Meeting House Lane (266 High Street
Reference from the West Kent Guardian infers that this one was situated
four doors from the "Compasses."
The Licensing
Records of 1872 stated the premises held a Full License and was owned by
(Messrs Meux & Co) Sir Henry Meux Bart Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks Bart
and Mr Richard Berridge, Horse Shoe Brewery Tottenham Court Road.
Kentish Chronicle, 9 June. 1829.
May 27, at Hackney, Mr. Cheaman Croft, formerly landlord of the
"Navy Arms," Chatham, aged 36
From the Bells New Weekly Messenger, 18 November, 1838.
The greatest excitement has existed in Chatham and its neighbourhood
since the institution of the judicial inquiry into the circumstances
that led to the death of the marine, Robert Ross, aged 31, who, with
several others, was attacked by soldiers belonging to the 67th and 74th
Regiments, while sitting in the tap room of the "Navy Arms."
Since the
first day of the inquest another marine has died. Four others still
continue in a very bad state, but are likely to recover. Eleven men are
now in custody on the charge of being concerned in the outrage: three of
them belong to the 74th Regiment, namely, Joshua Sykes, Robert Farrell,
and Robert Johnson; and the remaining eight, John Callaghan, Morris
Lyons, Dennis Doyle, John Connell, John Noonan, Timothy Lawler,
Bartholomew Brasner, and John Ninan, belong to the 67th Regiment. On
Monday, soon after 10 o'clock, the prisoners were marched, under a
strong escort, from the garrison barracks, where they had been confined,
to the Melville Hospital, where the coroner and the jury reassembled.
The following evidence was adduced:— Josiah Powll, a private of the
Royal Marines, examined:- I was in the tap room of the "Old Barn" public
house on the evening of Saturday, the 27th ult. a little after seven
o'clock, and heard John Callaghan, now present, say that he would split
the b— marines’ skulls that night. I and John Leeks, another marine,
then drank off our beer and went to the "Navy Arms." Nothing had
previously passed between us and Callaghan's party. We had had no
quarrel with them; they were about sixteen or seventeen in number, and
before we left the prisoner Bartholomew Brasner went into the yard
adjoining the "Old Barn," and brought in two sticks. Immediately upon
seeing this we went to the "Navy Arms," and in the tap room we saw the
deceased Robert Ross, James Barnett, Robert Grissell, and another marine
who had his hand cut, and is at present in the hospital, but whose name
I do not know. They were playing at cards at a table in the corner, and
were drinking beer. Leeks and I called for a pint of beer, and, after
remaining there about twenty minutes, a party of soldiers came in,
consisting of sixteen or seventeen; they were all armed with sticks, and
they commenced striking the tables with them; the soldiers began dancing
and swearing loudly; they called for beer, but I did not see them served
with any. I got over the screen and made my escape. As I was doing so
one of the soldiers struck at me, and the blow fell upon my heel. The
soldiers tried to kick up a row with the marines, but the latter would
not have anything to say to them. The soldiers then surrounded the
marines and struck at them indiscriminately, and I saw Callaghan strike
the deceased Ross with the thick end of a clothes prop over the head.
Ross fell, and I saw Callaghan then strike at him a second time. Ross
fell upon the marine who was near him, and the second blow that was
intended for Ross hit the marine next to him. The first blow knocked
Ross's foraging cap off, and I saw the blood start from his head on to
the table. The prisoner Morris Lyons was also very active in the attack,
but I did not see any other person but Callaghan strike Ross. The
landlady of the public house pulled me and Leeks into the parlour,
exclaiming that if we did net come in we should be murdered. The
soldiers soon after fallowed into the parlour, and I and my comrade ran
to the back door. We then saw Ross standing in the passage with the
blood pouring from his head. The soldiers had then left the house. We
got a bucket of water, and washed his head, and cut his hair off from
about the wound. We then tied a handkerchief round his head, and two
marines led him away to the hospital.
The jury then directed the witness
to go and see if he could identify the body of Ross, which was lying,
with that of Jeffcott, the other marine, in the dead-house adjoining. He
said, in reply to a juryman, "I can swear positively that the man who
threatened to split the marines' skulls at the "Old Barn," is the same
that gave Ross the blow upon his head in the "Navy Arms." [The evidence
of this witness totally differs as to the identity of the soldier who
gave Ross the fatal blow from that of the witnesses examined on the
previous day, who all swore that it was the prisoner Connell, and not
Callaghan] Robert Grissell, another marine, gave a similar account of
the attack. Robert Lees, one of the marines who was bludgeoned, and who
is an inmate of Melville Hospital, was next called: he appeared to be in
a very weak state. He gave testimony similar to that of the preceding
David Harris, a private of the Royal Sappers and Miners,
identified the prisoner John Connell as the soldier who struck the deceased.
The prisoners were then re-conducted to the guard-room under a
strong escort.
The inquiry was resumed on Tuesday at 10 o’clock, when
the summoning officer, in answer to the coroner, said he had no more
witnesses to produce.
The jury have come to an unanimous verdict of
"Wilful murder against John Callaghan, Morria Lyons, and John Connell
(of the 67th), as principals; and against Joshua Sykes, Robert Farrell,
and Robert Johnman (of the 74th), Dennis Doyle, Timothy Lawler,
Bartholomew Brasner, and John Ninan (of the 67th), as siders and
abettors." The remaining man, John Noonan (of the 67th), was the only
one out of the 11 prisoners not included in the verdict.
The Coroner
then bound over the witnesses to attend and give evidence at the spring
assizes against the prisoners, and made out their committals to
Maidstone gaol, but it was believed that they would not be removed
thither until after the inquest had sat upon the body of the other
marine, named Jeffcott.
The remains of Robert Ross were removed from the
dead-house, adjoining Melville Hospital, to the new burial ground at
Chatham at two o'clock on Tuesday, where they were interred with the usual
military honours. Although the coroner's investigation into the
circumstances attending the death of Robert Ross, the marine, occupied
an attentive and intelligent jury, the whole of three days, the direct
cause of the attack upon the marines still remains in obscurity.
The public and the jury are left to conjecture the motives which could
here instigated the men of the 67th and 74hh regiments now in custody,
charged with the crime of wilful murder, to engage in such a
bloodthirsty transaction. Our reporter, from extensive inquiries upon
this point, has ascertained some of the most probable circumstances that
led to the commission of the offence. It appears that a great majority
of the marines are natives of Kent, and the inhabitants of that county,
from the peer to the peasant are, for the most part, well known to be
very staunch adherents to the Protestant church. From the long continued
and almost constant quartering of the marines at Chatham, there is a
strong feeling in their favour amongst the inhabitants, many of the
smaller shopkeepers being old pensioners of that corps, who are apt to
treat the soldiers of the "line'' with indifference. This may account,
in some measure, for the assailants entertaining a feeling of jealousy
towards the marines, which was not likely to be softened by the
circumstance of the former being young Irish recruits and uncompromising
Roman Catholics.
From the Kentish Gazette, 13 November 1838.
We stated in our last the violence of the military. The injuries they
committed on Robert Ross, a marine, caused his death on the 28th ult.;
and on Wednesday last a jury assembled to sit on the body.
The Coroner briefly addressed them on the points of their duty. It
appeared that there was a direct charge against the following men of the
67th Regiment; John Callaghan, Morris Lyons, Dennis Doyle, John Connell,
John Noonan, Timothy Lawler, Bartholomew Brasuer, and John Vinan, and he
should now request them to be brought into Court to hear what evidence
might be produced against them.
