From the Maidstone Assizes.
Writ Capius. (In the common law legal
systems, capias ad respondendum (Latin: "that you may capture [him] in
order for him to reply") is or was a writ issued by a court to the
sheriff of a particular county to bring the defendant, having failed to
appear, to answer a civil action against him.)
William Baker of Herne, victualler, John Coltman of the "Half
Moon" in Chatham, victualler, Vincent Whore of Oare, victualler, .....
From the Maidstone Assizes
14 March 1676.
Before Thomas Twisden, J, and Serjeant Francis Pemberton.
Indictment of Sarah Skelton, wife of Milner Skelton, bricklayer,
Oliver Bucher, seaman, Christopher Bendey, husbandman, John Ashley,
butcher, and Richard Crippes, vintner, of Chatham, for felonious
By an inquisition held at Chatham, 16 Aug. 1675, before Robert
Heath, gent., coroner, on the body of Mary Brice, widow, a jury -
Charles Smyth, John Wood, Thomas Rogers, William Bright, Richard Henman,
Stephen Misselton, Thomas Lucas, John Jefferies, Stephen Webb, Luke
Rogers, Joseph Davis, Thomas Busfeild, Thomas Symons, John Clay, Robert
Munck, William Knight, James Bailton, Melchior Raynolds, Edward Cooke -
found that on 13 Aug. 1675 at Chatham, Sarah Skelton persuaded Brice to
board a boat on the Medway where, aided and abetted by the others, she
threw Brice into the water and drowned her. See also no. 84. [indictment
endorsed] John Modesty, Thomas Wilbey.
True bill.
Skelton found guilty; to hang; found to be pregnant; see no. 46. The
others found not guilty.
Jury of Matrons to examine Sarah Skelton, Martha Lamminge:-
Jane Mitchell, Phyllis Smith, Mary Webb, Susan Fuller, Susan Godfrey,
Anne Reade, Alice Willard, Susan Breacher, Mary Parsons, Anne Willis,
Ellen Turner, Jane Swann, who say that Skelton is pregnant, Lamminge is
Indictment of Thomas Willoby of Chatham, labourer, for murder. On 13
Aug. 1675 he assaulted Mary Brice, widow, on a boat on the Medway at
Chatham and threw her into the river, where she drowned. See also no.
[endorsed] Francis Blyfoote, John Rippon, William Harte, Mary Martin,
Anne Read. Ignoramus.
(Ignoramus:- Late 16th century (as the
endorsement made by a grand jury on an indictment considered backed by
insufficient evidence to bring before a petty jury): Latin, literally
‘we do not know’ (in legal use ‘we take no notice of it’), from ignorare
(see ignore). The modern sense may derive from the name of a character
in George Ruggle's Ignoramus (1615), a satirical comedy exposing
lawyers' ignorance.)
12 July 1791. Insured:- James, Richard and George Best, Kent Brewers.
HODGES, King Street, Victualler.
A document titled "The Universal British Directory of Trade, Commerce and
Manufacture (1793)"
gave a list of traders, and amongst that list was the following names but
unfortunately no address or name of house.

BEST George
NICHOLS John (Brandy merchant)
TWIGG Richard
TROY Cazeneuve Jacob (distiller)

PIGOT'S Directory 1828

All below advertised as in Chatham, Brompton, Gillingham.
ASHLEY Joseph, High Street, Wine Merchants.
BAXTER Henry & Co., High Street, Wine Merchants.
BEST James, High Street, Brewers.
BRITTIN Isaac, High Street, Brewers.
GEORGE Robert, High Street, Brewers.
SHREWSBURY Edward, High Street, Brewers.
TRIBE John, High Street, Wine Merchants.
WALL & GODFREY, High Street, Brewers.
PIGOT's Directory 1832

ASHLEY & TOWNSON, High Street, Wine Merchants.
BAKER James, Whittaker Street, Retailers of Beer.
BARROWS Jacob William, 278 High Street, Retailers of Beer.
BEST James, High Street, Brewers.
BRAY William, Cage Lane, Retailers of Beer.
GASKIN Harnet, Ordnance Road, Retailers of Beer.
GEORGE Robert, High Street, Brewers.
GEORGE William, 241 High Street, Retailers of Beer.
GOVER Thomas, 9 Hamond Place, Wine Merchants.
GREET William, King Street, Retailers of Beer.
LOCK John & Michael, PHOENIX BREWERY, High Street, Brewers.
LUCK James, Coleman Street, Retailers of Beer.
PARRY George Watt, Cannon Street (and Brewer), Retailers of Beer.
SHREWSBURY Edward, High Street, Brewers.
TRIBE John, 267 High Street, Wine Merchants.
TUCKER John, Ordnance Place, Retailers of Beer.
WALL & GODFREY, 63 High Street, Brewers.
CENSUS 1841.
???? Joseph, High Street, age 60.
KING George, Wood Street, age 33, Licensed Victualler.
PIGWRITE George, High Street, age 65.
SAFFREY Isaac, Globe Lane, age 25, Victualler.
TEARS Sarah, High Street, age 65.
TOOMER William, Bryant Street, age 45, Victualler.
CENSUS 1851.
BUDDEN James, age 29 ("Canteen.")
PACKMAN Charlotte, 9 High Street, age 45, Victualler.
TYE George, New Road, age 29, Inkeeper.
WICKENS David, 26 Waterloo Place, age 27, Beer house keeper.
WILSON David, 11 Watts Place, age 54, Publican. ("Sultan?")
CENSUS 1861.
CLIFFORD Mary, High Street, widow age 62, Porter Shop.
REMINGTON Mary A, 22 Skinner Street, age 44, Publican.
TRUSSELL Susanna, age 37, Beerhouse Keeper, Military Road.
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 1 January 1870.
From the LONDON GAZETTE of Tuesday, Dec. 28.
At the Court of Bankruptcy, Basinghall Street.
William Thomas Randall, Chatham, beer-seller, Jan. 12, at 11.
CENSUS 1871.
BENSTER John, 5 Queen Street, age 38, Publican.
From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 4 May, 1901.
In a certain public house at Chatham is a closed-up back window. One
Sunday a policeman watched the window, and saw strange things happen. He
saw a long funnel protruded between the bars, and people who came and
held jugs and bottles under the funnel. The perverted ingenulay of the
landlord, who thus dispensed beer during prohibited hours, has cost him
dear. He has lost his inn, and was on Sunday fined £3 12s. 6d.
CENSUS 1911.
RUSSELL Henry, 21 High Street, age 30. Licensed Victualler.
British Directory of Trade 1793
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34