Page Updated:- Monday, 22 July, 2024.


Earliest 1811-

Rose and Crown Hotel

Open 2020+

6 Leysdown Road


01795 510523

Rose and Crown

Above photo, date unknown. By kind permission of Trevor Edwards.

Rose and Crown Hotel 1934

Above photo, date 1934.

Rose and Crown

Above photo, date unknown.

Rose and Crown

Above postcard, date unknown.

Rose and Crown

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Isabella Eussell-Eggitt.

Rose and Crown

Above postcard, date unknown.

Rose and Crown

Above postcard, date unknown.

Rose and Crown

Above postcard date unknown, with kind permission from Eric Hartland.

Rose and Crown 1952

Above postcard 1952. Kindly supplied by Rory Kehoe.

Rose and Crown 1954

Above photo 1954, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Rose and Crown 1953

Above postcard dated 1953.

Rose and Crown 1957

Above photo, circa 1957, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Rose and Crown 2009

Above image from Google, May 2009.

Rose and Crown 2014

Above photo, circa 2014. By kind permission of Trevor Edwards.

Plans title 1901

Plans title December 1901.

Plans side 1901

Side plans December 1901.

Side plans 1901

Side plans December 1901.

Plans back 1901

Back plans December 1901.

End plans 1901

End plans December 1901.

Plans block 1901

Block plans, December 1901.

Serveyor signature

Surveyor signature 1901.


In 1964 wrestling was introduced at the Rose and Crown by the late Brian Manelli who for years was the mystery man behind the mask calling himself The Phantom.


Kentish Gazette, Friday 19th July 1811.

Independent Freehold Public House and Grocer's Shop,

(Land tax redeemed).

To be sold by auction, by J. B. Rose, at the "Fountain Tavern," Sheerness, on Friday, July 26th, 1811, at 12 o'clock precisely, in one lot, all that valuable freehold public house, shop, garden, out houses, stabling, &c., &c., commonly called or known by the name of the "Rose and Crown," in the parish of Leysdown, in the Isle of Sheppey, in the county of Kent, the occupier and owner declining business; is situate within 20 minutes walk of a clean sandy beach, where, at a little expense, may be established a good watering place is now much visited in the summer season - is 10 miles from Sheerness and Queensborough, 6 from Minster, 4 from Eastchurch, 6 from Faversham, 5 by water from Whitstable, 2 from Sheerness.

Possession may be had at Michaelmas next.

Further particulars may be known by applying to the auctioneer, High Street, Sheerness.


Kentish Gazette, 17 September 1844.


Sept. 8, Mrs. Sisley, aged 61, many years landlady or the "Rose and Crown," Leysdown, Sheppy.


Kentish Gazette, 18 June 1850.

On Tuesday evening, as one of the Coast Guard, named Bascombe, stationed at Leysdown, was going on duty, he found the body of a female child lying on the sea shore. The body was quite denuded, and in a very decomposed state. Information was given to the constable, who removed the body to the "Rose and Crown," to await a coroner’s inquest, which was held on Wednesday, before J. Hinde, Esq., and a verdict of "Found dead" returned.


Southeastern Gazette, 27 September 1853.

SITTINGBOURNE. Adjourned Licensing Meeting.

Monday being the adjourned annual licensing meeting, the magistrates were engaged a long time in issuing the licenses.

Mr. Pane, of Chatham, applied for a license of the "Carpenter’s Arms," the license of which was not granted at the last annual meeting.

Edward Coveney applied for a license of the "Rose and Crown" at Laysdowne.

After a short consultation the magistrates decided upon granting the license of the "Rose and Crown" at Laysdowne only.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 26th January 1858.

Sittingbourne. Petty sessions, Monday.

(Before the Rev. J. Poore, D.D., chairman, Sir John Tyldn, E. Twopenny, Esq., Rev. G. B. Moore, W. Bland Esq., and J. D. Dyke, Esq.)

Edward Coveny, of the "Rose and Crown Inn," Leysdown, Sheppey, was fined £2 and 9 s. costs, for keeping his house open for the sale of beer between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock on the afternoon of Sunday, the 3rd inst.


From the By Secret Drinker, 21 February 2020.

Secret Drinker reviews the Rose & Crown pub at Leysdown, Sheppey.

It’s a couple of months since I was on the Island to report from the Albion Hotel in Sheerness, so I felt it was high time to return and try somewhere else on Sheppey.

Sheerness Guardian 7 May 1859.


Monday May 2nd, before the Rev. J. Poore, D.D., and W. Bland, Esq.

The following parties appeared in answer to charges made by the police, of having their houses open after forbidden hours for the sale of beer, &c., viz:—

Richard Cheshunt, of the "Rose and Crown," Leysdown, was fined 10s. and costs, for having his house open at 3.15 a.m., on the morning of Saturday, April 23rd.


I’ve been told about several award-winning pubs - the Admiral’s Arm at Queenborough and The Playa at Minster to name but two.

