7 Brook Street / Smithfield Bank
Wright's Topography of 1838 says the premises was situated on the Corner
of Brook and Military Road.
In 1869-70 the pub was part of a consortium who were advertising their
goods of selling tea in response to grocers' selling beer and wine. (Click
for further details.)
The Licensing Records of 1872 stated the premises was operating a Full
License and was owned by Edward Winch of Chatham.
Kentish Gazette 03 March 1770.
To be Sold by Auction, By John Hopkins.
By Order of the EXECUTRIX, the latter End of this Month, at the
"Golden Lyon," near the Brook, at Chatham.
The following Estate, late the Property of Mr. Edward Wood, deceased,
In Two Lots.
Lot 1. Consists of Seven New Brick Messuages or Tenements; one of which
is that reputable and well-accustomed Public-house the "Golden Lyon" as
above, and Six other adjoining, pleasantly situated on Smithfield Bank,
near the Brook at Chatham, held by Lease from the Dean and Chapter of
Rochester for a Term of Twenty-one Years, renewable every Seven Years at
Ten Shillings per Annum, of which Lease Fourteen Years are unexpired at
Lady-day, and Let to good Tenants, at Fifty Pounds per Year.
LOT 2. Consists of a Messuage or Tenement situate in that remarkable
pleasant Spot, called St. Margaret's Bank, at Chatham, and commands a
delightful Prospect of the River Medway, and the adjacent Villages. The
said Messuage is held by Lease for 999 Years, at a Pepper-corn per Year,
800 Years and Upwards unexpired; it is in substantial Repair, and Let to
a good Tenant at £3. per Annum.
The Time of Sale and when particulars may be had, will be made public in
a short Time.
Kentish Gazette 7 January 1803.
Friday night last, or early on Saturday morning the public-house of
Mr. Bishop, the Sign at the "Golden-lion," was broke into and robbed
of two coats, two shillings in silver, and 30 shillings worth of
Kentish Gazette, 5 September 1820.
Last week on the Brook, Chatham, Mm. Bishop, wife of Mr. Bishop of
the "Golden Lion."
Kentish Chronicle, 21 July, 1829.
July 12, on the brook, Chatham, Mr. Bishop, of the "Golden Lion."
From the Kentish Gazette, 8 August 1843.
July 25, at his residence, "Golden Lion Inn," Brook, Chatham, Mr. James
Butcher, aged 77.
Kentish Gazette, 7 December 1847.
At the County Magistrates’ Office, Rochester, on Wednesday, the 24th
ult. John Prophet and Peter Robinson, both privates belonging to the 63d
Regiment, stationed at Chatham Barracks, were charged with stealing a £5
Bank of England note, from a box belonging to Lance-Sergeant John
Prophey, of the same corps, which note had been entrusted to him by
Lieut. L. V. Reynolds, the officer who commands his company, to pay the
soldiers of the company with. The Sergeant said that at seven o'clock on
Saturday evening the Bank-note was safe in his box which stood at the
head of his cot in the Barrack-room; that at eight o’clock he went to
the box to get his pay list out, and he then missed the little bag which
contained the note. The two prisoners occupied quarters in the same room
with him; and at half-past seven o’clock the prisoner Prophet asked him
if he should make his bed down, which he allowed the prisoner to do. The
box at that time stood with the lid up, and when he missed the money
both prisoners were gone, and as they were absent at tattoo suspicion
fell upon them that they had stolen it. He went in search of them; they
were however taken by the picquets during the evening and lodged in the
guard-house; and on searching the prisoner Prophet the bag that
contained the £5 note was found in his trowsers pocket. Evidence was
also given that the prisoners were together that night at the "White
Hart" public-house, in the Brook, at Chatham, and there offered a £5
note in payment for some beer, but the landlady, Mrs. Chambers, could
not give change, and she gave the note back again to one of the
prisoners, who sent the waiter out to get change elsewhere, and the
waiter procured five sovereigns from Mrs. Butcher, at the "Golden Lion
Inn," as the waiter said for his master. The waiter did not return with
the change, and he has not been seen since. Mrs. Butcher produced the £5
note, but the sergeant could not identify it as the one he had lost. The
prisoner Prophet confessed to the robbery, and Robinson said he was led
into the scrape. Both the prisoners were committed for trial at the
Quarter Sessions at Maidstone.
Kentish Gazette, 15 January 1850.
Illustrated London News, Saturday 19 January 1850.
