Sheppey Way
Above matchbox, circa 1980, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 25 September 1855.
At the petty sessions on Monday, before the Rev. Dr. Poore and the Rev.
G. B. Moore, licences of several innkeeper's in the district of
Sittingbourne were renewed.
Sarah Anderson, of the "Halfway House" beer shop, Bobbing, applied for a
licence to sell excisable liquors by retail, but was refused. Similar
applications were made by Edwin Shrubsole, J. M. Chambers, and Charles
Hammond, of Sheerness, and refused.
South Eastern Gazette 02 September 1862.
On Thursday afternoon a hay stack to a field near the "Halfway House,"
belonging to Mr. Gouge, of Pigeon Farm, was discovered to be on fire.
Police-constable Dewstone, who was soon on the spot, found the fire to
have been caused by three little boys, named George Long, Richard Seager,
and Alfred Fuller, all about five or six years of age, who were at play
in the field, when they found some Lucifer matches in the hedge,
probably placed there by harvesters, with which they lit a fire in the
vicinity of the stack. The eldest boy (Long) admitted that he afterwards
made a hole in the stock and inserted some fire, and the whole stack was
very speedily in a blaze. The stack, which was entirely consumed, was
worth about £50, and was insured.
CHAPMAN Richard 1841+ (age 65 in 1841 )
ANDERSON Mrs Sarah 1851-58+ (widow age 35 in 1851 )

CHAPMAN William 1861-71+ (age 69 in 1871 )
CHAPMAN George 1874-82+ (age 46 in 1881 )
ATKINS Albert 1903+

BRUNGER Charles 1911-28+ (age 50 in 1911 )

WHIBLEY John 1938+

BAKER Cyril Robert 1952-57+
PAGE Mick 1974

LUKE Harry & Sheila 1980+
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Dover Express
the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Post Office Directory 1938