High Street
In 1872 the premises was operating under a Full license and was owned by
Edward Winch of Chatham.
From the Sevenoaks Chronicle, 31 August 1852.
Friday being the day appointed for the general annual Licensing day, and
for hearing applications fro granting new licenses, the county
magistrates assembled in petty sessions at eleven o'clock. There were
present, the Rev. G. Davies (chairman), Capt. Baker, W. M. Smith, Esq.,
M. P., W. H. Nicholson, Esq., Major Boys, and the Rev. J. J. Marsham.
There were several applications for granting new licenses, and the
proceedings were watched with some interest by those concerned.
Mr. Arnold then applied for a license for the "Elephant and Castle"
beer-shop, situate on the Luton Road, Chatham. The ground near it, he
said, was laid out for building purposes. The nearest licensed house on
the Chatham side was the "Dark Sun" and on the Luton side the "Hen and
Chickens," the former being half a mile distant from the "Elephant and
Application refused.
The Magistrates then proceeded to granting the renewal of the several
licenses within their jurisdiction, and at the close of the business
dined together at the "Crown Inn."
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 18 May 1858.
Mysterious death of a soldier.
From an inquest which was held at the "Queen's Head," Brompton, by T.
Hills, Esq., coroner, on Monday week, and immediately adjourned to
Thursday evening last, we find that a private in the 23rd Regiment came
by his death on Sunday evening week, under very peculiar and melancholy
circumstances. We cannot suppose that the matter can rest here.
Peter Phillips, Sergeant in the 61st Foot said:- Deceased, Edward James,
was a private in the 23rd Regiment, and was 22 years old. I was on
picket last night (the third inst.), and at 8:30, what's by the "Dark
Sun," in Chatham. I was called there by the landlady, or some other
female, and on going into the taproom, I saw three four men scuffling
together. Two men were on the floor, deceased being one, and another was
named Shields, a private in the 23rd. I gave Shields in charge to the
corporal and found deceased senseless. I sent for a stretcher, and took
him with the help of others, to the hospital, but before we could get
him there he was dead. He was very drunk, and Shields also had been
drinking. I saw no blow, but they had evidently been a scuffle between
Shields and deceased. I have heard that a private in the 23rd gave
deceased whiskey before I went into the "Dark Sun."
Henry Hulsh, surgeon of the 2nd Battalion, said:- I examine the body of
the deceased. I found no external marks of violence except a slight
bruise on his forehead and nose, but this was not such as to have caused
serious injury. The heart and lungs were highly gorged with blood. The
bowels were highly congested, as also so were the spleen and kidney, and
a stomach was filled with blood. In the stomach there was a strong smell
of whiskey. The coat of the stomach was softened and inflamed from large
quantities of raw spirit. There was an effusion of lymph in two cavities
of the brain. Death was evidently caused by congestion of the lungs and
brain, which might be caused by excessive drinking, or by violence of
which there was no sign.
John Lear, private and the 23rd, said he was at the "Dark Sun," on the
Sunday evening, with deceased and Shields. Deceased called for half a
pint of whiskey, and drank it. He was drunk when he called for it and
afterwards went to sleep. Shields was falling out with some girls, and
tried to wake deceased to get into barracks, but finding he could not
wake him, knocked him off the settle. Shields was drunk and quarrelsome,
and witness went for the picket.
John Austen, Corporal in the 20th, went with picket to the "Dark Sun."
He saw two or three men scuffling. Deceased was on the floor, and
Shields on the top of him with his hands around his neck, as if
strangling him. As Shields was being lifted off him he raised deceased's
head by the hair and hit him on the back of the neck.
Harriet Downey lived at the "Dark Sun." Deceased and other soldiers came
in on Sunday "May 3). Deceased and Shields being both very drunk. They
became so rough that witness left the room. Lear pressed the sergeant of
the picket to drink with him, but witness advised the sergeant not to do
The Coroner summed up briefly, and said that he thought Shields could
not be convicted of manslaughter on the evidence, and the jury returned
a verdict that the deceased died from excessive drinking.
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 8 February 1859.
The Late Fatal Accident on East Kent Railway.
