Sort file:- Woolwich, April, 2024.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 25 April, 2024.


Earliest 1841-

North Pole

Latest ????

26 St Marys Street



I have just started to map out the pubs that exist or existed in Woolwich, but need local knowledge and photographs, old and current if you have any.

As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation. Every email is answered and all information referenced to the supplier.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 9 January 1841.

Sudden death.

A coroner's inquest was held on Monday, before C. J. Carttar, Esq., and a highly respectable jury, at the "North Pole Inn," touching the death of Edward Davidson, age 88, employed in Her Majesty's dockyard, Woolwich.

It appears from the evidence adduced, that the deceased had just left work on Friday afternoon and gone to the "Sheer Hulk," his usual custom, for half a pint of ale, and then proceeded towards home, when Mr. Graham, who took hold of deceased's arm, but had scarcely done so before he fell, he immediately expired. Medical existence assistance was soon procured, but it was of no avail. He was much respected, and had been a number of years in the dockyard.

Verdict, died of by the visitation of God.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 22 February 1862.

Sudden Death of an Infant.

An inquest was held on Wednesday by J. C. Carttar, Esq., at the "North Pole Inn," Woolwich, on the body of the infant daughter of Mr. Charles Speight, of 30, Mount-place, Bull's-fields, Woolwich, who died suddenly on the 9th Feb. At one o’clock in the morning the mother gave the child milk from the breast, and got up, leaving her in bed, as she thought, asleep. On going to look at her an hour afterwards she found her dead.

Dr. Healey was promptly in attendance, and stated the child had been dead some hours.

Verdict:- "Died from natural causes."




ROBERTSON John 1852-May/53

EAVES Ann May/1853+

MATHEWS William 1858+

EAVES Ann to Mar/1860

MATTHEWS William Mar/1860-66+ (age 41 in 1861Census)

MATTHEWS Barbara Mrs 1874-96+

MATHEWS Emily 1901+ (age 48 in 1901Census)

BRADLEY James C 1904-11+

CHURCH Frederick 1919-21+

SHARPE Sidney James 1934+

ASH Ernest 1938-44+




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-