Sort file:- Deal, April, 2024.

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Earliest 1730-

Bricklayers Arms

Latest Sept 1875

69 West Street

Near Wellington Place


From the Kentish Post or Canterbury News-Letter, August 22-25, 1730. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.

To be sold by auction at the Sign of the Three Kings in Deal, on Monday the 17th Day of September next, in one Lot, the several Public Houses following, all lying at Deal, viz. the Sign of the Crown, late in the occupation of the widow Brockman; the Sign of the Bricklayer's Arms, now in the occupation of Stephen Forrest; the Sign of the Unicorn, in the occupation of Henry Hillgrove; the Sign of the Fleece, in the occupation of John Wealand; the Sign of the Globe, in the occupation of Stephen Norris; and the Sign of the Carpenter's Arms, in the occupation of William Savine; with another Tenement adjoining, in the occupation of Nicholas Ladd: the first of which Houses is Freehold, the two next are Leasehold for eleven years, renewable on a small fine certain, and the rest Leasehold from the Archbishop of Canterbury.



There is mention of a pub called the "Bricklayer's Arms" in Lower Walmer, which may be the same pub. However, the following article mentions a disagreement between two landladies and I would suggest that the houses were near to each other, and for this reason will state that the "Bricklayer's Arms" was near Wellington Place.

The licence was suspended in 1869 for some reason but was now granted again at the adjourned licensing session in September of that year, unopposed.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 20 June, 1846. Price 5d.

On Thursday evening last a tragical occurrence took place in this town. It appears two men, who had been working in the fields at Stoneheap, and were discharged, proceeded to this place in pursuit of work; while here they consumed three quarts of beer at the "Bricklayer's Arms," in West Street, which, added to the quantity they had previously imbibed, produced a drunken quarrel as to which of the two should pay the reckoning. To settle the matter the parties returned to the street, where one of the men, named Burrows, aimed a blow at his companion, who, to ward off the stroke, lifted up his scythe. The consequences proved lamentable, as the man in the act of drawing back his arm brought it in powerful contact with the edge of the scythe, and a frightful wound was inflicted. Surgical aid was promptly obtained, and ultimately the unfortunate sufferer was removed to Canterbury Hospital, at which place, report says, he expired on Sunday night.


From the Deal, Walmer & Sandwich Telegram, Wednesday 8 September 1858.


Mrs. Allen, of the "Ramsgate Harbour" public house, was charged by Mrs. Macey, of the "Bricklayers Arms," with entering her house, and knocking her down in the passage; breaking some panes of glass and a tumbler.

The magistrates suggested that the parties should come to an amicable arrangement out of court; which was acted upon by defendant paying all expenses, 10s 6d.


From the Kentish Chronicle. 20 August 1859. Price 1½d.

Amy Macey, the landlady of the “Bricklayer's Arms” in West-street, charged Mary Banks with assaulting her in her own house, and also with creating a disturbance and fighting with Sarah Cooper, breaking glass and damaging the furniture. The evidence was corroborated by the testimony of Sarah Williams, her mother. Mary Banks, in reply to the charge, said that she merely took her own part, and that Mrs. Macey and her mother “flew at her like serpents,” and threw her out of the house in a very indecent manner. Fine and costs 18s. 6d. or 21 days in Sandwich gaol.

(See other incident with Sarah Cooper at the "Lord Nelson.)


South Eastern Gazette, 11 December, 1860.

Petty sessions, Wednesday. (Before the Mayor, W. Nethersole and E. Brown, Esqrs.)

Charles Williams, landlord of the "Rising Sun" public-house, was charged with an assault on John Macey, on Tuesday, the 4th inst.

Complainant stated that on his return home from work about 5 o’clock on Tuesday, he found the defendant the worse for liquor at his house, the "Bricklayers’ Arms," West-street. He began to interfere with witness, who told him to leave off, and tried to pacify him. After that Williams’s mother came in with her eye cut, and said "I have got my arm broken." Witness asked her about it, and while so doing defendant came up and struck him twice on the nose with his fist, on seeing which a witness named Bowles rushed forward and got him away.