The jury then proceeded to view the body, which presented a most horrid
appearance. The surgeon of the hospital duly explained to the jury the
apparent cause of the man’s death. A dreadful wound on the right side of
the head had produced erysipelas, extending over the whole of the head,
neck, and the greater part of the breast.
Johanna Haddington, who described herself as a single woman, deposed
that on Saturday, October 27, about eight o’clock, she was in the
tap-room of the "Navy Arms." There were also several of the Royal
Marines there, quietly drinking their porter. Robert Ross, the deceased,
was one of them. About four of the 67th and ten or eleven of the 74th
Regiments came in, nearly all with sticks in their hands. She then
identified John Connell, Morris Lyons, John Callaghan, and Dennis Doyle,
as being present on that occasion. She did not know the names of any of
the 74th Regiment. John Connell and the others had half-a-gallon of
porter. John Connell hit the deceased with a large stick on the side of
the head, which knocked his cap off. He bled very much, and she saw the
wound. He was afterwards knocked down in the passage by John Connell
with the same stick. The second blow was on the shoulder. Connell was
standing when he struck the blow; deceased was sitting. Deceased was
taken into the back parlour, where his head was washed and bound up.
There was no provocation or conversation before the deceased received
the first blow. John Connell returned from the passage to the tap-room,
and with his stick struck Jem Barrett and Corporal King, and knocked
them down across the fire-place. The row lasted, as near as she could
say, a quarter of an hour.
The prisoners put some angry questions to the witness, but on being
cautioned by the Coroner desisted.
James Chidley, sworn, described himself as a fiddler. Lives at the "Navy
Arms," an inn in Chatham. Most of the marines had been there since about
five o’clock drinking; the deceased was one. A party of soldiers, about
eighteen or twenty in number, armed with sticks, which they knocked on
the floor, entered the room, accompanied by a serjeant of marines. The
sergeant called for a pot of beer; the soldiers afterwards had
half-a-gallon of beer. They began striking their sticks on the table. I
was afraid of a row. My mistress told me to ask the marines to go into
the back room. The marines said "They won’t hurt us." Mistress then told
me to play a tune on the fiddle, which I did, as a means of amusing
them. The soldiers then danced, and the serjeant also danced, and the
soldiers kissed the serjeant. I then saw John Connell strike the
deceased. Deceased and marines tried to getaway, when they were all
attacked, and I saw John Connell strike a second blow with the same
stick, which came across deceased’s shoulders as he was in the passage.
There was one marine wounded under the table. Was not certain that the
serjeant of marines was present when Connell struck deceased. The stick
he struck deceased with was about three or four feet long. I could
positively identify one of the 74th regiment if I had an opportunity.
[Here it was considered by the jury that it was material that they
should have the 74th called out, as they were all to embark the
following morning, and such as were identified should be brought before
them; they adjourned for an hour.] On re-assembling, James Chidley
stated that he had been able to identify Robert Johnson, of the 74th, as
having been present at the "Navy Arms" when deceased was struck. Did not
see him strike any one. Saw him flourishing his stick about, in the
attitude of striking, before Ross was struck.
James Chalton sworn:— Could swear to eight of the soldiers now in
court—John Connell, Morris Lyons, John Callaghan, Dennis Doyle, John
Noonan, Timothy Lawler, Robert Johnson, and Michael Farrell; each of
them had sticks; they were dancing about with the sticks in both hands.
The only attempts at striking that he saw were aimed by the soldiers at
the marines. He corroborated the other evidence.
By the prisoner Noonan:— The disturbance occurred, as near as I can
recollect, either a little before or a little after eight o'clock. The
row lasted about a quarter of an hour.
By a Juror:— I was on the parade in Chatham barracks on Monday week, and
Johannah Haddington pointed out Noonan. I swear that Noonan was present
during the disturbance.
Joshua Sykes, Michael Farrell, and Robert Johnson, 74th; John Callaghan,
Morris Lyons, Dennis Doyle, John Connell, John Noonan, Bartholomew
Brasner, John Vinan, and Timothy Lawler, of the 67th, were removed in
custody and the inquest was adjourned till Monday morning at ten
From the Kentish Gazette 20 November 1838.
Since the former holding of the inquest another marine has fallen a
victim to the ferocity of the assailants, and four others, named
Ball, Jones, Lees, and Sheldrake, but particularly the two latter,
still continue in a very bad state, although by the attention and
exertion of the medical officers of the staff they are likely
ultimately to recover. On Sunday week, about nine o’clock, Charles
Jeffcott, another marine, breathed his last at the Melville Military
Hospital, having sunk under the effects of extensive and violent
erysipelas, arising from the injuries he received in the fatal
attack. Eleven men are now in custody on the charge of being
concerned in the outrage; three of them belong to the 74th regiment
— namely, Joshua Sykes, Robert Farrell, and Robert Johnman; and the
remaining eight belong to the 74th regiment — John Callaghan, Morris
Lyons, Dennis Doyle, John Connell, John Noonan, Timothy Lawler,
Bartholomew Brasner, and John Ninan. The following is a correct list
of those dead and at present in the hospital:— Robert Ross, aged 31,
dead; Charles Jeffcott, aged 24, dead; Robert Lees, 21, wounded
severely; Thomas Sheldrake, aged 36, very severely; William Jones,
25, slightly; and George Ball, aged 20, slightly.
On Monday, soon after ten o’clock, the prisoners were marched under
a strong escort from the garrison barracks to the Melville Hospital,
where the coroner, Richard Hinde, Esq. and the jury re-assembled.
The panel having been called over, the following evidence was
adduced:— Josiah Power, a private of the royal marines, examined — I
was in the tap-room of the "Old Barn" public-house on the evening of
Saturday, the 27th ult., and heard John Callaghan, now present, say
that he would "split the marines' skulls" that night. I and John
Leeks went to the "Navy Arms." Nothing had previously passed between
us and Callaghan’s party. The deceased (Robert Ross), James Barrett,
Robert Grisnell, and another marine, who had his head cut, and is at
present in the hospital, were playing at cards at a table and were
drinking beer. In about 20 minutes a party of soldiers came in,
consisting of 16 or 17. They were all armed with sticks, and they
commenced striking the tables with them. The soldiers began dancing
and swearing loudly. I got over the screen and made my escape. As I
was doing so one of the soldiers struck at me and the blow fell upon
my heel. The soldiers surrounded the marines, and struck at them
indiscriminately, and I saw Callaghan strike the deceased (Ross)
with the thick end of a clothes prop over the head. Rose fell, and I
saw Callaghan then strike at him a second time. The second blow that
was intended for Ross, hit the marine next to him. The first blow
knocked Ross’s forage cap off, and I saw the blood fly from his head
on to
the table. I did not see any other person but Callaghan strike Ross.
On the soldiers leaving the house, Leeks and myself got a bucket of
water and washed Ross’s head, and cut his hair off from about the
wound. We then tied a handkerchief round his head, and he was led to
the hospital, while I and Leeks wiped up the blood that was standing
in a pool a on the floor. [The witness was here desired to look
particularly at the prisoners, and point out those that he saw
there, he again pointed out Callaghan, and added that he saw most of
the others there, but he could not identify them separately with
certainty. The jury then directed the witness to go and see if he
could identify the body of Ross, which was lying with that of
Jeffcott in the dead house adjoining Melville Hospital. On his
return he said the wound which was apparent on the head of Ross, was
the same he saw inflicted by Callaghan.]
Cross-examined by Callaghan — I am positive the blow I have just
seen upon Ross’s head was given by you.
Cross-examined by Brasner — I saw you at the "Navy Arms," as well as
at the "Old Barn." You had a stick in your hand at both the houses.
