32 (25) Jenkins Dale
World's End at Chatham, date unknown. |

Above photo circa 1945 showing licensee Albert Poole standing outside.
With kind permission of the
https://kentphotoarchive.org.uk/ |
Above photo 2022. Photo by Brian Skinner. |

Above aluminium card issued 1950. Sign series 2 number 12. |
Someone told me that this pub was in Stourmouth, but following a little
research I have found it to be in Chatham. The following emails show you the
actual paper trail.
The Licensing
Records of 1872 stated the premises held a Beer License and was owned by
William Henry Austen of Jenkin's Dale.
However, the 1881 census gives an address of 25 Jenkins Dale, and a
directory of 1938 lists its address as 2 Warner Street.
Further information from Rod Sutton tells me that the pub was actually
situated on the corner of Warner Street and Skinner Street.
Travelling south of New Road via Jenkins Dale back in the 1860’s, you
would have come across the "Worlds End," presumably named because beyond it
was just trees & farmland - a far cry from today’s Chatham! It’s not known
if the area was named after the pub or if the pub derived its name from the
location it was built in, but the second known landlord in 1867, William
Henry Austin, is listed as a clay pipe maker & Beerseller. He also owned it
until 1900, then the large brewers Frederick Leney & Sons Ltd. took over.
The Chatham & Rochester Observer on 25th June 1887 reported “Inquest held at
the Worlds End, Chatham, into the death of a man, name unknown, who was
found burnt to death in a limekiln close by, some time on Saturday night.
Verdict - Accidental death”. The same newspaper told of another inquest in
1900 “...held at the Worlds End, Skinner Street, touching the death of
Albert Edward Hollies, the infant son of a dockyard labourer. The doctor
stated death was due to asphyxia caused by overlaying. A verdict of 'Death
from misadventure' was returned”.
Harold George Phelps, landlord, died at the Worlds End, public house, on
26th April 1949, age 53. Shortly after, the decision was made to change the
name of the pub, James Silas Chadwick was
landlord when the pub became the "Trafalgar Maid" in 1952.
From an email sent 5 October 2010.
The World's End in Stourmouth, (the village in which I spent most of
the first 25 years of my life!) doesn't look at all like Stourmouth to
me: this village, both East and West parts of it, is as flat as a
pancake: right on the edge of the marshes; except for one slope in East
Stourmouth, but I've never seen anything resembling a pub just there.
The only pub I ever heard speak of was much further on towards the
church, right on the corner of a path leading directly to the marsh,
therefore flat. Could it possibly be Littlebourne, if you're sure it's a
pub in that area?
Carole Chassagnar.
From an email sent 14 March 2011.
I had a few hours to spare today so was taking a wander around your
site - so much too look at Brill!
World's End picture said to be at Stourmouth!
You may already have this info but hey ho - thought I'd been a quite
good detective.
Take a look at the "Trafalgar Maid" Public House Warner Street Chatham
- I cant find any photos but if you go to Street Google and take a look
it is the "Worlds End" pub, door, windows & on the slope etc.
Terry Wheeler
The Ramsgate Historical Society.
Above picture from Google Maps showing the Trafalgar Maid, Warner
Street, Chatham.
picture on the left was taken from the web site
http://www.adkinshistory.com/trafalgar.aspx and is the only
reference I can find to this pub. The accompanying text states the
following:- "The pub sign Trafalgar Maid at Chatham in Kent,
commemorating one of the women who served as a powder monkey during the
Is this the pub? Does anyone have any further information? |
Think this one has been solved.
Click here for a passage from
It is indeed the pub in Chatham.
News and the internet travels fast. The following email, I received from
Roy Adkins of the
www.adkinshistory.com web and author of many books on Trafalgar, who
says the following:- When I was researching my book
on Trafalgar I came across an internet reference to this pub and tried to
find out as much as possible, but I could never find out if there ever was a
local woman who was at the battle or if it was just a story. I know I wrote
to the landlord of the pub, asking if they knew about the story and I think
that it was someone at the pub who sent me a couple of press cuttings from
local papers. I cannot now easily find the press cuttings themselves among
all the paperwork for that book, but I do have the word file that I typed up
at the time, and a copy of the relevant information is attached. As you will
see, the first of the two press cuttings does seem to say that this pub was
once called the World's End, but the account seems a little confused. With
your knowledge of the pubs in the area, it may make more sense to you - I
certainly hope so. Sorry I cannot be of more help.
Rod Adkins.
Kentish Gazette, 2 September 1851.
The Bankruptcy of Mr. John Creed.
On Tuesday last John William Creed, late landlord of the "World's End,"
and of the Gravesend ferry, passed his last examination unopposed, on a
statement shewing debts to the amount of £2,661, and property estimated
to realise a dividend of 5s. in the pound.
Part of Cutting from a Kent Newspaper – Name and Date Unknown
The Trafalgar Maid
Inn sign commemorates Chatham woman
Chatham history was brought to light again, on Tuesday evening, when the
"New Inn-World's End" public house in Warner-street, Chatham, received a
new name and sign to become the "Trafalgar Maid".
The new name commemorates the adventures and exploits of a Chatham woman
who, it is said, was the only one to have been on board a ship at the
Battle of Trafalgar and witnessed Nelson's great victory over the French
She lived in a house adjoining the old "New Inn" in John-street, Chatham