To the editor of The South Eastern Gazette.
Sir, A few days since, as is generally known, there was a slip of land
on one of the cuttings of the East Kent Railway, which ending in death
to one man, and serious injury to another. The wife of the former,
anxious to see her late husband before he was buried, was obliged to
pledge part of her clothes to pay her fair to Canterbury.
Some gentlemen passengers in the omnibus, seeing her destitute state,
subscribed for her a few shillings, and on their arrival in Canterbury
represented her case to Mr. Clements, the respected omnibus proprietor;
he at once ordered some refreshment for the poor creature, who appeared
hardly able to crawl, and then ordered her a fly to convey her to the
hospital, to see all that remained of him who had been a partaker of her
joys and sorrows for 24 years.
The poor woman's condition has since been reported to Mr. Finnegan, the
manager of the East Kent Railway, and he directed the fare to be
returned to her, and a pass was forwarded for her return to Chatham.
It appeared her husband was out of work more than a year, and had been
working on the line of rail for 3-weeks only; he walked to his home, 24
miles on the Sunday previous; he had no money to take, as they are paid
by the contractors once a month, and received tickets for provisions in
the interim. The wife appeared to be in the last stages of consumption;
she goes to her desolate home unable from weakness to work.
Perhaps Some of your reader's, Mr. Editor may be induced to visits and
relieve this daughter of a affliction. In such hope I enclose her
address and remain, Sir, yours respectfully, a commercial traveller
2nd February 1859.
Mary Latter near the "Dark Sun" public house, Chatham.
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 28 May 1861.
Coroner's Inquest.
The Fatal Accident at Chatham Hill.
On Tuesday morning last, an inquest was held at the "Dark Sun" public
house, on the bodies of John Wisden, 40, and Henry
Marsden, 8, who were killed on the Saturday morning previous, by the
falling in of a chalk pit. We gave the particulars in our
last. After an extremely lengthened investigation, chiefly of a
speculative character as to cause, in which it was elicited that
Wisden had received repeated cautions of the needless danger he was
The jury returned a verdict in each case of "Accidental Death."
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Saturday 14 July 1866.
Michael Coyle, a private in a 12th Foot, was charged with breaking into
the residents of Robert Norris, the "Dark Sun" public house, Chatham, on
the 9th instant, and stealing property therefrom. It appeared that upon
the morning in question the prosecutor heard a noise, and going out of
his bedroom saw prisoner with the property. He detained him until the
police came, when he was given into custody. The prisoner, who said he
had nothing to say, was committed for trial at the assizes.
Chatham News, Saturday 27 August 1870.
Robbery from the Person.
Catherine Davies an unfortunate, was charged with stealing two
sovereigns and some silver money, at the "Dark Sun," on Friday the 19th
instant, from the person of Michael Molloy.
From the evidence it appeared that the prosecutor, and old Irishman, who
said he had been harvesting, arrived in Chatham on Friday the 19th
instant. After being at other places in the town, he went to the "Dark
Sun," where he met with the prisoner, who cooked him some potatoes and
eggs. He was the worst for liquor, and went upstairs with the prisoner,
and afterwards missed two sovereigns from his watch pocket, and 6s. or
7s. in Silver. A witness named Emily Williams stated that the prisoner
on coming downstairs asked her to go up the street with her, when she
showed her two sovereigns, and then went and purchased several articles,
amounting to 1s 6d. Police constable Gates was sent for and the
prisoner was given into custody.
The prisoner pleaded not guilty. She said the prosecutor gave her the
two sovereigns, instead of two shillings, as he thought.
Committed for trial at the Maidstone Quarter Sessions.
The 1871 census lists Stephen Faucett age 40 as being a Licensed Victualler
addressed at 1 Lavender Square, but no pub name given.

JARRETT Henry 1840+
FAUCETT Stephen 1858+
LANGFORD William 1861-62+ (age 30 in 1861 )
COYLE Michael 1866+
NORRIS Robert 1871-74+ (age 37 in 1871 )

LAWRENCE Charles 1881+ (age 29 in 1881 )
Topography 1838
Records 1872