82 Hope Street
Mile Town
Ind Coope & Co Ltd purchased the pub from Budden & Biggs Brewery Ltd by
conveyance and assignment dated 23 March 1931. The pub held a beer only
license. At the same time they also purchased the site of numbers 20, 20a,
21 & 21a Spring Gardens Passage.
Local knowledge, pictures, and licensee information
would be appreciated.
I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it,
but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the
information will come from.
All emails are answered.
Sheerness Guardian 24 September 1859.
The following persons applied for spirit licenses at Sittingbourne
on Monday last:—
Mr. Huges of the "Good Intent," Eastchurch.
Mr. Sellen of the "Hero of the Crimena," Sheerness,
Mr. Bromley of the "British Queen," Sheerness,
and Mr. Cook of the "Army and Navy," Sheerness.
The Magistrates after listening to the arguments in favour of the
applications, and also against, retired for a short time, and on
their return announced that they had come to the conclusion not to
grant a license to any of the applicants.
Sheerness Guardian, 11 August, 1860.
Gilbe Bromley of the "British Queen" beer-house, Hope-street, Mile
Town, wan charged on information laid by the police, with having his
house open for the sale of beer on Sunday, 15th July, at a
quarter-past 11 in the morning.
Sergeant Ovenden, deposed, that as he was going to the back door of
the defendant’s house at the time named, he saw a woman run hastily
up a passage which leads to the door, and on arriving there himself,
he saw several men run from a workshop in defendant's back yard into
the house. Witness followed them and found nine men in a bed room,
but he saw no beer James Harris (who had been summoned to give
evidence), stated that he was one of the men in the work-shop
referred to, and on the call of "police" being raised, they went
into the house and concealed themselves where found. Witness most
positively declared that they had no beer, but had gone to see Mr.
Bromley on business.
The magistrates said it was a case of strong suspicion, but not
sufficiently so as to warrant a conviction.
The case was therefore dismissed.
South Eastern Gazette, 14 August, 1860.
Gilbert Bromley, landlord of the "British Queen" beershop, at
Sheerness, was charged with having his house open for the sale of
beer on Sunday, the 15th July, at improper hours, but the case was
East Kent Gazette, Saturday 28 October 1916.
Licences transferred.
George Charles Gravenell was granted a transfer of a licence of the
"British Queen," Sheerness from Thomas Edward Smith, and the latter
was granted a transfer of the licence of the "Hero of Crimea,"
Sheerness from Walter Edward Truscott.
BROMLEY Gillbert 1860-61+ (boat-builder age 53 in 1861 )
AMNER John 1851+ (age 53 in 1851 )
AMNER James 1861+ (age 31 in 1861 )
SUTTON Miss Elizabeth 1862+
MILES John 1871-74+ (age 61 in 1971 )
GREENSTREET Harriett S 1881+ (also housekeeper age 46 in 1881 )
HARDEN Thomas 1891+ (listed as baker age 57 in 1891 )
HARDEN Sarah Ann 1891+ (age 59 in 1891 )
BROWN Cecil 1901-02+ (age 29 in 1901 )
GRAVENELL George Charles 1916-18+
DRING Frank 1938+