39 The Hill
Above photo, date unknown. Kindly supplied by John Hopperton. |
Above postcard, date unknown. |
Above photo, January 2013. Kindly supplied by John Hopperton. |
Above Google image, July 2012. |
Unfortunately closed its doors in 2009. Can be traced back as far as 1636
with the name of the "Crown"
and change name to the "Queen's Head" in 1718. The original building being
replaced by this one in 1906 as a Russells Brewery tied house, taken over by
Trumans in the 1970s. On it's closure in 2009 the building has been run as
various restaurants.
I am informed by Katie Butcher nee McCarthy, that the building was quite
damaged during the war when bombs fell on the nearby Taunton Road. She also
says that the Salvation Army sang there just before Christmas each year.
From the Kentish Gazette, 11 October 1775.
THE following Persons beg Leave to inform the Nobility, Gentleman,
Ladies, and others, that they have agreed to run NEAT POST-CHAlSES and
ABLE HORSES, with two Passengers, and moderate luggage, to and from
London to Dover, at NINE PENCE per Mile; likewife GENTLEMEN'S CARRIAGES,
with four Horses, at ONE SHILLING and SIXPENCE per Mile, and SADDLE
HORSES to let. Edward Marsh, "Sir John Falstaff," Canterbury.
John Howard, "New Inn," Sittingbourne.
T. Champion and W. Alexander, in Chatham.
Robert Bat. "Queen's Head," Northfleet.
Joseph Leech, "Bull," Shooter’s Hill.
Good Accommodation at each House on the shortest Notice.
Kentish Gazette, Wednesday 20 August 1777.
Queen's Head Inn, Northfleet.
Daniel Richardson, begs leave to inform the Nobility, Gentlemen, Ladies,
and others, that he has taken the aforesaid inn, and has much improved
the accommodation for lodging; likewise has provided the best of Wines,
and a good larder according to the season.
Those who please to favour him with their command, may depend on his
utmost endeavours to give satisfaction, and the same gratefully
acknowledged by the most obedient humble servant, Daniel Richardson.
Post chaises at 9d. per mile, and Saddle Horses to let.
Kentish Gazette 1 April 1800.
James Chiles, late of Chatham, Begs to inform his friends and the
public in general, that he has taken the "Queen's Head Inn,"
Northfleet, in which, by strict attention, he hopes to merit their
patronage and support.
From the Gravesend Reporter, North Kent and South Essex Advertiser, Saturday 11 October, 1874.
A meeting of tradesmen and ratepayers of Northfleet was convened at the
“Queen’s Head,” on Wednesday evening last, for the purpose of discussing
the propriety of forming an association, to be entitled the Northfleet
Tradesman’s Association, and to meet periodically to confer with each
other on any public matters in which all are interested, but more
particularly for the purpose of creating a greater unity of feeling and
friendship amongst its members. Mr. Andrews was voted to the chair, who,
after explaining the object of the proposed association, and what
appeared to be the best mode of conducting it with advantages to all
concerned, and hearing the various opinions and remarks of those present
in reference to the meeting, when it was unanimously resolved that it
was desirable to form such an association. Several rules were suggested,
and the meeting was adjourned until Wednesday next at 3.30 p.m., to be
held at the “Igress Tavern.” |
BAT Robert 1775+
RICHARDSON David Oct/1777+

CHILES James Apr/1800+
BEARD Richard W 1828+

HARVEY Henry 1832-40+

FLINT Abraham 1855-58+
FLINT Elizabeth 1861-62+ (widow aged 75 in 1861 )
TRETHEWAY John 1865-72+ (aged 49 in 1871 )
ATKINS William 1874+
FENN Edwin 1882+
TYLER William 1891
SCOTT Robert 1891-03+ (aged 54 in 1901 )

HUDSON Thomas John D 1901-13+ (aged 35 in 1911 )
ENBY Frederick Samuel 1918-38+
McCARTHY Dennis & Jessie 1946-52
O'LEARY S H P 1952+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
Kentish Gazette