By the Coroner — At the time Callaghan struck Ross he held the stick
in both his hands, and wielded it with great force over his right
The evidence of this witness differs as to the identity of the
soldier who gave Ross the fatal blow, from the witnesses on the
previous holding of the inquiry — all the witnesses examined on
Saturday having sworn to the prisoner Connell, and not Callaghan.]
Robert Grisnell, another marine, gave a similar account of the
attack as the preceding witness, and added that Ross remarked to the
soldiers that they (the marines) wished to be quiet and not
interfered with. Serjeant Rose soon after came in, and paid for a
pot of beer, and gave to the soldiers, and endeavoured to prevail
upon them to be quiet. The soldiers soon after got round the
Serjeant, and witness heard some of the soldiers say, "Don’t strike
him (meaning the serjeant; for he’s a good fellow." Morris Lyons it
was that struck at Ross, and witness did not see any other person
strike him then. Lyons struck Ross on the side of the head. The blow
did not appear to have much effect upon him at first. Witness saw
Lawler strike Farrer, a marine, as he was running out of the
passage; and afterwards he saw Ross in the act of falling, as if he
had received another blow.
William Rose, serjeant of the marines, said — On the evening of the
27th ultimo, upon my coming out of the "Crown and Thistle"
public-house, at Chatham, I was told that there was "dreadful goings
on at the "Navy Arms," and that they were killing the marines." I
went there, and saw 18 or 20 soldiers, whom I treated with a pot of
porter, and requested them to sit down or go home quietly to their
barracks. The greater part of them were armed with bludgeons. They
were endeavouring to raise a disturbance, and one of them seized
hold of me and very cordially kissed me. They said they did not want
to hurt me, but it was the "----- privates." I used all the means in
my power to get them away or to restore order, but finding that all
my efforts were ineffectual, I left the house for the purpose of
getting a picquet, but my intentions were frustrated by a
peace-officer calling upon me to aid, and assist in keeping the
Captain Burton, of the royal marines, in the course of the day,
complained to the reporter of the serious misrepresentation that had
gone forth that the infuriated soldiers were accompanied by a
serjeant of marines, and from which it would be inferred that he
took part against the marines, whereas the fact was, that he went to
the "Navy Arms" to try to restore order. The mis-statement has
created considerable discussion in the military circles.
Henry King, a corporal of the royal marines, stated that he was at
the "Navy Arms," and saw a soldier, whom he had not been able since
to identify, come in with a stick in his hand, and threatened to
break some of the marines’ skulls.
Robert Lees, one of the marines who was bludgeoned, and who is an
inmate of Melville Hospital, was next called:— He appeared to be in
a very weak and reduced state; he received a blow upon the shoulder,
and was afterwards knocked down by one upon the head inflicted by
Lawler. Immediately before that he saw Morris Lyons standing before
the deceased Ross with a stick in his hand.
David Harris, a private of the royal sappers and miners, identified
the prisoner, John Connell, as the soldier who struck the deceased;
he also remembered seeing Farrell and Sykest striking at some of the
marines in the passage.
George Howard, a constable of Chatham, stated that his attention was
drawn to the "Navy Arms," on the 27th ult., by a party of soldiers
armed with sticks running out of the house.
James Thomas Collins, porter at the Medway Union House, deposed to
seeing Connell strike the deceased Ross, and to Ninan and Lawler
being present at the time.
Dr. William Rae, head surgeon of Melville Hospital, stated that the
deceased Robert Ross, had a contused wound an inch and a half in
length, and a quarter of an inch in depth, extending over the
paretal bone, on the right side of the head. He died on the sixth
instant, about half-past five in the morning, erysipelas having
taken place on the 30th ult., which extended from the wound over the
face, head, neck, and upper parts of the breast and shoulders, and
which continued to extend until his death took place. Witness had
since made a post-mortem examination, and found that the body was
generally healthy. Witness was of opinion that the deceased died
from the wound on the head and the erysipelas extending over the
head and body. It was such a wound as could have been indicted with
a blunt instrument, such as a large stick or poker.
At half-past five o'clock the inquiry was adjourned until half-past
10 o'clock of Tuesday.
The prisoners were re-conducted to the guard-room under a strong
It has been the subject of observation that no person has been in
attendance either from the Admiralty or the War-office to watch
these proceedings.
Arthur Kift, the assistant surgeon of Melville Hospital, deposed
that he saw the deceased between nine and ten o’clock on the night
of the 27th ult. The wound was an inch and a half long, and of
considerable depth. Two arteries were bleeding, which he secured by
a ligature, and the bleedings soon after ceased. The bone was
exposed by about half an inch, and after the wound was dressed the
deceased was sent to bed.
Johannah Haddington was recalled, and being desired by the Coroner
to look at all the prisoners she had not seen during her examination
on Wednesday, she immediately pointed out three, named Johnman,
Farrell, and Sykes, belonging to the 74th regiment, and who were not
in custody when she gave her evidence on Wednesday. The prisoner
Sykes had a thick stick in his hand, and he told Corporal King, who
was present, that he wanted the stick to pound the ----- marines
with. Sykes made use of these words while he was standing before the
fireplace. Witness could not distinctly state whether Farrell was in
uniform or undress.
The Coroner then desired the prisoners, eleven in number, to stand
forward, and upon their doing so he explained to them that the
present was only a preliminary inquiry. They were not upon their
trial, but having heard all the evidence against them, they might,
if they thought proper, make any statement that would explain any
portion of the evidence, or bring forward witnesses on their behalf;
at the same time it was his duty to caution them against adopting
any course that would be prejudicial to them, as they were
implicated in a very serious charge.
The prisoner Johnman then called John Shaw, who stated that Johnman
was in the barracks with witness and another private of the 74th,
playing at cards, from half-past five o’clock until a quarter before
eight o'clock on the evening of the 27th ult. When the quarter-drum
beat witness went to make his bed, and Johnman pulled off his jacket
and proceeded to his own room.
By the Coroner:— While the quarter-drum was beating the prisoner
have got out of the barracks.
Examination resumed:— There is a private of the 74th regiment named
M'Gregor, about the same height and very much like Johnman.
By the Jury:— The soldiers were not allowed to play at cards in the
barracks, but they got the corporal out of the room, and during his
absence they had two or three games.
William Morris, a private of the 74th regiment, stated that he was
in the barracks on the 27th ult., with Shaw and Johnman, who played
with five or six others at cards. The prisoner Johnman slept in the
same room with witness, and upon the quarter-drum beating Johnman
went to his bed.
John Noonan, requested Mr. Budden, the landlord of the "Red Lion,"
to be sent for.
His son, William Budden, shortly afterwards entered the jury-room,
and Nooman put a number of questions to him. The witness’s evidence
did not materially benefit the prisoner, as he had no recollection
of Noonan’s person, although he remembered some observations passing
between himself and some soldiers, which Noonan repeated.
Noonan expressed a wish that Bines, the summoning officer, should be
Bines was then sworn, but his testimony merely went to prove that he
saw the prisoner in the "Red Lion," at twenty minutes after ten
o’clock on Saturday evening, the 27th ult., about two hours and a
half after the fatal attack.
The Coroner inquired if any of the other prisoners had any witnesses
in attendance, and was answered in the negative. The learned
gentleman next asked if the prisoners had a desire to add anything
in their defence, and they all declined saying anything with the
exception of Michael Farrell, who protested that he was quite
innocent of what had been laid to his charge.
This concluding the case as far as regarded the deceased Robert
Ross, the jury retired for a few minutes to take some refreshment.