On Saturday evening last, an inquest was held at the "Golden Lion Inn,"
Chatham, before J. Hind, Esq., coroner for West Kent, touching the death
of Ellen Bright, a young girl, aged 17 years, who was killed on the
previous evening by a tiger, in the establishment of Mr. George Wombwell,
which had arrived in that town for exhibition on the preceding day. The
deceased, who was denominated "the Lion Queen" had the honour of
performing before her Majesty some time since, at Windsor Castle; and,
as will be seen from the evidence, was going through the usual
evolutions with a lion and tiger at the time she met with her melancholy
Stephen King, the first witness examined, said he had been in the employ
of Mr. Wombwell, as keeper, for the last six years. The deceased was a
niece of Mr. Wombwell, and daughter of John Bright, a bugle-player in
the band. It was the business of the deceased to go into the dens and
perform with the beasts, which she had been in the habit of doing
several times daily for the last twelve months. On Friday evening,
shortly after nine o’clock, she went into the den in which a lion and
tiger were kept, for the purpose of performing as usual—the tricks
played by her being principally with the former animal. She had only
been in two or three minutes, but had gone through the main part of the
performance, excepting that of making the lion sit down in a particular
part of the cage, when—the tiger being in her way—the deceased struck it
lightly with a small whip which she carried in her hand. The beast
growled, as if in anger, and, crouching close to the bottom of the den,
stretched out its paw, as if at her leg or dress, causing the deceased
to fall sideways against the cage; the animal at the same moment sprang
at her, and, seizing her ferociously by the neck, inserted the teeth of
the upper jaw in her chin, and, in closing his mouth, inflicted
frightful injury in the throat with his fangs, he then appeared to
change his position, making a second gripe across the throat of his
victim. A keeper, who was standing on the step of the den, armed with a
whip, immediately rushed to her assistance, but the animal did not loose
its hold until struck over the nose violently with an iron bar; and
whilst King held the tiger, the poor woman was removed from the cage,
bleeding profusely, and life all but extinct. She was taken into one of
the caravans, where she was immediately attended by two medical
gentlemen, who happened to be present at the time of the occurrence.
By the Jury:- The animal had never exhibited symptoms of animosity
before. All the animals appeared very fond of deceased, and she of them.
Witness had frequently heard Mr. Wombwell say he wished there was no
Lion Queen. Witness thought, if she had kept the whip from the animal,
it would not have attacked her. Deceased had never exhibited any
symptoms of fear, and had frequently gone into the den to the animals
when there had been no company present, for practice and amusement. It
had been said that, perhaps, it happened because the beasts had not been
fed, and it was a few minutes past their time. In answer to that,
witness could only say, he had frequently seen her go amongst the
animals on a Monday, when they had not been fed on the previous day.
Richard Cooper Todd, surgeon, attached to the Royal Artillery, stationed
in Brompton Barracks, said he was witnessing the exhibition at the time
of the occurrence, and was standing quite close to the rope in front of
the den. He saw the deceased enter, and on going in the tiger did not
appear to be very friendly with her; she struck him on entering, and he
lay down. She then proceeded to her performances with the lion, and
afterwards turned round, and again struck the tiger. It appeared angry,
and immediately seemed to turn upon the deceased, rearing upon his hind
legs, and seizing her by the neck. She fell on her back, and the tiger
crouched over her. He saw no more of her until removed from the den,
when he hastened to her assistance. She was perfectly insensible, and
had lost a great deal of blood, and her face and lips were very pale.
She was still alive; the heart was beating; but she was perfectly
unconscious. Witness placed his hand on the wound in the neck to stop
the bleeding, and administered some brandy to deceased, but she was
unable to swallow it, and in a very few minutes her heart ceased to
beat. There were four wounds on the left side of the neck, a slight
wound on the right leg, and another on the chin, caused by the teeth of
the tiger, whose jaw had caused a very large wound under the chin,
which, aided by the shock her system had sustained, produced death.
The Jury returned a verdict to the effect that deceased was killed by a
male tiger whilst exhibiting in its den, and expressed a strong opinion
against the practice of allowing persons to perform in a den with
The occurrence excited very painful interest, and a great number of
persons were present during the inquiry.
The alarm and confusion among the spectators at the moment of the
frightful scene baffles description, most of those present pressing on
each other in their efforts to escape. Fortunately, however, none were
seriously injured.
Kentish Gazette, 15 January 1850.
