautiously rode
in front of the waggon, when the horses started. Mutton, in his
endeavour to check their speed, attempted to walk on the off side
rod to secure the horse's bit, when he missed his footing and
falling with his head under the wheel caused instant death.
Verdict, "Accidentally killed." The deceased, when taken up, was
discovered to have broken one of his legs in falling.
From the Whitstable Times, 3 December, 1870.
At St. Augustine's Petty Sessions on Saturday, before George Neame,
Esq., chairman, T. G. Peckham, Esq., P. Marten, Esq.. and Major-General
McQueen, a man named Charles Curd was charged with assaulting Zachariah
Bolton, at the “Bridge” public-house. Tyler-hill, on Wednesday last.
Complainant stated that he went in the “Bridge” at about five o’clock on
the day in question and solicited the orders of these in the house,
amongst whom was the defendant, for some herrings which he had with him
in a basket. As he could not sell any he indulged in a halfpenny
biscuit, while he was eating which, his basket being between his legs,
he saw defendant take some herrings out of the basket, and on going
outside he saw defendant’s father with his coat pocket open receiving
therein the herrings which his son was giving him. Complainant demanded
that the fish should be restored to him but defendant denied taking them
and attacked him, striking him on the face, and throwing him on the
floor, without receiving any pugilistic provocation.
Henry Bolton deposed to going in the house as the men were being
searched for the herrings. Curd, sen., drew the herrings out of his
pocket and complainant accused defendant of taking them, whereupon the
latter assaulted him in the manner described.
George Cage said he saw Curd strike complainant three times and take him
by the coat and throw him to the ground.
Defendant admitted giving the complainant what he called a shaking but
denied striking him.
William Hunt, labourer, stated that this was all defendant did—he only
took hold of defendant and threw him down.
The Bench considered an assault had been proved, and inflicted a fine of
5s., costs 12s.
East Kent Gazette, Saturday 23 February 1884.
Police objection to an application for a public house licence.
At the St. Augustine's Petty Sessions, Canterbury, on Saturday, T. G.
Peckham, Esq. in the chair, Mr. H. T. Johnson renewed his application
for permission to be given to Joseph Hayes, late of the "Golden Ball,"
Kennington, Ashford, to carry on the business of the "Bridge House Inn,"
Tyler Hill until the next transfer day.
Hayes now produced a certificate of good character signed by large
number of persons.
The Chairman pointed out that there was no date from the document.
Mr. Johnson:- I did it this week.
The Chairman:- I cannot tell that it is not 10 years old.
Mr. Johnson:- Here is a hat full of other letters from the church warden
and overseers.
Superintendent Wood opposed the application on the ground that the man
had not conducted his house properly. He had given the police a great
deal of trouble, and had been cautioned as to permitting gambling and
also as to his drinking habits. He had received a letter from
Superintendent Nokes, stating that during the latter part of the three
years hayes held the house at Kennington he was frequently complained
of, and in March, 1882, cautioned as to permitting gambling.
Mr Johnson:- It will ruin this man if he does not get a licence, as he
would not be able to do so at other places.
The Bench decided to grant the application, but cautioned Hayes that the
slightest infringement of the law would result in the endorsement of his
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 18th July 1914.
East Kent Compensation authority.
Fourteen Licences Considered Two Renewed.
The principal meeting of the East Kent Compensation Authority was held
on Wednesday at the Sessions House, Longport, Canterbury. Lord Harris
presided and the following licensing justices were present:- Mr. H.
Fitzwalter Plumtre, Mr. W. A. Lochee, Mr. F. H. Willbee, Dr. S. R.
Alexander, Captain W. T. Down, Mr. R. Grant, Mr. J. H. Monins, and Mr.
F. E. Burke.
No opposition offered.
In the case of the following houses no opposition was offered to the
licences being referred to compensation.
Ashford Division:- "Sportsmans Arms," Egerton (tenants, W. Wood, jun.;
registered owners, Messrs. Shepherd, Neame and Co.)
Home division:- "Bridge House," Hackington (tenant and owner, Alice Kate
Sittingbourne division:- "Olive Branch," Bordon (tenant, Sydney G.
Holman; owners, Messrs. Shepherd, Neame and Co.);
"Edward I" (tenants,
Alfred Wyles; owners, Messrs. Style and Winch);
"Anchor and Hope,"
Upchurch (tenant, J. H. Larcombe; owners, Messrs. F. Leney and Co.)
GAMMON William 1851+ (age 65 in 1851 )
GAMMON Sarah to Nov/1863

TAYLOR John Nov/1863-71+ (age 46 in 1871 )

SUTTON James 1881-82+

HAYES Feb/1884+
MARTIN Frank 1890

Williams Thomas J 1902-03+

EVANS William 1911+ (age 35 in 1911 )
YEATMAN Alice Kate to 1914
Canterbury Directory
From the Kelly's Directory 1903