Upon their return at three o'clock, the coroner commenced summing
up. He remarked, that as there was a great mass of evidence which in
some measure was contradictory, it would be necessary for him to go
through the whole of it. The coroner then read the statements of the
several witnesses who had been examined, which occupied a
considerable time, and at the conclusion added, that the jury should
calmly and deliberately weigh the evidence, and from that alone draw
their conclusions. With regard to the offence that had been
committed, it was one of a very serious and alarming character, if
it was considered only in the light of an assault. But where a
person struck a blow in this case, and that blow produced death, he
had no hesitation in saying that that party was guilty of
manslaughter. As to the idea of murder, the law on that head he did
not think applied at all to this case. They would attentively weigh
the evidence which had been adduced respecting the death of the
unfortunate man, and also that which had been brought forward by
some of the prisoners, and if the jury felt that there were any
mitigatory circumstances, they would give the parties to whom they
applied the benefit of them. They would first have to consider who
was the principal in the first degree guilty of this offence, and
secondly, who were the principals in the second degree, present,
aiding, and abetting. The coroner then read the law applying to
cases of this description, and concluded by observing that the jury
should take care und return such a verdict as would satisfy the
public mind, while at the same time it did justice to all parties.
After an absence of one hour and thirty-five minutes the jury
returned into the inquest-room, and the foreman (addressing the
coroner) said:— The jury have come to an unanimous verdict of Wilful
Murder against John Callaghan, Morris Lyons, and John Connell (of
the 67th), as principals; and against Joshua Sykes, Robert Farrell,
and Robert Johnman (of the 74th), Dennis Doyle, Timothy Lawler,
Bartholomew Brasner, and John Ninan (of the 67th), as aiders and
The remaining man, John Noonon (of the 67th), was the only man out
of the eleven prisoners not included in the verdict.
The coroner then bound over the witnesses to attend and give
evidence at the spring assizes against the prisoners, and made out
their committals to Maidstone gaol, but it was believed that they
would not be removed thither until after the inquest had sat upon
the body of the other marine, named Jeffcott.
The proceedings did not terminate until six o’clock at night.
Inquest on Jeffcott.
An inquest was held, on Friday, on the body of Jeffcott, the second
marine whose death is alleged to have been occasioned by the ill
usage of certain soldiers. The evidence was in substance the same as
that adduced in the former case, although the only soldier whom the
witnesses attempted to identify was Joshua Sykes. The coroner, in
summing up, remarked that he was of opinion that if the soldiers had
meditated murder, they would have been differently armed; and he did
not see that the jury should return a verdict to that effect. The
evidence did not actually fix the guilt on any particular
individual; but it was for them to decide how far the prisoner Sykes
was guilty, and of what crime. The jury, after an absence of about
half an hour, found a verdict of Wilful Murder against all the
soldiers present in the disturbance on the night of the 27th of
October, whose names are at present unknown to the jury, and that
Joshua Sykes was present aiding and abetting.
From the Kentish Gazette, 20 November 1838.
On Monday, soon after ten o’clock, the prisoners were marched under a
strong escort from the garrison barracks to the Melville Hospital, where
the coroner, Richard Hinde, Esq. and the jury re-assembled.
The panel having been called over, the following evidence was adduced:—
Josiah Power, a private of the royal marines, examined—I was in the
tap-room of the "Old Barn" public-house on the evening of Saturday, the
27th ult., and heard John Callaghan, now present, say that he would
"split the-marines' ____ skulls" that night. I and John Leeks went to
the "Navy Arms." Nothing had previously passed between us and
Callaghan's party. The deceased (Robert Ross), James Barrett. Robert
Grisnell, and another marine, who had his head cut, and is at present in
the hospital, were playing at cards at a table and were drinking beer.
In about 20 minutes a party of soldiers came in, consisting of 16 or 17.
They were all armed with sticks, and they commenced striking the tables
with them. The soldiers began dancing and swearing loudly. I got over
the screen and made my escape. As I was doing so one of the soldiers
struck at me and the blow fell upon my heel. The soldiers surrounded the
marines, and struck at them indiscriminately, and I saw Callaghan strike
the deceased (Ross) with the thick end of a clothes prop over the head.
Rose fell, and I saw Callaghan then strike at him a second time. The
second blow that was intended for Ross, hit the marine next to him. The
first blow knocked Ross’s forage cap off, and I saw the blood fly from
his head on to the table. I did not see any other person but Callaghan
strike Ross. On the soldiers leaving the house, Leeks and myself got a
bucket of water and washed Ross's head, and cut his hair off from about
the wound. We then tied a handkerchief round his head, and he was led to
the hospital, while I and Leeks wiped up the blood that was standing in
a pool on the floor. [The witness was here desired to look particularly
at the prisoners, and point out those that he saw there. He again
pointed out Callaghan, and added that he saw most of the others there,
but he could not identify them separately with certainty. The jury then
directed the witness to go and see if he could identify the body of
Ross, which was lying with that of Jeffcott in the dead house adjoining
Melville Hospital. On his return he said the wound which was apparent on
the head of Ross, was the same he saw indicted by Callaghan.]
Cross-examined by Callaghan:— I am positive the blow I have just seen
upon Ross’s head was given by you.
Cross-examined by Brasner:— I saw you at the "Navy Arms," as well as at
the "Old Barn." You had a stick in your hand at both the houses.
By the Coroner:— At the time Callaghan struck Ross he held the stick in
both his hands, and wielded it with great force over his right shoulder.
[The evidence of this witness differs as to the identity of the soldier
who gave Ross the fatal blow, from the witnesses on the previous holding
of the inquiry—all the witnesses examined on Saturday having sworn to
the prisoner Connell, and not Callaghan.]
Robert Grisnell, another marine, gave a similar account of the attack as
the preceding witness, and added that Ross remarked to the soldiers that
they (the marines) wished to be quiet and not interfered with. Serjeant
Rose soon after came in, and paid for a pot of beer, and gave to the
soldiers, and endeavoured to prevail upon them to be quiet. The soldiers
soon after got round the serjeant, and witness heard some of the
soldiers say, "Don’t strike him (meaning the serjeant), for he’s a good
fellow." Morris Lyons it was that struck at Ross, and witness did not
see any other person strike him then. Lyons struck Ross on the side of
the head. The blow did not appear to have much effect upon him at first.
Witness saw Lawler strike Farrer, a marine, as he was running out of the
passage; and afterwards he saw Ross in the act of falling, as if he had
received another blow.
William Rose, serjeant of the marines, said:— On the evening of the 27th
ultimo, upon my coming out of the "Crown and Thistle" public-house, at
Chatham, I was told that there was "dreadful goings on at the "Navy
Arms," and that they were killing the marines." I went there, and saw 18
or 20 soldiers, whom I treated with a pot of porter, and requested them
to sit down or go home quietly to their barracks. The greater part of
them were armed with bludgeons. They were endeavouring to raise a
disturbance, and one of them seized hold of me and very cordially kissed
me. They said they did not want to hurt me, but it was the "_____
privates." I used all the means in my power to get them away or to
restore order, but finding that all my efforts were ineffectual, I left
the house for the purpose of getting a picquet, but my intentions were
frustrated by a peace-officer calling upon me to aid and assist in
keeping the peace.
Captain Burton, of the royal marines, in the course of the day,
complained to the reporter of the serious misrepresentation that had
gone forth that the infuriated soldiers were accompanied by a serjeant
of marines, and from which it would be inferred that he took part
against the marines, whereas the fact was, that he went to the "Navy
Arms" to try to restore order. The mis-statement has created
considerable discussion in the military circles.