which was destroyed by bombing during the last war when the licence was
transferred to the "World's End".
Records state that in 1837 the woman was still alive and able to relate
her her [sic] experiences in the lookout frigate Euryalus—a
Chatham-built ship which was one of the last of the Trafalgar vessels to
be broken up.
The new name for the public house was selected by a panel of judges from
more than 10,000 entries received in a competition organised by the
brewers, Messrs. Whitbread and Co., Ltd.
The winning entry came from a London woman, Miss Kathleen Mitchell, of
Ealing, who had not seen either the "New Inn" or the "World's End" but
was attracted by the history of the 'Trafalgar' woman and her
association with the "New Inn".
A painting of the woman hangs in the Royal Gallery next to the House of
Among the many names suggested were: The Penny Atom; The Red Dean; The
Cosh-in-Hand; The Husband's Sanctuary; Trafalgar Lady; Tale of Two
Houses and Winston Churchill.
One entry came from as far overseas as Kuala Lumpur where Major A. B.
Waring of the Queen's Own West Kent Regiment, read about the contest in
a newspaper sent to him.
The sign, which shows the woman placing a blazing match to the
touch-hole of a ship's cannon, was unveiled by Mr. A.G. Bottomley, the
Member for Chatham and Rochester.
He said that in the first Elizabethan era the public house was the
meeting place of wits, poets, writers and brains and it was the same
today when it was still a place to meet friends, make friends, discuss
the problems of the day and relax.
The large crowd present at the ceremony, cheered Mr. Bottomley when he
drew back the Union Jack covering the flood-lit sign.
Among those present were the Mayor of Chatham (Alderman F. H. Lawrence),
the Clerk to the Justices (Mr. E. F. Barrett), the Chairman of the Bench
(Mr. A. H. Hardy), Chief Superintendent C. J. Broughton, Councillor J.
Green, Mr. Michael Whitbread and Mr. J. Marchant of the Wateringbury
Part of Cutting from a Kent Newspaper – Name and Date Unknown
.....The Trafalgar Maid is in Warner Street, Chatham, and they
particularly wanted to show me this one for two reasons; firstly, the
name itself, and secondly, the method of the sign's construction
The name is documented in a book called A Dictionary of Pub Names which
states: "The pub replaced the New Inn which was badly damaged in World
War II. It was named after Jane Townshend who lived next door to the old
pub for many years. She was on board HMS Euryalus during the Battle of
My great grandfather was John William Taylor (known to his local's as
Jack). He was licensee of The Worlds End Pub in Chatham from 1912 -1921.
His brother Harry Charles Taylor ran the "Globe Hotel" 1922-1923, and
then the Angel 1923-1933, both in Chatham High Street. The Angel has
disappeared and is now the TSB Bank.
The pub changed it's name to the Trafalgar Maid in 1952.
I came to Chatham the year before last to do some family research and
met some really nice people in the Trafalgar Maid who told me about the
History of the pub.
John Taylor married Alice Mepham (daughter of Mary Mepham's
Pianoforte Showrooms in Gillingham, which is now a Take-away). She was
classically trained on the piano and her father was a blind pianoforte
tuner. John William only had one leg. They say a beer barrel rolled onto
it and it had to be removed. Others say he lost it in the boer war. He
was also a Master Hairdresser and achieved a little fame in the local
newspaper, when a travelling circus came to town and he bravely entered
the lions cage and saved the lion tamer! When he died, Alice went to
work as a barmaid at the Angel for John's brother Harry. Sometimes I
like to think of her in the Angel, playing all the old pub songs for the
regulars. John William Taylor was born in Chatham Prison where his
father Henry was a warder. John William also spent some time as a prison
warder. At one time, Henry was also manager of the dockyard canteen.
Henry's wife was Mary Huntley of Trowbridge. Her family were farmers in
Trowbridge. There is a family rumour that there was a pub in the
dockyard where Alice worked for a time but I couldn't prove this as the
entrance fee to the dockyard was beyond my means I'm afraid.
From an email sent, 29 March, 2013.
I was born a dozen doors away from the "Trafalgar Maid" in 1960.
the "Trafalgar Maid" earlier known as the "Worlds End" is on the corner of
Warner Street and Skinner Street (where I was born) and changed names in
1952. My mother told me years ago (who lived in Skinner Street since
1940) the change of name came about as the landlord of that time fell
down the cellar stairs and had died as the result. Previously there had
been other injuries or fatalities of some kind at the pub and it was
deemed that the name of the pub was an unlucky omen. It was decided the
name had to change.
Also, one other little claim of fame for Warner Street, famous TV
presenter Michael Aspel was either born or lived at 2 Warner Street in
his early years.
Kind Regards Trevor Barnard.
Above photo 1945 showing Albert Poole, licensee. |
I have been informed by Sandra Smith Great-uncle of licensee Harold Phelps
who was licensee from between 1946 and April 1949 when he sadly
died from head injuries after falling down the cellar stairs. At the autopsy
it was also found that he had been suffering from terminal stomach cancer,
but the cause of death was the fall on the stairs.
Above photo, showing licensee Harold Phelps, circa 1946. Kindly sent
by Sandra Smith. |
Above photo, pre 1946, kindly sent by Sandra Smith, showing Harold
Phelps, (left) prior to being licensee when he was working for the
Maidstone and District bus company. |
CREED John William to 1851
AUSTEN William Henry 1867-1900+ (Clay pipe maker)
TAYLOR John William 1912-21
POOLE Albert 1938-46

PHELPS Harold 1946-Apr/49 dec'd
Changed name to "Trafalgar Maid" in 1952.
Records 1872
From the Post Office Directory 1891
From the Post Office Directory 1938