JAN. 12. Dreadful Death or Miss Bright.
A most frightful and fatal occurrence took place last night in
Wombwell’s Menagerie, which arrived at Chatham about two days ago, and
now exhibiting at the east end of the Military Road. This was the second
night of submitting to the public inspection his unrivalled collection.
Shortly after nine o'clock the public were witnessing in the area of the
building the various animals, when their attention was directed to the
exciting scene of a young woman entering the den containing a lion and
also a male tiger, and then commenced displaying her usual feats, thus
showing the sovereignty and control exercised by her over these animals,
in which it is said she far excelled Van Amburgh and she was designated
the "Lion Queen." Both animals appeared to be perfectly mild, and she
exercised her authority over them so effectively, that they rendered to
her a willing obedience; when, in a moment, the tiger suddenly sprang
forward and seized the lady (Miss Bright), by the throat, with such a
degree of force that the teeth and claws of the animal rendered her a
lifeless corpse in less than two minutes, although the assistants were
without loss of time at the door, and forcibly dragged the unfortunate
creature out of the den covered in of blood. The jugular vein is
separated, and the neck is shockingly lacerated. The attack caused the
greatest horror to all present. Some of the military medical gentlemen
were present witnessing the animals, and they rendered every assistance.
The deceased was about 19 years of age, and niece to Mr. Wombwell. The
body was removed to the "Golden Lion," to await a coroner’s inquest,
which was held this afternoon by J. Hinde, Esq., one of the coroners for
the divisions of the county. The painful event has caused very great
South Eastern Gazette, 5 June, 1860.
Child Murder at Chatham.
On Thursday evening last an inquest was held at the "Golden Lion
tavern," Military-road, Chatham, on the body of a male infant, name
unknown, whose body was found floating in the river, under
circumstances which left no doubt that it had been murdered.
George Tulay, a waterman, proved finding the body in the river, off
the New-stairs, Chatham, on Tuesday morning last. The body, which
was wrapped up in a coarse cloth, was, when brought ashore,
deposited in the commandant’s garden. Sergeant Fisher, of the
Chatham police, stated that he had made every enquiry in order to
find a clue to the mother of the infant, but up to the present time
without effect. During his investigations he had ascertained that
some clothes belonging to a female had been found in a field at
Gillingham, with marks of blood on them. He had not, however, been
able to trace them to the party who left them there. Mr. J. Ely,
surgeon, said he had made a post mortem examination of the body of
the infant, which had been alive, but it was evident great violence
had been used at its birth. His opinion was that death had been
caused either by the infant bleeding to death, or from drowning. The
Coroner said he thought little stress was to be laid on the
discovery of the clothes alluded to, as they might not have belonged
to the mother. Sergeant Fisher stated that during his enquiries into
this case, he had ascertained that there was a young woman missing
from Ordnance-place, and it was generally believed that her husband
had murdered her. After a few words from the Coroner the jury
returned a verdict of "Wilful murder against some person unknown."
During the inquiry the learned coroner remarked on the increase
which had lately taken place in the crime of infanticide in this
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 23 October 1860.
On Wednesday last an inquest was held at the "Golden Lion," Brook,
before T. Hills, Esq., coroner, on the body of an illegitimate child of
a woman named Caroline Saunders, which was found dead under somewhat
suspicious circumstances.
It appeared that the mother of the child
resided in Fairrow, Chatham, and on the 25th of last month was delivered
of a child in the house of her sister, a woman named Macdermot, there
being no person in the room with her at the time.
On the sister going in
she found the dead body of a newly-born child in a crock under the bed,
the mother at the time being insensible. Mr. J. J. Ely, surgeon, was
shortly afterwards called in to attend the mother, and made an
examination of the child, which was a full grown and very healthy one.
The cord was torn and separated, which was the cause of death. A careful
examination of the body showed that there were no bruised or marks of
violence upon it.
The jury returned an open verdict that the child was
found dead, but how it came by its death there was no evidence to show. |
Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be
I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it,
but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the
information will come from.
All emails are answered.
BISHOP John 1803-12/July/29 dec'd

HUGHES Thomas 1832+

BUTCHER James 1838-July/25/43 dec'd age 77

BUTCHER Mrs 1847+
MOSS George 1858-81+ (also solicitors managing clerk age 65 in 1881 )

DUDMAN William 1891+ (age 54 in 1891 )
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
Topography 1838
Records 1872