Henry King, a corporal of the royal marines, stated that he was at the
"Navy Arms," and saw a soldier, whom he had not been able since to
identify, come in with a stick in his hand, and threatened to break some
of the marines’ skulls.
Robert Lees, one of the marines who was bludgeoned, and who is an inmate
of Melville Hospital, was next called:— He appeared to be in a very weak
and reduced state; he received a blow upon the shoulder, and was
afterwards knocked down by one upon the head indicted by Lawler.
Immediately before that he saw Morris Lyons standing before the deceased
Ross with a stick in his hand.
David Harris, a private of the royal sappers and miners, identified the
prisoner, John Connell, as the soldier who struck the deceased; he also
remembered seeing Farrell and Sykest striking at some of the marines in
the passage.
George Howard, a constable of Chatham, stated that his attention was
drawn to the "Navy Arms," on the 27th ult., by a party of soldiers armed
with sticks running out of the house.
James Thomas Collins, porter at the Medway Union House, deposed to
seeing Connell strike the deceased Ross, and to Ninan and Lawler being
present at the time.
Dr. William Rae, head surgeon of Melville Hospital, stated that the
deceased Robert Ross, had a contused wound an inch and a half in length,
and a quarter of an inch in depth, extending over the parietal bone, on
the right side of the head. He died on the sixth instant, about
half-past five in the morning, erysipelas having taken place on the 30th
ult., which extended from the wound over the face, head, neck, and upper
parts of the breast and shoulders, and which continued to extend until
his death took place. Witness had since made a post-mortem examination,
and found that the body was generally healthy. Witness was of opinion
that the deceased died from the wound on the head and the erysipelas
extending over the head and body. It was such a wound as could have been
inflicted with a blunt instrument, such as a large stick or poker.
At half-past five o'clock the inquiry was adjourned until half-past 10
o’clock of Tuesday.
The prisoners were re-conducted to the guard-room under a strong escort.
It has been the subject of observation that no person has been in
attendance either from the Admiralty or the War-office to watch these
Arthur Kift, the assistant surgeon of Melville Hospital, deposed that he
saw the deceased between nine and ten o’clock on the night of the 27th
ult. The wound was an inch and a half long, and of considerable depth.
Two arteries were bleeding, which he secured by a ligature, and the
bleedings soon after ceased. The bone was exposed by about half an inch,
and after the wound was dressed the deceased was sent to bed.
Johannah Haddington was recalled, and being desired by the Coroner to
look at all the prisoners she had not seen during her examination on
Wednesday, she immediately pointed out three, named Johnman, Farrell,
and Sykes, belonging to the 74th regiment, and who were not in custody
when she gave her evidence on Wednesday. The prisoner Sykes had a thick
stick in his hand, and he told Corporal King, who was present, that be
wanted the stick to pound the ______ marines with. Sykes made use of
these words while he was standing before the fireplace. Witness could
not distinctly state whether Farrell was in uniform or undress.
The Coroner then desired the prisoners, eleven in number, to stand
forward, and upon their doing so he explained to them that the present
was only a preliminary inquiry. They were not upon their trial, but
having heard all the evidence against them, they might, if they thought
proper, make any statement that would explain any portion of the
evidence, or bring forward witnesses on their behalf; at the same time
it was his duty to caution them against adopting any course that would
be prejudicial to them, as they were implicated in a very serious
The prisoner Johnman then called John Shaw, who stated that Johnman was
in the barracks with witness and another private of the 74th, playing at
cards, from half-past five o'clock until a quarter before eight o’clock
on the evening of the 27th ult. When the quarter-drum beat witness went
to make his bed, and Johnman pulled off his jacket and proceeded to his
own room.
By the Coroner:— While the quarter-drum was beating the prisoner have
got out of the barracks.
Examination resumed:— There is a private of the 74th regimeut named
M'Gregor, about the same height and very much like Johnman.
By the Jury:— The soldiers were not allowed to play at cards in the
barracks, but they got the corporal out of the room, and during his
absence they had two or three games.
William Morris, a private of the 74th regiment, stated that he was in
the barracks on the 27th ult., with Shaw and Johnman, who played with
five or six others at cards. The prisoner Johnman slept in the same room
with witness, and upon the quarter-drum beating Johnman went to his bed.
John Noonan, requested Mr. Budden, the landlord of the "Red Lion," to be
sent for.
His son, William Budden, shortly afterwards entered the jury-room, and
Nooman put a number of questions to him. The witness’s evidence did not
materially benefit the prisoner, as he had no recollection of Noonan's
person, although he remembered some observations passing between himself
and some soldiers, which Noonan repeated.
Noonan expressed a wish that Bines, the summoning officer, should be
Bines was then sworn, but his testimony merely went to prove that he saw
the prisoner in the "Red Lion," at twenty minutes after ten o’clock on
Saturday evening, the 27th ult., about two hours and a half after the
fatal attack.
The Coroner inquired if any of the other prisoners had any witnesses in
attendance, and was answered in the negative. The learned gentleman next
asked if the prisoners had a desire to add anything in their defence,
and they all declined saying anything with the exception of Michael
Farrell, who protested that he was quite innocent of what had been laid
to his charge.
This concluding the case as far as regarded the deceased Robert Ross,
the jury retired for a few minutes to take some refreshment.
Upon their return at three o'clock, the coroner commenced summing up. He
remarked, that as there was a great mass of evidence which in some
measure was contradictory, it would be necessary for him to go through
the whole of it. The coroner then read the statements of the several
witnesses who had been examined, which occupied a considerable time, and
at the conclusion added, that the jury should calmly and deliberately
weigh the evidence, and from that alone draw their conclusions. With
regard to the offence that had been committed, it was one of a very
serious aud alarming character, if it was considered only in the light
of an assault. But where a person struck a blow in this case, and that
blow produced death, he had no hesitation in saying that that party was
guilty of manslaughter. As to the idea of murder, the law on that head
he did not think applied at all to this case. They would attentively
weigh the evidence which had been adduced respecting the death of the
unfortunate man, and also that which had been brought forward, by some
of the prisoners, and if the jury felt that there were any mitigatory
circumstances, they would give the parties to whom they applied the
benefit of them. They would first have to consider who was the principal
in the first degree guilty of this offence, and secondly, who were the
principals in the second degree, present, aiding, and abetting. The
coroner then read the law applying to eases of this description, and
concluded by observing that the jury should take care and return such a
verdict as would satisfy the public mind, while at the same time it did
justice to all parties.
After an absence of one hour and thirty-five minutes the jury returned
into the inquest-room, and the foreman (addressing the coroner) said:—
The jury have come to an unanimous verdict of Wilful Murder against John
Callaghan, Morris Lyons, and John Connell (of the 67th), as principals;
and against Joshua Sykes, Robert Farrell, and Robert Johnman (of the
74th), Dennis Doyle. Timothy Lawler, Bartholomew Brasner, and John Ninan
(of the 67th, as aiders and abettors.
The remaining man, John Noonan (of the 67th), was the only man out of
the eleven prisoners not included in the verdict.
The coroner then bound over the witnesses to attend and give evidence at
the spring assizes against the prisoners, and made out their committals
to Maidstone gaol, but it was believed that they would not be removed
thither until after the inquest had sat upon the body of the other
marine, named Jeffcott.
The proceedings did not terminate until six o’clock at night.
From the Kentish Gazette, 19 March 1839.
On Monthly these Assizes commenced at the Court House, Maidstone. The
Honorable Sir Joseph Littledale, accompanied by David
Salomons, Esq. opened the Commission, and afterwards attended Divine
Service at All Saints’ Church, where the Rev. Dr. Knox,
the High Sheriff’s Chaplain, preached a sermon from the 2nd verse of the
8th chapter of Romans.