However, whilst I welcome recommendations, there are times I feel compelled to follow my nose and trust in fate to discover real local gems.

This week my nose led me to the Rose & Crown at Leysdown-on-Sea.

Keen to be in out of the cold, my first challenge was getting in – door one had a message directing me to another door, in turn, door two also had a message directing me to door three. Door three, just beyond the disability cart, allows you in but you immediately step into an entrance hall that looks for all the world like a storeroom.

Stepping past various toy dispensers, signs and umbrellas you’ll find yourself in a long thin bar with tables and chairs placed against the front windows.

Faced by a foot-high sign reading ‘cash only’ I checked my wad and, comforted by what I found, stepped up to the bar to be served, hoping no-one had slipped me any dodgy notes as there’s an equally visible sign reading ‘counterfeit notes will be kept and disposed of’.

It seems no real ale is available so when I asked for a beer I faced a little bit of a frown and it was made very clear I could have either Fosters or Stella. When I requested a receipt the frown turned into a scowl and it was suddenly colder in the bar than outside.

The barmaid seemed happy enough chatting with regulars at the bar, but anyone else was treated with suspicion at best and her beady eye will follow you around the pub. I chose a Stella and Mrs SD (the birthday girl), who was busy viewing the swirly, furry wallpaper squares, kept it easy with a large glass of white wine.

There was a roaring open fire, being fed from a blue wheelie bin crammed full with what looked like wooden roof tiles. The fire was fed constantly but there were still stacks of folk sitting with coats, scarves and even hats on.

Rose and Crown 2020

The fire was roaring the whole time we were in and locals were happy to take it in turns to stack it with planks.

There is clearly a gang of regulars devoted to this bar and, even though it felt a bit like a corridor, it was hectic for a mid-week evening.

But, looking around, the most important thing missing was a smile – I don’t think I’ve ever visited a place where the punters looked so bewildered, desolate and depressed.

It reminded me of the unusual, but privileged, position shared uniquely by football teams and pubs. It doesn’t matter how bad your team is, you can’t help but support them. And, where else but your local pub will people keep coming back, even though they just sit at the bar and slag the place off.

There is no pool, no darts and no jukebox but Heart radio was being pumped through the speakers and, for some inexplicable reason, several folk were glued to the silent TV screen showing Flog It.

The most popular thing in the bar was, without doubt, the fruit machine and at one point there was a small queue waiting to use it. Strangely, even after someone enjoyed a decent sized win the interest still didn’t wane.

Walking through the far end of the bar you have to pass through a plain white corridor to reach the gents.

I don’t know if it was the bars on the window, the way it was decorated or the lighting but it feels for a moment if you’ve walked into a 1960s hospital wing. The gents themselves felt similarly institutional but were clean, fresh and well maintained.

Back in the bar the unsmiling locals continued to load planks onto the fire and the older woman sat at the bar, who looked like the barmaid’s mum, popped on rubber gloves to sort something outside.

This is a pub very much for the locals and I’m sure they love it as much as they do they’re local footie team so won’t hear a word said against it, but I’m afraid visitors are not likely to feel welcome.

Riose and Crown toilets 2020

The gents were clean and well maintained – I presume the urinals at either end of the trough are for shorter customers, though a sign makes it clear children are not allowed at the bar and banned from the pub after 7pm.

It might be a little old fashioned, but I was pleased to discover a bar of soap alongside the sink.


From the By Secret Drinker, 6 April 2020.

Secret Drinker looks back at his 10 worst pubs across Kent.

It’s almost a year since I landed the best job in the world and I’ve been travelling around Kent ever since discovering the very best, and worst, pubs right around the county.

Fortunately the majority of boozers I’ve been lucky enough to visit have been great, but some, sadly, have been found wanting.

I can only ever report exactly what I find at a given moment in time and I realise a fly-on-the-wall review can’t possibly take into account everything going on in a pub. - and many of these pubs may well have improved since my visit.

But, I was tasked with discovering the good, the bad and the ugly – and, in my humble opinion on the day, these are the 10 worst boozers I’ve visited...

5. The first challenge with the pub at No. 5 on my list, The Rose & Crown in Leysdown, was getting into the place. Once inside, the pub feels like a corridor and all visitors are treated to a barmaid who glares at you suspiciously for daring to enter. The hallway to the toilets is even more stark and reminded me of a hospital from the 1960s. The locals kept the fire roaring with planks from a blue wheelie bin, but even this blazing heat couldn’t take the edge off the frosty welcome. Without doubt the most popular thing in the pub is the fruit machine, there was even a queue at one point.



SISLEY Mrs to Sept/1844 dec'd age 61

LONAY/LONG Thomas 1851+ (age 22 in 1851Census)

COVENEY Edward 1858+

CHEESON/CHESHUNT Richard 1859-71+ (age 41 in 1861Census)

MANWARING William 1891+ (age 26 in 1891Census)

STUDD William James 1903+ Kelly's 1903


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-