Page Updated:- Thursday, 05 September, 2024.


Earliest ????

(Name from)

Fanny on the Hill

Closed 2014.

Wickham Lane


Fanny on the Hill

Above photo, date unknown.

Fanny on the Hill

Above photo, date unknown.

Fanny on the Hill

Above photo, date unknown.

Fanny on the Hill 1994

Above photo, 1994.

Fanny on the Hill

Above photo date unknown.

Fanny on the Hill 2006

Above photo 2006, by Steve Thoroughgood.

Fanny on the Hill sign 1999

Above sign 1999.

With thanks from Roger Pester

Whit Horse matchbox

Above matchbox, date unknown.


I have also seen this address as being in East Wickham.

Known as the "Fanny on the Hill" due to the legend regarding a Fanny who used to signal to Dick Turpin when it was safe to approach when the revenue men were away.

Another legend regarding Dick Turpin is that he jumped his horse over the gates of Hall Pace, which are reputed to be 18 feet in the middle. (The Guinness book of records states that Nick Skelton holds the record gained in 1978, when he jumped his horse Everest Lastic 2.32 metres (7ft 7 5/16inch). Bit of an exaggeration I would say, you can't beat these Skelton's you know.

Was originally known as the "White Horse," and was situated in an area known as Hill Grove on a footpath between the present pub and the "Forester's Arms."

There have been two pubs called by this name. The original being demolished and rebuilt in 1957

I am informed the pub closed in 2014.


Gravesend Reporter, North Kent and South Essex Advertiser, Saturday 5 September 1908.

Drunk and disorderly.

Monday. Before Messrs. A. M. Fleet and J Lawrence Mitchell.

Harriet Horricks and John Gilgarrick was charged with being drunk and disorderly at East Wickham.

Sergeant Simpson said that on Saturday morning both prisoners were outside the "Fanny on the Hill" public house very drunk, and using bad language, and as they refused to go away, and there were a number of children around, they were taken into custody.

They were find 5s. and costs each, or 14 days'.


From the by Melissa Hills, Thursday 1 May 2014.

Fanny on the Hill pub in Welling closes after Bexley Council revokes licence.

Fanny on the Hill 2014

A well known Welling pub has closed after Bexley Council revoked its licence because alcohol was sold to 15-year-olds and the manager was seen "drunk" at the venue.

Bexley Council says it has "no confidence" in Paul Eskdale, who has run the "Fanny on the Hill" for eight years, after police were called to a fight and found him to be "drunk, incoherent and incapable of controlling the venue".

At a licensing sub-committee meeting councillors said they didn't believe Mr Eskdale could prevent crime and disorder, uphold public safety, prevent public nuisance or protect children from harm.

The pub in Wickham Street was also warned in 2011 by the council after it stayed open beyond licence hours and punters were seen causing a nuisance outside the venue.

Mr Eskdale, 49, told News Shopper: "I feel gutted.

"The punters are devastated and we have had a farewell.

"We were going to appeal but my solicitor said it would cost £8,000 if we lost and I would have to pay the council's court costs.

"This is my livelihood."

During the incident which happened on November 3 police at the scene asked Mr Eskdale why he had not called them to help and he replied that he was "handling it".

The committee also heard that on December 14 last year alcohol was sold to two 15-year-old test purchasers and meat, that was believed to have been stolen, was found in the premise.

The report said: "We consider the appearance of two under-age customers should have been obvious, and should therefore have been challenged."

It added: "In reaching its decision, the sub-committee has considered that the above track record gives the sub-committee no confidence in the ability of the company who is premise licence holder, run by Mr and Mrs Eskdale to uphold the licensing objectives of prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm."



MUIRHEAD Anne after 1847

???? Nan & Colin ????


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-