Sort file:- Chatham, November, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 25 November, 2024.


Earliest 1828-

Wellington Arms

Latest 1987+

124 New Road (New Road Gate 1828)


Wellington Arms 1980s

Above photo, circa 1980s, kindly sent by Tony Smith.

Wellington Arms 1987

Above photo, 1987, just showing the pub on the left.


The Licensing Records of 1872 stated the premises held a Full License and was owned by Edward Winch of Chatham.


From the Kentish Gazette 3 April 1838.

A distressing accident, attended with lots of life, occurred in Chatham Dock Yard on Thursday afternoon last, between two and three o’clock. A shipwright named William Fayar, was employed with others on the Tribune in the Stone Dock, and in walking across some planks laid at the side of the vessel for the assistance of the men at work, he tripped over a piece of wood, and was pitched head foremost into the Stone Dock. His skull was fractured, and his body much bruised. The poor fellow lived only about five minutes after he had been conveyed to his residence, Prospect-place, New-road. A coroner’s inquest was held on the body at the sign of the "Wellington," on Saturday last, before R. Hinde, Esq. when a verdict of Accidental Death was returned. The deceased has left a widow and five children to lament their loss. We understand the man bore a very excellent character.


From the Kentish Gazette 20 November 1838.


On Wednesday last a coroner’s inquest was held in Strood before R. Hinde, Esq. coroner, touching the death of Mrs. Anne Boreman, widow of Mr. Boreman, who hung himself about four months since at the back of his own residence. From the evidence it appeared that the deceased, whose age was 60 years, walked into the garden, and on returning she fell down and instantly expired.

Verdict "Died by the Visitation of God."


On the same day the coroner held another inquest at the "Wellington Arms," New-road, on the body of a female aged 53 years, who had died suddenly the previous day at her house, No. 3, Claremont-place, Chatham. Rebecca Hillyer stated that the deceased went to her house between the hours of eleven and twelve, with some linen on a tray to mangle, which occupied her a few moments in doing. The deceased was talking with the witness, and upon her going towards the door to return, she exclaimed "I cannot talk," and immediately sat herself down in a chair, and fell into a violent fit. Witness lost not a moment in sending for a neighbour, Mr. Crawford, who quickly attended. They both laid the deceased on the ground, and with some warm water washed the deceased’s hands and limbs, but she did not revive. Doctor Martin happening to pass, was called in, and he bled her, and desired that she should be removed to her home, where she died. Deceased was a married woman; her husband is a carpenter belonging to the Ordnance, and his name is Robert Pilcher. The jury instantly pronounced a verdict of "Died of Apoplexy."


The same coroner held another inquest afterwards at Melville Hospital, on the body of a lad named Lindzee, belonging to the ship Caracoa, who was drowned on the previous Saturday. It appeared that at the time of the accident, the deceased was in the act of hauling a boat alongside the vessel, when it is supposed that his foot slipped, and he was thrown into the water. The body was picked up about one hour afterwards.

Verdict:— "Accidentally Drowned."


From the Kentish Gazette, 26 December 1848.

On Wednesday evening, a coroner’s jury was empanelled at the "Wellington," for the purpose of inquiring how, or by what means, George James Pook came by his death. The coroner, J. Hinde, Esq., after the jury had taken a view of the body, proceeded to take the evidence of the witnesses in attendance. The first was John Castleton, who described the finding of the body.

James Wood examined, said, I am a policeman belonging to the dockyard. On Monday night last, about 20 minutes to 11 o’clock, John Castleton called me up. I went with him to the end of the new wall of the Dock-yard. I saw the body of a man lying in the horse road, he groaned three times, and was insensible. I saw a pool of blood in the footpath, which was near to him, and a hat was close against the wall. Castleton picked up a pistol, and I told him he had better let it lay until some other persons came. I went for a constable, and Mr. Weekes, and the constable returned with me. I found other persons there, and when the surgeon came be pronounced the man dead; and Mr. Castleton fetched his master's horse and cart, and removed the deceased in it up to the house.

Mr. Henry Weekes, surgeon, stated that he raised the body up, and laid it against the bank, and examined it; he found a pistol wound in the left side, just below the heart; the ball had passed through the ninth rib. The size of the wound was sufficiently large to admit his two fingers, and quite sufficient to cause death. He saw a large pool of blood on the pathway near the spot.

The Coroner ordered the pistol to be produced. It was a pocket pistol with percussion lock.

Mr. Weekes then continued.— The deceased he had removed to this house, and the papers found on his person enabled him to apprise his friends of what had taken place. From the deceased's pockets he took seven small pebbles, a powder flask containing powder, some percussion caps, gloves, and other things; also one or two letters from his mother, who resides in Park-place, Gillingham. One related to a certain young lady. A lock of hair was also found, and a picture containing two figures, representing a man having shot a female, who appears to be falling, and underneath was written, "All for love." Mr. Weekes said he had no doubt but that the deceased shot himself. He had attended his family, and the deceased had latterly laboured under much excitement, produced, no doubt, from his love disappointment.