The Right Honorable James Lord Abinger, the Chief Baron of the Court of
Exchequer, presided in the Nisi Prius Court; and the
Honorable Sir Joseph Littledale, Knight, one of the Judges of the
Queen's Bench, in the Criminal Court.
On Tuesday morning the usual forms having been gone through, the
undermentioned gentlemen were sworn on the Grand
Jury:— Hon. J. W. King, forrman; Right Hon. S. R. Lushington, Sir T. M.
Wilson, Sir J. K. Shaw, Sir B. W. Bridges, J. Bereus, Esq.,
W. Deedes, Esq., J. W. Stratford, Esq., P. H. Dyke, Esq., Isaac Minett,
Esq., T. P Alchin, Esq., G. Gipps, Esq., J. D. S. Douglas
Esq., M. D. Dalison, Esq., J. Best, Esq., C. Wykeham Martin, Esq., T. F.
Best, Esq., J. A. Douce, Esq., C. T. Pattison, Esq., J.
Jacobson, Esq., J. A. Wigan.
John Connell, Maurice Lyons, and John Callaghan, charged with the murder
of Robert Ross; Timothy Lawler, Bartholomew
Brasnan, Dennis Doyle, Joshua's Sykes, John Bunyan, Michael Farrell, and
Robert Johnman, charged with aiding and abetting the
three first named in the murder of Robert Ross, a marine, at Chatham, on
the 27th of October last.
The whole charged with wilful murder on the verdict of the coroner's
inquisition. Their age varied from 19 to 23.
The prisoners in reply to a question by the court, stated they had no
The jury being all residents of Rochester, the prisoners were informed
that if they had any objections to them, a new panel would be sworn. The prisoners replying they had no objection, the case
No counsel was engaged for the prosecution, and the judge investigated
the case without assistance.
Joanna Addington was first called:- Lives at the "Navy Arms" in the high
street, Chatham. On Saturday, 27th October, was in the
Tap-room. There were six or seven marines present. About 8 o'clock the
men at the bar came in. Knew John Connell, Dennis
Doyle, and Maurice Lyons. The prisoners called for half a gallon of
porter. John Connell hit Robert Ross on the right shoulder with
a stick 4 feet long, and as thick as a man's arm. When Ross was struck,
he rose to leave the taproom, and went to the back
parlour. As he was taking his departure, Connell again struck him twice.
His head bled. He was not upon the ground. Two marines
washed them. Witness remained with him half an hour in the parlour.
Connell brandished the stick with both hands when he
struck the deceased. The first blow was not a heavy one. Two marines
accompany Ross from the house. He afterwards died, and
she saw his body at the Hospital. Saw none of the other prisoners touch
Ross in the public house. Heard Corporal King saw to
Sykes, "What do you want the stick for? King is a marine. Sykes said he
wanted to "pound the b—y marine's head.''
Connell wished to ask witness where he (prisoner) stood when he struck
the marine. The witness replied,—Against a table close to
the door.
By the Judge:— Did not say before the Coroner that the first blow Ross
received was on the hand. Was not able to read. On her
deposition (as taken before the Coroner) being read, it appeared she had
said Ross was struck on his head first, and the blow on
the shoulder was given on his retreat to the parlour. She denied having
said any such thing.
The Judge said she had an sworn at the inquest.
Question by Connell:— Did not see Connell strike anybody else.
By Judge:— You say in your deposition before the Coroner that Connell
returned from the parlour and struck Bennett against the
Witness said, so he did and he struck me also three blows. Hid not know
what dress the prisoner wore, he had a red jacket on.
By Bartholemew Brasnan:— Did the marine receive more cuts on the head
than one.
Witness:— No, only one, a large long one. Did not see Brasnan in the
house at all.
By Judge:— You have said you saw all the prisoners there.
Witness did not see Lawler or Bunyan, or Brasnan there.
Question by Bartholomew Brasnan:— Could any one else than Connell strike
the marine without her seeing him?
Witness:— No. It was about eight when the party went into the
public-house. She did not live at the "Navy Arms." She was
married at Gillingham Church three or four months ago. Was single when
at the "Navy Arms," and a servant in the house. Her
name was now Mrs. Barrett. Four of the 67th and three of 74th went into
the public-house. Has sworn to precisely the same thing
to day as she did before the Coroner's inquest.
The Judge stated that the witness had not this day sworn as she did at
the inquest.
James Chitty is a fiddler, and was at the "Navy Arms" at the time of
this occurrence. Saw Ross there and about half a dozen
marines. A young man named Charlton was waiter. The marines were smoking
and had porter before them. A party, perhaps
twenty of the 77th entered the house about eight. Some of them had
sticks. Saw a stick pass from one to another; a sergeant of
marines was there. After some time witness went out, and on his return
to the room, desired the marines to go into the back
parlour. They said, never mind, the soldiers would not interfere with
them. He (witness) played the fiddle at the desire of the
landlady. The soldiers of the 67th and 74th danced to it. The serjeant
of marines danced with them, and they seemed friendly.
They put their arms around his neck and kissed him; recognized Connell,
Doyle, Farrell, and another as being there. Connell had
in his hand a piece of wood with the bark off, about three feet long. He
struck Ross with it on the head as Ross was going out of
the tap-room. Only saw him strike once. There was such a crowd of them
that witness could not see if deceased was on the
ground or not. Doyle had a stick in his hand.
Mr. Rae, the surgeon of the Chatham Hospital, said a marine was brought
there on the 27th October. Examined his head the
following morning.
The appearances were more fully described by the assistant, who was
examined after Mr. Rae had sat down.
Mr. Rae said, in examining the head the outer covering of bone was
denuded to the extent of an inch. There was a separation of
the inner membrane to very small extent, the space being occupied by a
small clot of blood. The brain was more or less vascular,
and there was a small quantity of water in the ventricle. Erysipelas was
at times infectious they always separated persons afflicted
with it from other patients. The disorder was prevalent at the time.
Question by Callaghan:— Why were not the surgeons of the line allowed to
examine the head?
Witness:— None applied.
By Brannan:— Was there not no objection against a doctor of the line
being called in?
Witness:— Had heard of none.
Mr. Kift, assistant surgeon of the hospital, said a marine was brought
in the evening, between nine and ten o'clock bleeding from
a wound on the right side of the head, he secured the ligatures, and
the blood ceased to flow. The bone was exposed. He
dressed the wound and sent the man to bed. The man died. He assisted in
the post mortem examination. Considers the man died
from a combination of the wound and the erysipelas. The wound appeared
to be caused by a blunt instrument. A stick would
have effected it. Erysipelas attacked the wound on the third day. The
disorder had been prevalent. Thought it probable the
marine would have recovered if erysipelas had not come on. It is common
naturally in wounds of the head for erysipelas to follow.
He had objected to admit a private practitioner to the post mortem
examination. It was not customary for them to interfere with
the duties in the Hospital.
By Brasnan:— Was application made by one of the jury at the inquest to
admit a military surgeon.
Witness:- Yes; and he had sent for Dr. Piper, the garrison surgeon.
James Charlton.— Was waiter at the "Nary Arms" on the 27th October. All
the soldiers had sticks. One of them asked for a tune.
They begun to jump about to it. Saw five of the prisoners of the bar
there, Grizzle, a marine, received a blow from Connell on the
shoulder, and as Ross followed his comrade out of the room Connell
struck him on the head and knocked him down. Ross fell into
the passage. The soldiers went soon after this, and lie then saw Ross in
the parlour. There was a great quantity of blood on the
floor. The soldiers as they danced struck the door with their sticks.
