Heathfield Road
01689 852053
Above painting 1837 showing the mill in the background. The building on
the right is actually on the site of what is now Keston Post Office, a
few yards up the road from the inn today. The post office is using the
later stable buildings for the following Fox Inn. |
Above print 1890. |
Above postcard circa 1893, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. With the pub
shown in the livery of H & V Nicholl's Anchor Brewery, Lewisham, which
in 1891 had been taken over by Whitbread. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo circa 1900. |
Above postcard, date unknown. |
Above postcard, 1908, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard which looks like a coloured version of the one above, 1908, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard, circa 1913, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard, circa 1931. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo 1937. |

Above sign left, July 1991, sign right, June 1993.
With thanks from Brian Curtis
www.innsignsociety.com. |
Above Google image September 2018. |
West Kent Guardian, Saturday 4 January 1840.
Another inquest was also held on Wednesday, at the "Fox," Keston, on the
body of Edmund Standing, labourer, and unmarried, who died from the
effects of excessive drinking.
It appeared that his master had liberally given all his men, about 30 in
number, a Christmas treat, and the deceased after having had enough to
drink wished for more, which was refused by his companions, on which he
rose up in a passion, and seizing half a pint of gin drank it off at a
draught. He immediately became insensible, and though every medical aid
was rendered he expired about 6 hours after.
Verdict accordingly.
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 6 December, 1856.
Impudent Fraud.
Alphonse Butcher, a young man of respectable connexions, residing at
Hayes, near Bromley, Kent, was brought up for final examination
before Mr. Seeker, charged with a series of frauds.
It will be remembered that at the first examination two cases of
fraud were proved against the prisoner, his system being to take
forged letters to tradesmen, to whom Mr. Duck, landlord of the "Fox
Inn," Keston, was known, and under the plea of an urgent want of
some small sum of money at a distance from home, obtaining in one
instance £2, and in another a sum of 10s.
Mr. T. Norfolk, brewer, of Deptford Broadway, now attended to prefer
a similar charge against the prisoner, who, on the 13th ult., called
upon him with a letter purporting to be written by a Mr. Green, a
beer-shop keeper, at Bromley Common. Mr. Green occupied one of his
(witness's) houses, and in consequence of the prisoner stating he
was the son of Mr. Green, and the letter requesting a loan of 30s.,
he (witness) was induced to hand the prisoner that sum, and
afterwards found out he had been defrauded.
The prisoner declined making any defence.
Serjeant King, 27 R, said there were several similar cases to be
brought forward.
Mr. Seeker observed that the depositions in three distinct cases
having already been taken, he should commit the prisoner for trial
at the next Old Bailey Sessions.
The prisoner asked to be admitted to bail, which was refused.
Bromley & District Times 15 April 1892.
James Wood, 38, cowman, was charged with unlawfully obtaining by false
pretences from George Francis Duck the sum of 4s. with intent to
defraud, at Keston, during the month of January.
Mr. S. Low appeared
for the prosecution, and stated that prisoner went about representing
that he was employed by Mr. Still, and obtained from Mr. Still's friends
money he said was to pay for the moving of his employer's cattle, of which he alleged he had charge. There were no
previous convictions against prisoner, but he did not bear a very good
character, and was sentenced to one month's hard labour., |
CACKETT William 1828+

SPICER James 1832-41+ (age 45 in 1841 )

DUCK George Francis 1851-62+ (age 29 in 1851 )
DUCK Jane Mrs 1871-74+ (widow age 48 in 1871 )
DUCK George Francis jun. 1881-1913+ (age 64 in 1911 )

ANDERSON Ernest Frederick 1918+
CLARKE Edward C 1922-30+
VINES Arthur 1938+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Kelly's Directory 1903