Several of the jury expressed a wish to hear the evidence of Mr. Sibun, who was in attendance. He said he was an inspector of shipwrights in Chatham dockyard, and resided near to the ferry-house Tom-all-alone. The deceased he had seen at his house on Monday night. Himself and family went to bed about a quarter past ten o'clock, and shortly after he was alarmed by his neighbour, Mr. Taylor, being called up by Castleton. He called his son Edward. He saw the body lying in the road. He did not know the man then. He was apparently dead. He stayed about ten minutes, and went away without knowing who it was. About an hour and a half afterwards Mr. Weekes called at his house, and asked him if he knew a young man named Pook? He replied in the affirmative, and added that he had paid his addresses to his daughter, and he (witness) had objected to it, and requested his daughter to forbid him the house. That was about a fortnight ago. The young man was at his house about three weeks since. He did not know the mother or any of the family belonging to the deceased.

The jury and coroner expressed their satisfaction with the evidence of Mr. Sibun, as did also the deceased’s relatives.

Edward Sibun, the son of the last witness, gave similar evidence.

Mr. G. W. Kennett, of the "Golden Lion Inn," Brompton, deposed to the deceased's having drank a glass of rum with a Marine at his house on Saturday. He insisted upon having it, although in such a state of intoxication that they put him to bed. He had a pistol with him, which witness, in vain, wished him to leave.

James White, a butcher, at New Brompton, saw the deceased on Sunday morning on the Lines at Chatham with a pistol, which he was ramming with a walking-stick. He appeared strange and excited.
Wm. Neal Lansley, brother-in-law of the deceased, spoke to the strange conduct of the deceased. About six mouths ago he attempted to poison himself in consequence of a disappointment similar to the present, but the poison was taken from his stomach by the stomach-pump, and he was restored.

There being no other evidence, the coroner summed up, and the jury unanimously returned a verdict:— "That the deceased shot himself with a pistol, he being at the time in a state of great mental excitement.”


Southeastern Gazette, 2 August 1853.


TO BE DISPOSED OF, In the town of Sheerness, Isle of Sheppey; coming-in not more than £50.

MR. G. TYE has been instructed to procure a purchaser for this very desirable old-established PUBLIC-HOUSE, consisting of bar, three parlours, taproom, seven bed-rooms, kitchen, cellar, yard, and large garden. Rent £35 per year. The above stands away from any other in the same line by 200 yards and in a good neighbourhood.

Apply at the "Wellington Inn," New-road, Chatham, Kent.


From the Maidstone and Kentish Journal, Monday, 28 May, 1866.


Messrs. Cobb have received instructions from the Executors of the late Mr. Joseph Ashley, to sell by auction, in the month of June, at the "Sun Hotel," Chatham.

The Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Public Houses, Beer Houses, Trade Premises, Dwelling Houses, &c., viz:-

The "Wellington," on the new road, Chatham.


Further notice as to time, &c., of sale, will shortly be issued.

Particulars in the meantime may be obtained of Messrs. Acworth and Son, Solicitors, Star Hill, Rochester; of Messrs. Morris, Stone, Townson, and Morris, solicitors, Moorgate Street Chambers, Moorgate Street; and of Messrs. Cobb, surveyors and land agents, 26, Lincoln's-inn-fields, London, and Rochester, Kent.


I am informed that the pub was demolished in the 1980s to make way for the road widening scheme.


From an email received 30 September 2022.

Interested to see your article on my old home.

We lived in Strood and in 1941 my father was called up into the Army and my mother was given the option of evacuating but instead she chose to go and live with her parents---Bill & Ada Wood at the Wellington Arms, Chatham.

I remember that the Draymen with their ‘horse and cart’ would deliver the barrels of beer which came down a ramp into the cellar, through a trap door in the pavement of the side road. Being 4 or 5 at the time I recall my mother making me a green apron—to match those worn by the brewers (and I would wear my apron and help the brewers when they where delivering).

The other memory I have is a large trailer being parked at the front (similar to a modern Container) it was all black with a large Chimney----- when news that the Hun where coming the vast boiler in the trailer would be ignited and it would produce dense black smoke--- This was part of ‘The Blackout’ to confuse the German aircraft bombing the Dockyard.

For my sins I was an Honary Freeman of the City of Rochester----until Rochester, after 780 years ceased to be a City in 1998.

William N Hodshon.



JACKSON Charles 1828-32+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

CRONEEN Daniel 1858-62+

POTTS Robert 1872-91+(widow age 55 in 1881Census) Licensing Records 1872

HYLANDS Lewis Henry 1903+ Kelly's 1903

FULCHER Robert 1913+

WELLS George C 1922+

MARSH Charles H 1930+

KING William 1938+

WOOD Bill & Ada 1941+

ROBERTS Walter 1955+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Licensing Records 1872Licensing Records 1872



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-