By Brannan:- Saw no one strike the marine beside Connell. He (witness)
was dodging about to escape the blow himself. The
marines did not defend themselves.
Isaiah Powell, a private in the marines:— Was at the "Old Barn" public
house on the 27th of October, and afterward, at the "Navy
Arms." When at the "Old Barn" saw several of the soldiers of the 67th go
into the yard to get sticks. One of them said they would
"split the skulls of the b—y marines." Himself and a comrade went to the
"Navy Arms;" there were other marines there. A party of
the soldiers entered the tap room just at witness called for a pint of
beer. Ross was there, playing at cards. One of the soldiers
struck at witness as he was stepping over a screen to get out of the
room; the blow fell on the heel of his boot. He got against the
passage door, and saw the soldiers close on the marines in the box. Some
of the marines were under the table, and some lying
down bleeding. Noticed only one man, Callaghan, who when Ross was rising
from the ground and picking up his cap, struck him
on the head with a thick stick. Ross fell on the settle, and witness ran
away into the parlour. He saw Ross going down the passage
stooping, and he took him into the parlour. They got some water, and
himself and Leakes washed Ross's head. Saw Connell,
Lyons, and Callaghan, but did not notice any others. The row lasted
about a minute and a half, but they might be five or ten
minutes in the house altogether.
Question by Brasnan:— Was the blow struck by Callaghan the same that
caused the wound?
Witness replied he could not say; he saw Callaghan strike Ross, but did
not know if it was that blow which caused death. It was
the blow that inflicted the cut. Could not swear that he saw any body
else strike Ross, but he saw Connell and Lyons brandishing
their sticks about. There was a lump or two on Ross's head besides the
wound. Ross called his (witness’s) attention to them in the
By Callaghan:— Had learned his (Callaghan's) name at the inquest.
By Connell:— Did you identify me at the Coroner's inquest?
Witness had said he would not swear he (Connell) was there.
By the Judge:— Would not now swear he saw him there.
By Connell:— Was not asked at the inquest to swear to him.
By Lyons:— Was not asked to identify him. Thought he knew him by his
Thomas Grizzle, the marine who was playing cards with Ross at the time
the last witness entered the "Navy Arms" corroborated
the statement of the disturbance. Serjeant Rose, of the Marines went to
them, and told them not to speak to the soldiers, to whom
he gave a pot of beer. The soldiers surrounded the Serjeant, and
appeared to be kissing him. The serjeant left before the
disturbance. The soldiers struck Ross. After washing Ross's wounds he
took him to a doctor who dressed them, and by the doctor's
advice accompanied him to the Hospital. Recognised Brasnan, Lyons, and
Lawler. Saw Lyons strike Ross as he sat in the box.
By Brasnan:- There were other than those at the bar before the Coroner.
Recognised four on that occasion; one is not here. There
was a blow struck after Lyons hit Ross in the box. Did not know who
struck him.
By the Judge:- At the inquest they asked if the blow struck by Lyons
drew blood.
Witness said he could not say. He hit Ross on the head.
Sergeant William Rose belong to the Marines. It was at the "Navy Arms"
on the 27th of October. Saw a party of soldiers there, and
gave them some porter, requesting them to go quietly to their barracks.
Did not observe one without a stick. There was an
expression used by someone, but he could not identify who said it. Some
of the soldiers left the house at the time he did. There
were several marines and the tap-room, but he did not know if Ross was
one. Lyons was there. Did not see him do anything.
Question by Brasnan:- Saw two marines wrestling a poker from him
prisoner at the "Green Man" public house, after the affray at
the "Navy Arms." Sore Baynan there also. This was about half-past eight
or a quarter to nine.
Henry King:- Is a sergeant of marines. Remembers the soldiers going to
the "Navy Arms." He had been there a quarter of an hour
when they came in. Saw one with a stick, but cannot swear to him. Whilst
talking with a soldier in the marines were attacked by
them in another part of the room. Did not see anyone struck. Could not
swear to any of the prisoners.
Robert Lee's, a private in the marines:- Was at the "Navy Arms." A man
with a wooden leg recommended them to go into another
room just before the soldiers arrived. Ross said he thought they would
not interrupt them, and they might as well remain. Knew
Lyons and Lawler, but no one else. About eight o’clock the soldiers
commenced a row, and witness received a blow on his right
shoulder and got up. Lyons stood at the front of the table to prevent
any one going out. Witness was knocked down. Lawler struck
at him several times. Did not see Ross struck at all.
David Harris.— Is a private in the sappers and miners. Was at the "Navy
Arms," he went out for ten minutes, and on his return the
tap-room was in confusion. There was a party of soldiers armed with
sticks in it. Saw Ross struck by Connell with a stick and his
hat fall off. Callaghan and Johnman were there. Did not see blood follow
Connells blow.
By Judge:— Was quite sure that Johnman was the other man.
George Howard:— Was in the "Navy Arms" about eight o’clock. All was
confusion. Saw a party of soldiers of the line come out
armed with sticks. They went in again, and again returned to the street.
Did not see Ross. Recognised Lawler, Sykes, and Lyons.
It was here intimated that the prisoner's witnesses had arrived, and his
lordship told the prisoners that they should have an
opportunity of seeing them.
Collins, porter to the Medway Union, saw the soldiers knocking the
marines about at the "Navy Arms." Some of them were on the
table and others on the settle. Saw Ross struck on the starboard side of
thr head, the right side us it is generally called. On getting
out of the tap-room into the passage, he was followed towards the
parlour, and one of the soldiers (Lawler) struck at him with his
bludgeon, and over-reaching him, broke two panes of glass in the window
of the door. Followed him, accompanied by a peace
officer and took him into custody in the course of the evening. He also
recognised Brasnan.
By the Judge:— Signed the deposition before the Coroner. The Judge said
Brasnan was not named then by him.
Witness said they were in different dresses.
The deposition was handed to him; and he said he was mistaken in his
identity of Brasnan.
Question by Lawler:— At the Court Martial, held at the Barracks had
sworn to his (Lawler) striking at him in the passage.
Bines, a constable of Chatham, was sent for to the "Navy Arms," but the
soldiers had all gone. This was about a quarter past eight
o'clock. Went on up the street to quell a disturbance among the
soldiers, who had sticks. Saw Lawler, Brasnan, Buynan, and gave
them in charge of a piquet.
This terminated the evidence for the prosecution; and his Lordship
called upon the prisoners for their defence.
Connell declared his innocence, and that when taken to the hospital to
Ross, the dying man said he had never seen him before.
Lyons said they might as well have selected any other soldier from the
Lawler said he was innocent.
Brasnan said he was never at the "Navy Arms"* in his life. Some of the
civilians said he was one of the party, but he was not
selected next day from the ranks.
The rest of the prisoners declared their innocence.
The Judge said to Connell that he had the deposition of Ross as taken on
his death-bed. The prisoners might, if they chose, have
it read, but they must abide the consequences.
The prisoners declined having it put in as evidence. They would call
their witnesses.
The following evidence was then called in their behalf. They were
understood to have come from Portsmouth for the purpose.
Thomas Clifford, private of the 67th, said John Connell and Lyons, were
at the "Navy Arms" with him. Supposed that not more
than four of the 74th were there. Left when the row commenced, but did
not see either Connell, Callaghan, or Lyons.
By Lawler:— Did not see him in the room; he could not be then unknown to
witness. Brasnan was not there, nor Lawler.
Timothy Harrington, a Corporal of the 67th, was orderly corporal on the
day of the affray, and was not out of the barracks. The
"Navy Arms" is about three quarters of a mile distance. The men were all
sober when they returned to barracks, a few minutes
past eight o'clock.
