Sort file:- Woolwich, April, 2024.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 25 April, 2024.


Earliest 1823-

Gun Tavern

Latest ????

97 New Road


Gun Tavern 1900

Above photo circa 1900.

Former Gun Tavern 2016

Above photo 7 October 2016, by kind permission Chris Mansfield.


Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 21 April 1855.


J. BUTTERY, BEGS to announce that having closed his old establishment, known by the sign of the "GUN," he has removed his premises to the New Tavern, three houses lower down in the same road, and having laid in an extensive stock of the Choicest Foreign Wines and Spirits, and Malt Liquors,He respectfully solicits a continuance of that patronage which he has hitherto to liberally received.


South Eastern Gazette, 17 July, 1860.

WOOLWICH. Suicides of Soldiers.

Private Reddy, belonging to the Military Train, stationed in the west square of the Royal Artillery Barracks, Woolwich, yesterday week committed suicide in one of the stables, by placing the muzzle of his carbine in his mouth and blowing away the back part of his head. On hearing the report of the carbine, his comrades, who were near at hand, rushed to the spot, and found that the unfortunate man, on the commission of the act, had fallen forward and was lying on a wheelbarrow, on his stomach, quite dead.

On Wednesday last, a coroner’s jury, presided over by Mr. Carttar, coroner for West Kent, having assembled at the "Gun Tavern," Woolwich, on view of the body of Corporal Coombes, a bandsman of the garrison, who committed suicide by precipitating himself from a window of the Royal Artillery Infirmary, resolved on addressing a note to General Dacres, recommending that in all cases in which patients exhibit symptoms of insanity they should be accommodated in that part of the hospital which is secured by gratings at the windows, so as to prevent an occurrence now becoming frequent. The unfortunate deceased had made a former attempt at self-destruction a few days previously by cutting his throat with his razor. Four cases of suicide have occurred among the military at Woolwich during the past week, three of whom lay side by side in the dead-house, ready for interment, and they were all pronounced men of a disordered intellect, and subject to fits of temporary insanity.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 20 April, 1861.


Wednesday afternoon Mr. C. J. Carttar, coroner for West Kent, held an inquiry at the “Gun Tavern,” New-road Woolwich, into the circumstances attending the death of Quarter-master Sergeant Robert Mumford, Royal Artillery, who, it was alleged, had committed suicide by taking poison.

The evidence proved that, on the previous Saturday, the deceased went to a public-house named the “Soldiers' Rest,” where he was found in a slate of insensibility, and conveyed to the Royal Ordnance Hospital. He was promptly attended by Dr. Duff, but died shortly after his admission into the institution. The deceased had purchased two separate quantities of morphia at the shop of Mr. Shipman, chemist, a few days previous to his death, and the appearance presented by a post mortem examination led to the conclusion that resulted from poison. After some conversation between the coroner and jury it was considered advisable to obtain an analysis of the contents of the stomach by an eminent authority, and the inquest was adjourned for that purpose.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 8 February 1862.

Fearful and Sudden Death.

On Saturday evening last Horace Adams, aged 25, a private in the Royal Artillery, entered a house of ill-fame, kept by Ann Donovan, 15, Eustace-place, Woolwich, and having sat himself on the bed dropped suddenly down on the floor, and on being placed on the bed by a brother soldier, expired before medical aid could be procured. An inquest was held on Tuesday at the "Gun Tavern," New-road, before J. C. Carttar, Esq., when a verdict of "Died from natural causes" was returned.




MEEK Mark 1823+ Pigot's Directory 1823

MEEK Charlotte 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

CHARLTON John to Nov/1851

HAMMOND Samuel Nov/1851-52+

BUTTERY John 1855-58+

GORDON Charles 1866+

AGATE William 1862-July/1872 dec'd

GORDON Arabella July/1872+

DOVEY James Richard 1874+

BARRISKILL Thomas 1882-Aug/1883 dec'd Kentish Independent

BARRASKILL Mary Aug/1883+ Kentish Independent

ARMSTRONG Eliza 1891+ (widow age 40 in 1891Census)

BROWN George 1896+

DOWSE George 1901-05+

PAMMENT Alfred 1908+

PARR William 1911+

PLUMMER Arthur William 1919-21+

Improved Public House Co Ltd 1934+

GRAHAM Rose Mrs 1838-44+


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Kentish IndependentKentish Independent


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-