Chatham Garrison
Above photo, date unknown, showing regulars being taken on a trip by
Pilcher's Coaches. |
Only reference to this pub to date is from the Pigot's Directory of 1832,
and it gives the address of Chatham Garrison, and is listed under the towns
"Chatham, Brompton, Gillingham."
I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it,
but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the
information will come from.
All emails are answered.
Further research has found the following.
From the Kentish Gazette, 4 April 1837.
March 20, Mr. John Moss Lee, Landlord of the "Queen's Head"
public-house, near the Church, Chatham. |
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 13 June 1854.
Fatal accident to two Seaman on board H.M.S. Wellesley.
On Tuesday evening last T. Hills, Esq,. the coroner, held an inquest
at the "Queen's Head" public house, Chatham, on the bodies of James
Nugent and John Beale, two able seamen on board H.M.S. Wellesley,
the new guard-ship of ordinary at Chatham, who came by their deaths
the previous afternoon, the particulars of which melancholy
occurrence will be gathered from the evidence. The jury having
viewed the bodies of the unfortunate men, which lay at Melville
Hospital, the following evidence was adduced:-
Mr. Charles Gahan said:- I am master of H.M.S. Wellesley, on board
which the two deceased men were able seamen. On Monday afternoon,
about 5 o'clock, they were sent aloft to put a parrel on the
maintopsail yard, and, whilst doing so, although they were very good
seamen, they very incautiously unleashed the yard. The deceased men,
in pushing it forward, must have pushed the yard too far off the
cap, as it immediately canted and threw them over from the yard to
the starboard gangway, killing them on the spot. I know of nothing
giving way, though the fourth lift was gone, but I cannot say
whether that was done by the jerk or not. The yard had a lashing
round it before the deceased men went aloft, and immediately after
they cast it off, which was not necessary, said Mr. Gardener, the
boatswain, had cautioned them not to do so. Both the deceased men
were first rate seamen.
William Henry Hayman, an able seaman on board the Wellesley, deposed
that it was close to the deceased men when they fell. He had been
sent aloft with them to put the parrel on the yard, and they
immediately commenced by casting off the lashing. Witness and the
others had succeeded in taking the lashing off, when they went on to
the portmain-block, and whilst there witness saw the yard go with
Nugent and Beale on it. Nothing whatever broke, and it was solely in
consequence of the lashing being cast off which made it go. No one
has given directions for the lashing to be cast off, but as it was
it was very awkward, and witness and the others could not put the
parrel into its place without casting it off. Witness could not say
whether the lift gave way or not, as he was in the act of attending
to the lashing when the yard went, and was up on the lift block.
Buy a juror:- Witness assisted in taking the lashing off, which was
an incautious act, and nearly cost him his life. He had previously
told James Nugent, one of the deceased, not to cast the lashing off.
Edward Garman said he was an ordinary seamen on board the Wellesley.
On the previous afternoon he was ordered aloft by the boatswain to
assist in putting a parrel on. The last witness and himself tried to
put the parrel on over the lashing before Nugent and beale came up,
but they desired witness to come away, as they knew more about it
than he did. The last witness and the deceased men then began
casting off the lashing, when Mr. Gardener called out to them not to
do so, but witness did not think they heard him, as they still
continued doing it. The last witness advised them not to cast it
off, as he was afraid of it, but Nugent said there was no fear in
taking it off. Directly he had said that the yard forced itself
forward over the cap and carried Nugent and Beale with it. Witness
tried to grasp Nugent by the leg, but was too late. He could not say
whether the deceased pushed the yard off, or whether it forced
itself off. He saw nothing break.
William Hutchinson Bulkeley Jones, M.D., said he was on board H.M.S.
Poictiers, 74, on Monday afternoon, when he saw a boat row ashore,
apparently containing two wounded men. He immediately landed and
accompanied them to Melville Hospital. On examining them he found
that Nugent had received an extensive fracture of the skull with a
brain protruding; there was a fracture of both thighs and arms. The
deceased Beale had his lower extremities fractured, and had also
received several injuries to the spine. Both of them were killed
This being the whole of the evidence, the coroner said the question
the jury would have to consider was whether there had been any
negligence on the part of any one, or whether the deceased met with
their death by pure accident. He was aware that had been rumours
circulated in Chatham that there had been great negligence in some
quarters, but by means of the press the correct particulars will go
forth to the public.
The foreman said he was aware of the rumours, and had therefore put
certain questions to elucidate whether there had been any negligence
on the part of any of the officers or not, but from what the
witnesses had stated there was no blame to be attached to any of
those gentlemen. The jury immediately returned a verdict of
"Accidental death."
South Eastern Gazette, 31 January, 1860.
Enlargement of the Marine Barracks.
The demolition of the "Navy and Army Hotel," the "Queen’s Head," and
other property adjoining the Marine barracks, will be shortly
commenced, the owners and occupiers having had their respective
claims satisfied by the Board of Admiralty. The friends of Mr. Manser, landlord of the "Navy and Army Hotel," will be glad to hear
that he is about to take the "Mitre Hotel" where he will succeed Mr.
Randall, who has so satisfactorily conducted that establishment for
a great number of years. The enlargement of the Marine barracks will
be commenced as soon as the site has been cleared.
South Eastern Gazette, 21 February, 1860.
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. R. KIDWELL, On Tuesday, February 21st,
1860, and following day, at Eleven for Twelve o’clock precisely, on
the premises, "Queen’s Head Tavern," near the Royal Marine Barracks,
Chatham (by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty,
preparatory to the premises being pulled down for the Government
THE whole of the genuine and modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, fixtures,
fitments, utensils in trade, and effects; including mahogany
four-post and French cornice bedsteads, with damask furniture's, 10
goose and other feather beds, spring, hair, and wool mattresses,
Witney blankets, and bedding, two sets of mahogany dining tables,
Pembroke and drinking ditto, sideboards, chiffoniers, and chests of
drawers, mahogany dining-room, Windsor, and cane-seat chairs, two
couches in mahogany carved frames, chimney and dressing glasses,
large Brussels carpets, hearth rugs, china, glass, kitchen Utensils,
&c. &c., a superior ten-foot bagatelle table on mahogany stand, with
India rubber cushions (by Thurston), excellent four-motion beer
engine, spirit fountain and casks, pewter pots, measures, &c.,
ten-light gas meter, burners and pipes, register and other stoves,
kitchen range, partitioning, &c. &c.
May be viewed the day before and mornings of sale, and catalogues
had on the premises; of Mr. A. E. Kidwell, St. Margaret’s-bank; and
of the Auctioneer, at his offices, 31, High-street, Rochester.
ALDIS William 1832+

LEE John Moss to 20/Mar/1837 dec'd
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34