Sort file:- Greenwich, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Friday, 12 July, 2024.


Earliest 1832-


Open 2020+

291 (1) Greenwich Church Street (London StreetPigot's Directory 1832-34)


020 8293 0037

Mitre 1972

Above photo, 1972.

Mitre 2011

Above photo, May 2011, by Ben Sutherland. Creative Commons Licence.

Mitre 2022

Above photo 2022.


Listed at London Street in 1860, then at 1 Church Street until at least 1919, at 1 Greenwich Church Street in 1944, and now at 291 Greenwich High Street.

This is situated right next door to "O'Sillivan's" but I don't know whether the two are connected in any way.


West Kent Guardian, 16 July 1836.

Andrew Larkan was charged with assaulting Andrew Martin.

The prosecutor did not appear, but Harris a police constable who saw the assault committed gave evidence to that effect, vis. that he saw the defendant run out of the "Mitre Tavern" on Friday evening after a gentleman and strike him, he also struck him a second time, and he was then given into his custody.

The Defendant said that the gentleman insulted him first or he should not have struck him.

Fined 20s. and 5s. coats, which he immediately paid.


Kentish Independent 18 June 1870.


Croom's Hill, Saturday, Before Colonel Farnall, C.B.; B. Cooke, B. Poulter, K. Routh, J. Penn, M. W. Adame, and J. H. Young, Esqs.

Transfer of Spirit Licenses. The following public-houses were transferred.


The "Mitre," from B. Avery, to J. Smith;


From the By Pubspy, 18th December 2017.

Time stands still in the Mitre in Greenwich.

I'm sceptical of pubs which double as a hostel - I fear that there is the danger of it being jack of all trades, master of none.

You don't have to wander too far from Greenwich train station before you stumble upon The Mitre, which ticks those boxes.

Being a Sunday this close to Christmas (Yippee) the Mitre was expectedly busy. The staff were friendly when they told us they had no idea how long a table would be.

Seeing as it was raining, I made the executive decision to stick it out and sure enough a table in this large old boozer became free in no time at all.

A pint of Amstell and £4.50 later, down I sat. It was striking to me how nothing matched.

The pub takes advantage of Greenwich's links to time and has what must be a hundred different clocks on the wall, none of which have the same time showing.

This is probably apt as the rest of the pub seems to exist in a world where time has stood still. What some would call vintage. Others would call it an armchair with yellow and black tape holding it together, but each to their own.

It is in some ways quite charming, but I could see how you might think differently.

There was a strong selection of suitably hip craft ales available, though the only thing that appears to have kept up with the times is price.

The Mitre has tried to retain the essence of a traditional British pub, and looks to be a pub frozen in time. That attracts the tourist trade, but there doesn't seem to be much personality left for a regular. Maybe it just takes time - but make of that what you will.

How it rated:

Staff: ***

Atmosphere: ***

Decor: ***

Price: **

Overall: ***



COUNTZE Ml 1826+

BURKE John 1832-34+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

BISHOP John 1840+

CLARK Messrs to July/1845

SMITH Eliza July/1845-Jan/46 Kentish Mercury

WHITE Christopher Jan/1846-Mar/49 Kentish Mercury

ROBINSON Thomas Wilson RobinsonMar/1849-Mar/60 dec'd

ROBINSON Catherine (widow) Mar/1860-62+

AVERY Benjamin 1866-June/70

SMITH John June/1870-74+ (age 31 in 1871Census)

WOTTON Peter 1881+ (also Shipwright age 42 in 1881Census)

KING John 1882+

LITTLE Edward G 1891+

CHILD Frederick Ford to Aug/1892 Woolwich Gazette

CRESSWELL George Eastcourt Aug/1892+ Woolwich Gazette

RING John 1896+

NEARY Eliza Mrs 1904-05+

NEWMAN Joseph George 1908-44+


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Kentish MercuryKentish Mercury

Woolwich GazetteWoolwich Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-