74 Honey Hill
Above photo, circa 1911, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. In the livery of
Rigden's Faversham Brewery. |
Above photo, circa 1914, kindly sent by Gavin Beed, who says the
gentleman in the doorway is Hugh Beed, and the small boy in the doorway,
left, is his grandfather. |
Above photo, 1930, kindly sent by Emily Cornish. |
Above photo circa 2018. |
Above photo circa 2018. |
Above photo showing fireplace circa 2018. Although former owner
Rachel Williams says her father bought the fireplace from an antique
dealer in new Romney, so it's not part of the original building. |
Above plaque dated 1664. |
Curren day window, circa 2018. |
Closed in 1952, as did many ex-Fremlin's, T&W, Cobb's, Mackeson
houses, after Whitbread commenced asset stripping. Pub still there as Red
Lion House.
The building is said to date back to 1664 and was once the home of Oliver Postgate who created with Peter Firmin, programmes such as Bagpuss and the
Clangers. He moved into the premises in 1962 after it had been closed for 10
years. He went on to sell the building to Rachel Williams and
her parents, who says Oliver went on to live next door. Rachel went on to
live with children there after her parents sadly died, but has since also
sold the premises on.
The building gained a Grade II listing on 14 March 1980.
From the Kentish Gazette, 14 September 1810.
MARRIAGE. Maidstone.
Tuesday last, at Blean, Mr. John Terry, son of Mr. ---- Terry,
landlord of the "Halfway House" between Whitstable and Canterbury,
to Miss Sarah Pout, daughter of Mr. ---- Pout of Tyler Hill.
Red Lion, Blean - 1830.
This is a summary of an article Rory kehoeI found
recently, in a 1992 edition of Bygone Kent.
Blean Brothers Hanged for Arson.
On Sunday 21st November, Willam (20) and Henry Packman (18) who lived in
Blean, were seen to be larking
around, in a field owned by William Wraight, with a friend called George
Bishop. It transpired that the three
men had already conspired and agreed to burn down a wood stack belonging
to a Mr. Parren. They then proceeded
to the "Red Lion" and in the company of some friends, stayed there till
about 10 o'clock. On leaving the "Red Lion,"
they went with Bishop to his father's house in Hernhill, in order to
collect his tinder box and match. Returning
to Wraight's farm, they set fire to his barn and hid in a nearby wood.
After 15 minutes, perhaps as a result of
nervousness, they broke cover and started shouting "fire!" It was felt
at the time, by some of the people who
turned out to fight the fire, that it was rather suspicious that these
three young men were already there. The
next day all three were arrested and taken to Canterbury Gaol, where
they concocted and agreed to stick to, an
alibi. However, Bishop broke ranks and offered to turn King's evidence,
in return for an amnesty.
At trial, the jury
took only 10 minutes to find the Packmans guilty of arson and despite
having certain nagging doubts, the judge
condemned both brothers to death by hanging. His reservations were
founded on the fact that Bishop, the instigator
of the crime, was walking free, yet the Packmans were to hang. However,
the judge considered that it would be an
injustice to the public to show leniency, by giving way to any feelings
of his own and decided to proceed with "an
awful and painful duty."
The day of the brothers' execution was set for Christmas Eve: the
sentences to be carried out on Penenden Heath,
along with that of John Field (AKA Dyke) who had been convicted of an
unrelated arson attack at Bearsted.
Just before being hanged, Henry Packman addressed the large crowd,
asking them to "take warning of our fate."
He and William then shook hands and embraced. Friends of the brothers
had come over from Blean with a horse
and cart and on their lifeless bodies being released by the Sheriff's
officers, William and Henry were taken back
to their village, where they were interred.
John Field was buried at Bearsted, with a 16cwt stone placed on his
grave, as a deterrent to body-snatchers.
Kentish Gazette, 29 April 1851.
Before W. Delmar, Esq., and a bench of Magistrates.
Stephen Hunt, landlord of the "Red Lion" Public House, in the parish of
of Bean, appeared to answer an information preferred
against him by Superintendent W. Walker, for having his house open for
the sale of beer, &c., on Good Friday, before the
hour of half past 12. The Superintendent visited the house as eleven
a.m., and found four men with pots of beer before
them. The Magistrates on this occasion fined defendant in the mitigated
penalty of 20s., and costs 13s. 6d., stating at the
same time, that should he again be brought before them, the full penalty
would be inflicted , viz., £5.
Kentish Gazette, 15 July 1851.
Stephen Hunt, landlord of the "Red Lion" in the parish of Blean, was
ordered to pay a fine of 30s. and 14s costs, for opening his house for
the sale of liquor before half-past twelve a.m. Sunday, 6th July inst.,
on the complaint of Superintendent Walker.
The defendant had been fined for a similar offence since April last.
As he was leaving the Court, he applied a fowl epithet to the the
constable, who pressed the case.
He was called back, and severely reprimanded by the Bench for his
From the Kentish Chronicle, 15 June, 1861.
Thomas Bish a waggoner, was charged at the St. Angustine’s Petty
Sessions, on Saturday last, with having stolen a waggon whip, value 2s.
6d. the property of Richard Branchett, another waggoner, about six weeks
since. It appeared that the prosecutor was lodging at the “Red Lion”
public-house, in this parish, and kept his horse in the stable there,
where he also deposited his whip. The prisoner called at the house with
other men and horses, and was seen to go into the stable. After he had
