Above photo, circa 1903. |
Above photo, circa 1930, kindly sent by Shaun Gardener. |
Above postcard, circa 1935. |
Above photo circa 1950 showing licensee Arthur George Stevenson behind
the bar. Kindly sent by Denis Stevenson. |
Above postcard, circa 1970. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above image from Google maps, March 2009. |
Above photo, 2012. |
Above sign still intact 2015. |
Above photo, kindly sent by David Chaperon of a tobacco box stamped,
"Rich's Patented Bridgewater." Found at an auction in Canada. |
The box itself is engraved with the words, "Rose and Crown, Brenchley"
and measures 9½ by 5 by 5 inches, estimated
early 1800s. |
I am informed that the pub closed in 1999 and was made into a private
residence. Apparently as late as 2015 the sign was still on the building,
but the premises obviously closed.
The building gained a Grade 2 listing on 20 October, 1954.
Kentish Gazette, 2 June 1820.
May 18, aged 61, Mr. John Austin, landlord of the "Rose and Crown
Inn," Brenchley, which be had kept for 30 years.
From the Kentish Gazette, 23 April 1839.
Singular and Fatal Accident.
On Friday week, an inquest was held at the "Rose and Crown Inn,"
Brenchley, before C. Willis, esq. and a very respectable jury, on the
body of Emma Etheridge, a child about five years of age. It appeared by
the evidence, that the deceased (who is the daughter of Arthur
Etheridge, a respectable lath-cleaver), was playing near the house about
six o’clock on Tuesday evening, the time her father came from his work,
and in attempting to run to him in the garden, tripped against the sill
of the back door, having at the time a knife open in her hand, and
falling down the knife penetrated her neck just under her ear, the blood
immediately gushed violently from her mouth, the child calling twice on
her mother, died in five minutes.
Verdict "Accidental Death."
South Eastern Gazette. Tuesday 28 December 1841.
In accordance to a general notice our market was fully attended last
Monday, at the "Rose and Crown Inn," where measures were adopted to
establish a ploughing match in this parish for the ensuing spring.
Several subscriptions were received. T. B. Marchant, Esq. was
unanimously voted to the chair, and Mr. W. Dann deputy.
From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 3 July 1874.
Brenchley. Drunk and Riotous.
George Taylor and Charles Wood, carriers, &c., of Tunbridge Wells, was
summoned for being drunk and riotous at Brenchley, on the 25th inst.
Mr. Warner, solicitor, defended.
Henry Moseley, a grocer and beer-house keeper, of Brenchley, said that
one evening last week - he could not recollect which - he sent for a
policeman. He saw the defendants in the Matfield Road at about 20
minutes past 11. He was standing in front of his house when the
defendant's came and asked him for some beer. He refused to supply them,
as it was past the time, and they said they could demand it as they were
travellers. A man name Cheeseman, who was standing by, said, "You have
not travelled far, I saw you at the "Crown,"
(Sic) Brenchley, and that's about
three-quarters of a mile off."
Taylor then put himself in a fighting attitude and said to Cheeseman,
"You little ______, we should have had it but for you."
Wood said, "Hit him," and Taylor replied that he would, only Cheeseman
would not put his hands up.
Taylor then took up a lemonade bottle, and said he would strike
Cheeseman with it. Wood fetched a whip from his van, which was standing
in the road, and used it threateningly, but witness took it from him,
and also the lemonade bottle from Taler. Wood called out to the man who
was with the van, "Sam, I'm your master, and you must do as I tell you;
we will smash these ______ heads. His (witness's) wife then went for a
P.C. Sinclair deposed that in consequence of what he heard he went to
the house of the last witness, and saw the defendants and several other
person's outside. Mosely complains that the defendants had struck him.
Both defendants were drunk, and he locked them up. Mosely assisted him
in taking the men to Tonbridge, and Wood's man took the van and three
horses home.
Mr. Warner made and able address for the defendants, contending that
what they did was owing to provocation they had received from the man
Cheeseman. The defendants were in custody until late the following
afternoon, in consequence of the police not being able to find a
magistrate, and he asked their worships to take this into consideration.
The Bench fined the defendants £1 each and 19s. 11d. each costs, or in
default 1 month's imprisonment with hard labour.
Kent & Sussex Courier, Friday 16 April 1880.
Brenchley and application refused.
The Tonbridge Bench of Magistrates, on Tuesday, refused to grant an
hour's extension to Mr. C. W. Eyrus, of the "Rose and
Crown Inn," Brenchley, on the occasion of a dinner to be held at his
Kent & Sussex Courier, Wednesday 5 May 1880.
The property of Mr. C. W. Evres, "Rose and Crown," Brenchley,
At Two Guineas each Mare, and 5s. the Groom, THAT CELEBRATED ROADSTER
YOUNG CHAUCER is remarkably handsome; a beautiful bright bay in colour,
with black points, rising six years old; on short legs, with plenty of
substance. He has only been shown twice, taking first prize each time,
viz. the East of England Great Show, held at Sudbury; and the Suffolk
Agricultural Show at lpswich.
Young Chaucer is by Chaucer, out of a celebrated Cleveland mare; very
fast, with splendid action. Chaucer was by Cambuscan, (sold for 5600
guineas to Mr. Cavalero) out of Plush, by Plenipe; out of Velveteen, by
Sultan; Cambuscan was by Newminster, out of Arrow; by Slave; out of
Southdown (Alarm's dam) by Defence. Slave was by Royal Ook by Orville,
out of Epsom Lass, by Sir Peter.
Young Chaucer has travelled two Seasons, and proved himself a sure Foal
getter, and from his superior breeding and style, is one of the moat
fashionable Roads or Sires now before the Public. He will travel
through the principal Towns and Villages within a radius of ten miles of
home, and will be at home from Saturday night till Monday morning during
the Season.
Groom's Fee to be paid the first time of service, the remainder of the
money to be paid to the Owner by the end of July.
Any other particulars can be obtained on application to the Owner.
N.B. Mares taken in on Reasonable Terms. |
AUSTIN John 1790-June/1820 dec'd
GREEN William 1828-34+
AUSTIN Henry 1841-51+ (also postmaster age 41 in 1851 )
CARMAN William 1858-61+ (age 42 in 1861 )
CALTON James 1862+
CARRICK Richard 1871+ (age 34 in 1871 )
EYRES Charles Walter 1874-91+ (also wine & Spirit Merchant in 1874 and
farmer age 54 in 1881 )
MOORE William 1901+ (age 45 in 1901 )
KEMP John 1903-13+ (widower also farmer age 64 in 1911 )

SHARP Frederick 1918-22+
ROFE Albert 1922-16/Feb/1933 dec'd
FARNHAM William 1938+
Nee STEVENSON Eunice to 1950 (sister of Arthur)
STEVENSON Arthur George 1950-54+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Kelly's Directory 1903