Defendant then left, but soon returned, when he began to strip, and became very violent, tearing off his clothes and breaking things around him. He was then given into custody. Complainant’s wife’s mother is also prisoner’s mother.

George Bowles stated that he was at the "Bricklayers’ Arms" when Macey came home. Saw Williams strike Macey with his fist. Williams then got him down, and heard him say he would do so again. Witness then pulled him away and went to call the doctor for defendant’s mother.

Defendant was again charged with assaulting Martha Graham, wife of Richard Graham, labourer. Complainant deposed that at about 5 o’clock on Tuesday afternoon she was going home with some potatoes, when Williams came out of the "White Horse," and said "Who are you." She hurried on and did not answer, and after repeating the question several times, he abused her in the grossest terms. Witness tried to run away, but defendant soon overtook her and kicked and knocked her down in the street. She screamed "Murder," and went into Macey’s house, but said nothing whatever to defendant.

Defendant, who said he was very drunk and did not know what he was doing, was sentenced to pay £2 and 7s. 6d. costs for the assault on Macey, and to 21 days' hard labour for the assault on Mrs. Graham.

The fine was paid.


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 28 September, 1872. 1d.


This being the adjourned licensing day, the various matters postponed were now produced with, the Mayor withdrawing for the time.

Mrs. Macey, the landlady of the "Brickmaker's Arms." (sic) beer-house was called forward and asked what she had to say in answer to three complaints made against her by the police, and for which her license had been withheld. It appeared that on two occasions there had been quarrelling in the house between herself and one of her sons, and the other offence was that some Marines were drunk and fighting in her house. Mrs. Macey said the quarrelling referred to was occasioned by her eldest son, who was in the habit of coming to her house when he got drunk, and abusing her. He had threatened to throw her out of the house, as he said she had no business there - the property was his father's, and he was entitled to it. On the occasion referred to he ill-treated her in such a manner that she was obliged to send for the police, and directly she done so he ran away. With respect to the Marines, they came into her house a little before eight o'clock, very drunk. They had previously been fighting at two other houses in the town, and soon after they got in one of them broke a couple of panes of glass and a chair, and she asked an old soldier who was there to try and quiet the man, and upon his going to do so the man knocked him down and afterwards got out a knife at him, and she then got out of the way and sent for the police. The men did not have a drop of beer in her house. The Magistrates said that if Mrs. Macey's son again created a disturbance she must have him bound over to keep the peace, or she would herself be held responsible, and she must take care to conduct her house in a proper and orderly manner. The license was then handed to her.


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 2 August, 1873.


Mary Ann Macey, landlady of the "Brickmakers' Arms," (sic) West Street, was summonsed for having on the 17th of July assaulted a young woman named Penn, who had been living with Mrs. Macey as a servant. The case was to have been heard last Thursday, but the defendant was unable to attend in consequence of illness.

Mary Ann Penn deposed: I am a single woman and live with my mother, I was servant at Mrs. Macey's on the 17th of July. On that day she sent me on an errand, and I was gone too long for her. On my return she called me upstairs, and I went up crying, being told that I should catch it. When I got up she told me to give her the change, and when I did so she tried to get hold of my hand, but I snatched it away. She told me to pack up my clothes, and I went into my room to do so, then she came into the room where I was and struck me over the head with her hand two or three times till I got away from her and went downstairs. I never gave her any impudence. It was a little before 12 o'clock when I went for the errand, which was to get a piece of pork, from Mr. Williams's the pork butcher, and I ran all the way there and was back again at 12 o'clock.

Cross-examined by Defendant: It was not ten minutes to ten when you gave me the money to go for the pork. It was about eleven, and I went directly. You were ill at the time, and was in bed when I went and also when I returned.

Defendant declared that what the complainant had stated was all false. She went for the port about ten minutes to ten, and did not get back till a little before twelve, and she then said to her "You are a naughty girl. This is not the first time the men (meaning her son and a lodger) have had to have bread-and-cheese for their dinner in consequence of your not coming home with the meat in proper time." Complainant always took two or three hours to go on an errand, and she had several times shielded her. She was a very wicked young woman, and had other faults besides not speaking the truth. She never struck her at all.