left, the whip was missed. He afterwards sold it to the landlord of the
“Noah’s Ark” at Whitstable for some bread and cheese. The accused made a
rambling statement as to how he became possessed of the whip.
It was given to him, he said, by a man named Ginger.
Fourteen days' hard labour.
Kentish Chronicle, Saturday 3 June 1865.
Public House Offence.
At the last St. Augustine's Petty Sessions on Saturday, James Wansell,
landlord of the "Red Lion" public house, Blean was summoned for an
offence against the tenor of his licence.
P.C. Hall stated that on Sunday named in the summons he went to the
defendant's house at half past 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and found
five men drinking their. The landlord said the men were travellers and
that he drew the ale they were drinking before 3 o'clock. The whole of
the men were the worst for liquor. One of them belong to Sheerness, but
had lodged in a house in the neighbourhood on the previous night. Another
of the men lived at Boughton and a third at Tyler Hill. Hall's statement
was confirmed by P.C. Hoad, and the defendant was fined 5s. and 10s.
Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 29 February 1896,
On the 16th Feb,. at the "Red Lion," Blean, Henry, son of the late John
C. CHARGES REGISTER, containing charges, incumbrances etc. adversely
affecting the land and registered dealings therewith.
The date at the beginning of each entry is the date on which the entry
was made on this edition of the register.
1. 12 December 1983. A conveyance dated 21 July 1952 and may between (1)
Fremlins limited "Company) (2) William Deacon's Bank Limited (3) Hamlin
Development Co, Ltd (Purchaser) contains the following covenants:-
"THE Purchaser for the benefit and protection of the property of the
Company in the neighbourhood of the property hereby conveyed and every
part thereof HEREBY COVENANTS with the Company so as to bind the
property hereby conveyed into whosoever hands the same may come that the
Purchaser and the persons deriving title under the Purchaser will at all
times hereafter observed and perform form the restrictions set out in
the First Schedule hereto.
No In Hotel Public House Tavern Off Licence or Club shall at any time be
opened or carried on upon any part of the premises and no beer wine or
spirits shall be sold thereon or in any building erected or to be
erected thereon."
Exit the Red Lion. Halfway House Closes.
After over 300 years as a licensed house the "Red Lion" the Halfway
House between Canterbury and Whitstable closed its doors on Tuesday
after the East Kent Confirming Authority had confirmed the removal of
the full licence to the "Rose Inn," Sturry. One side of the ancient
hostelry had begun to subside and the cost of rebuilding was considered
by the brewers, Fremlins Ltd., to be out of proportion to the benefits
that would be derived.
The house is over 400 years old and was originally a farmhouse, with the
lands all around going with it. Legend has it, that, in the days of
Bloody Queen Mary's persecution, the Canterbury Cathedral dignitaries
were wont to take refuge there and at the nearby Cloves Farm House when
danger threatens.
In olden times, particularly before the building of the
Whitstable-Canterbury railway, the house did a thriving trade as a
halfway stop for waggoners and carters bringing goods to the city from
the port of Whitstable. They certainly needed refreshment for the roads
of those times was atrocious and there were frequent petitions for its
There too, the drovers used to stop for the night as they took cattle
and sheep to Canterbury Cattle Market, the stock being turned out in the
field behind the house.
On Ancient Maps.
The premises are marked on ancient maps as the "Red Lyon" or the
"Halfway House." In a "Kentish Gazette," of 1829, there is a report of
proceedings against some Canterbury men charged with breaking the
windows of the dwelling house of one Sandy of Bleani - the parish in
which the house stands.
The report stated that the man had been to Whitstable to see a whale
that have been washed up. "Returning home after soaking their clay all
they were what they called merry at Whitstable and taking a refreshing
glass at the "Halfway House" and another at the "Hare and Hounds," it
brought them, to be very merry and not being satisfied with what they
had taken already, they called at the prosecutors and several more
houses for more heavy wet." The landlord not being a retailer of the
article, nor comprehending the phrase, discharged the only heavy wet he
had head upstairs upon their friends, which very soon routed them. After
a few minutes deliberation however, they returned and threw several
stones at the windows.
Rings for Horses.
Outside the "Red Lion" can still be seen the rings to which horses were
tethered, while inside there was a fine example of an Adam fireplace.
Earlier in the century, the house was a favourite place of call for teas
and refreshments by people who have been Blackberrying in the nearby
It is understood that the licensee, Mrs. Rosemary Griggs, will shortly
be following her licence to the "Rose Inn" at Sturry.
And so is served another interesting link with licensing history. |
TERRY ???? 1810+
HUNT Stephen 1841-51+
(also farmer age 41 in 1851 )
COLLARD Mr 1858+
(also farmer)
WANSTELL James 1865-71+

BUBB Isaac 1874+
ANDERSON Henry 1881-91+ (age 43 in 1891 )

PARKER Parker 1901+ (widower age 52 in 1901 )
NICHOLLS Elizabeth A Mrs 1903+
BEED Harry 1913-18+
HAMBROOK Henry T 1922-30+
BARNES W B 1938-44+

GRIGGS Rosemary to 1952

From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Post Office Directory 1903
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Post Office Directory 1918
From the Post Office Directory 1922
From the Post Office Directory 1930
From the Post Office Directory 1938