William Hayes, a private, was at the public house, but saw none of the
prisoners strike anybody. Doyle was in his company the
whole time Doyle had no stick or unlawful weapon in his hand. Doyle
could strike no one unknown to witness, nor did he take any
part in the row. Did not see Lawler; but did not know half there, from
the confusion.
John Murphy, private of the 67th, was on guard, and ordered out by the
Officer into Chatham. Saw three of their men opposite
the "Green Man," a few minutes past eight — Lawler, Buynan, and Brasnan.
Took them into custody. The constable demanded Lawler as a prisoner, to be given over to the civil power; and he was
given up.
William Vince, another private:— Doyle was never out of his presence. He
(witness) returned to barracks about a quarter past
eight. They left the "Navy Arms" together, as soon as the row commenced.
Did not see either Buynan or Brasnan in the house.
John Spiller accompanied Clifford to and from the "Navy Arms." Did not
see Lawler, Brasnan, nor Buynan there at all.
John Shaw, a private of the 74th, on the evening in question saw the
prisoner Johnanan in the barracks from half-past five o’clock
to a quarter before eight. He was with witness. When before the Coroner
witness had not said he could not tell the day of the
week the affray took place. Knew it was Saturday.
The prisoners said they wished not to call any more witnesses.
This closed the evidence.
The learned judge then turned to the jury and observed that as the
inquiry had continued throughout the whole day, he deemed it
right to allow them the option of having the further consideration of
the case deferred until the morning, or of closing it that day.
The summing up would occupy a considerable time, as the evidence applied
to each of the ten prisoners separately.
The jury, after a brief consultation, turned to his lordship and
thanking him, said they would prefer the postponement of the case.
Much to their astonishment and chagrin his lordship ordered
accommodation to be prepared in the grand jury room, and two
officers to be sworn to keep them aloof from all communication during the
night. The jury attempted to remonstrate, but the
officers of the room were too intent upon their duties to listen to the
complaint, and the "twelve" were escorted in due form to
their temporary asylum, and the court adjourned to the next day.
On the Saturday morning the case was ably and explicitly recapulated
before the jury. His lordship said that no conclusive proof of
who had committed the capital crime had been adduced—that the charge did
not amount to more than manslaughter against
the three principals; and as concerned the others the evidence was vague
and unsatisfactory.
The jury retired for the space of three quarters of an hour, and on
their return into court declared Connell, Lyons, and Callaghan
guilty of manslaughter, and acquitted the remainder.
The prisoners were then all removed with the exception of Joshua Sykes,
who was arranged for the murder of Charles Jeffcott a
marine, at Chatham.
It appealed by the evidence of two of the soldiers of the 67th regiment
that in an affray which took place in the streets of
Chatham, subsequent to the fatal affair at the "Navy Arms," Jeffcott was
assailed and violently beaten by the soldiers and his death
ensued on the 11th of November. The prisoner was one of the party in the
The prisoner denied his guilt.
The jury consulted a few minutes, and then returned a verdict— "We
acquit the prisoner of murder, but find him guilty of
The other three prisoners were then brought up and placed by the side of
Sykes to receive judgment.
His lordship addressed them as follows:— John Connell, Maurice Lyons,
and John Callaghan, you were indicted for the wilful
murder of Robert Ross, but the jury, after hearing a great deal of
evidence, and giving the case great consideration, have found
you guilty of the minor offence of manslaughter, and in their verdict I
fully concur, but I must say that it is a case of great
aggravation; yet I consider that a distinction may be made between your
degrees of guilt. With respect to you Connell, the court
feels bound to inflict the whole punishment which the law allows. The
sentence, therefore upon you is that you be transported for
the term of your natural life, and that you Lyons and Callaghan be
transported for seven years. With regard to you, Joshua Sykes,
you have been properly convicted of a similar offence but the court have
taken into consideration that you was not the person who
struck the fatal blow. The sentence, therefore, is also upon you that
you be transported for seven years.
West Kent Guardian 14 January 1843.
James Chidley, landlord of the "Compasses," High-street, Chatham,
four doors from the "Navy Arms," said this two prisoners came into
his house about a-quarter past six o’clock on Sunday morning last.
The prisoner, Ballard, called for a pot of ale, and gave
half-a-crown to witness to pay for it, receiving 2s. change. There
were two others with the prisoner — one a fisherman and the other
Sutherland — they then had some gin-hot. The prisoner Ballard called
for 2lb of rump steaks; witness not having the steaks, they had
6-penny worth of bread and cheese: Smith, the prisoner, gave witness
a six-pence to pay for what he had. Witness did not see the party
leave his house. In the course of the morning Ballard came to his
house again, and gave witness a half-sovereign to pay for a quartern
of rum; a woman named Parham was with
him, the prisoner said he should not go on board that morning.
Witness produced the half-sovereign he took from the prisoner
Kentish Independent, Saturday 11 September 1852.
On the 26th of August, Mr. S. J. D. Wrake, of the "Navy Arms," Chatham,
ages 29.
Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette
30 April 1853.
Another of those destructive conflagrations, for which unhappily Chatham
has become notorious, occurred early on Friday morning last.
The scene
of destruction in this instance was the house and shop occupied by Mr.
Heath, printer and bookseller, and the adjoining public-house called the
"Navy Arms," both situated near the post-office, High-street.
The fire
appears to have originated in the cellar of Mr. Heath’s house at a few
minutes before twelve, and the first intimation the persons in the house
received that anything was wrong was through the infant of Mrs. Heath,
who, being very restless, roused the parents, when the room was
discovered to be filled with smoke. The watchman upon duty seems to have
discovered the flames at this moment, by perceiving smoke issuing from
the cellar. He at once aroused the inmates, and in a few minutes the
house was one sheet of flame; Mr. and Mrs. Heath, their infant and
servant, having barely time to escape through the back window in their
night clothes. The alarm having been given, the Kent fire engine,
followed by the Sun, was quickly on the spot, manned by the men
belonging to the fire brigade.
The engine from the Marine barracks, and
also that belonging to the dockyard, attended, but their combined
efforts did not prevent the flames from extending to the adjoining
public-house at the rear, and both buildings were speedily in ruins.
fierce a hold had the flames of the buildings destroyed, that all hope
of saving them was in vain; the attention of the brigade was, therefore,
directed to the safety of the "Mitre Hotel," which was only separated
from the burning premises by a gateway, and are happy to say these
extensive premises escaped with only trifling injury.
A strong body of
about 400 Marines were marched to the scene of disaster, and did
essential service in keeping back an immense crowd, and also in working
the engines, &c.
The origin of the fire cannot be ascertained, but it
may have been caused by the servant who had occasion to proceed to the
cellar a short time before the family retired to rest.
The premises and
contents of both houses were insured. We regret to say that Mr Heath,
who has only recently commenced business, will be a great loser by this
calamity, his losses consisting not only of books and stationary, but
also of several fonts of new and valuable type, which he had only
recently purchased.
CROFT Cheaman Mr to 27/May/1829 dec'd
HILLS William 1832+
(266 High Street)
JACKSON Charles 1838+

WRAKE S J D Mr to 26/Aug/1852 dec'd
WINGROVE James 1871-72 (age 46 in 1871 )
KEMSLEY Daniel 1872-74+

BOND John 1881+ (age 42 in 1881 )
MILLS James 1882+
SPELLS Charles 1891+ (age 35 in 1891 )
SPELLS H C 1903-13+
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
Topography 1838
Records 1872
From the Kelly's Directory 1903