Complainant said: I swear that she struck me - I would not come into Court and tell such a lie about my aunt. Two girls who were living in the house were upstairs, and looked into the room and saw her strike me. As I was going downstairs I said "Now you have hit me Mrs. Macey, I will summon you." The girls were on the stairs then, and they must have heard me.

Defendant said the two girls were engaged preparing dinners.

The Magistrates sent for the girls, but only one was forthcoming. On being sworn she said: My name is Mary Ann Nicholls. I live at the "Brickmakers' Arms," and was there on the 17th of July last. I know Mary Ann Penn, and she was there that day. She went at ten minutes to ten to get some pork. I know the time because I looked at the clock. I am the cook. She did not come back till ten minutes to twelve. She brought some steak in her hand. She took it upstairs. I did not hear anybody tell her that she would catch it. I afterwards saw her come running downstairs. I did not go upstairs myself till after she was gone out of the house. If she has said that I was upstairs looking in at the door before she left, it is not true. I was in the passage when she came downstairs. She was crying, but I do not know what for. I did not ask her. I have seen her cry several times before. The other girl was in the bar all the time the complainant was upstairs.

Complainant adhered firmly to her statement that both witness and other girl were upstairs.

The Magistrates, however, decided to dismiss the case.


Mary Ann Macey, the defendant in the above case, was then charged for having her house open beyond the proper hour on the night of the 28th of July.

Defendant said there were four or five men standing at the bar holding "a great strong argument," and although she several times asked them to go they would not. Nothing was drawn after hours, and she repeatedly asked the men to leave.

In answer to the Magistrates defendant said she could not saw whether it was a political or religious discussion - but it was a great strong argument they were having.

P.C. Pettit said: Last Monday night at a quarter to twelve I saw Mrs. Macey's door open. I went in and saw five or six men standing at the front of the bar. There was a jug and a glass of beer standing on the counter, and Mrs. Macey had got a quart jug of beer in her hand and was carrying it through the bar door. I told her she must know she was doing wrong, and that I should report her. I was passing the house again at a quarter to one o'clock, and I heard a man and woman talking in one of the lower rooms. I had to knock three times before I could get admittance, and then I found Mrs. Macey alone. She told me that her son had gone to bed.

Defendant said the beer she had in her hands when the constable entered had been paid for by one of the men when he came into the house earlier in the evening, and was for him to take home for his wife's sipper.

After a consultation, in which the Mayor took no part, Mr. brown and the Magistrates could not altogether look over this case, although they had viewed it as favourable a light as they could. The hour at which the house was open was considerably beyond that allowed by the law, and such offences must be checked. Defendant would have to pay a fine of 10s., including costs, and the magistrates would forebear to endorse the license on this occasion; but if defendant should be found guilty of a second offence of this kind, the license would be endorsed, which would be a serious affair for her.

The money was paid.



The Deal Licensing Register reported that the license was refused on 16 September 1875, so that was probably the end of this one. (The above house was referred to as the "Brickmaker's Arms" I have seen this reference several times, and not "Bricklayers" but this could have been a miss-print in the records held at Deal library and from the local papers. There is still a "Brickmaker's Arms" open today at 9 Mill Road. Paul Skelton. Closed 2010).


From the Deal Licensing Register, 16 September, 1875.

MS Book:- Application of the "Brickmaker's Arms" as beerhouse opposed by the Incumbent of St. Georges parish on grounds of immoral character of the house and license refused.



Information received from Betty Macey, says that John Macey had a niece called Rebecca and she was the wife of J E Lawrence, landlord of the "Sandwich Arms."



FORREST Stephen 1730

MACEY John 1841-47+ CensusBagshaw's Directory 1847

MACEY Mary Ann 1858-73+ (also brickmaker age 46 in 1871Census) Deal Mercury


Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-