Sort file:- Gravesend, April, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 29 April, 2024.


Earliest 1778

Globe Tavern and Hotel

Latest 1996

(Name to)

32 Milton Road (1 Milton Place 1841Census)


Globe Tavern 1890

Above photo 1890. Kindly supplied by John Hopperton.


Above photo, date unknown. Kindly supplied by John Hopperton.

Globe sign 1986

Above sign, March 1986.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Former Glove 2014

Above Google image, May 2014.


Identified in 1778 and changed name for a short time around 1996 to "Elizabeth's"  in 1998 it was operating as the "Venue."


From the Maidstone Gazette and East Kent Courier, 12 October, 1830.

Daring Robbery.

On Thursday last, for well-dressed men arrived at the "Globe Tavern," Gravesend, by a London Steam Packet. At their request they were accommodated with a bedroom and a sumptuous dinner, for which they paid and left for London the same afternoon. After they were gone, Mr. Lott, the proprietor, discovered that his bedroom had been broken into, and the bureau plundered of a pocket book containing £160.


Mary Lott

Above portraits showing licensee Mary Lott, 1840s,kindly sent by Lisa Kasper.


From the South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 14 April, 1846.


Anne Wilkinson, a woman about 45 years of age, was charged with breaking, on the previous night, a square of glass in one of the windows of the "Globe Tavern," Milton Road. Mr. Lott, of the "Globe," was about to prove the charge, when the defendant stopped him by admitting the wilful commission of the offence. To the Mayor's demand why he had done so the defendant, in a deliberate but energetic tone, and in a state of expression and manner that indicated a superior early education, replied that she had walked thirty miles on the previous day without relief or refreshment. On arriving in Gravesend she implored of several housekeepers in the town to give her a night's lodging, and she had been refused - that she at length, observing the complainant's house to be of one of entertainment for travellers, asked him for a lodging for the night, and he also refused both lodging and a morsel of refreshment - that not having one penny to procure any food, she saw no resource for her but a prison, and that to be taken there she had broken the window.

Mr. Oakes:- If you were in a state of destitution you describe, why not go and ask for relief at the workhouse?

Defendant:- I will not deceive you gentleman, I have been in many workhouses, and in every gaol in the kingdom, and I prefer, infinitely, the gaols to the workhouses.

Mr. Oaks:- Why?

Defendant:- Because the society in a gaol is better - far better - bad though it is, than that of a workhouse; besides, in a gaol I had shelter, abundance, and protection, and then I could make myself useful. In a workhouse I was ill-fed, ill-treated, and useless alike to myself and others, and compelled to associate with worse and lower characters than are to be found in a gaol, where such associations are not permitted.

In reply to the Mayor, the defendant said that she was a native of Thame, in Oxfordshire; that her father had been a teacher of languages, and that she herself an embroiderer; that some years since, in consequence of inability to get employment, she left her native place, and had been at various times in great destitution, and was sent to several workhouses, but found them invariably the same abodes of vice and misery, and that in the course of the last six years she had succeeded in procuring shelter, abundance, and good treatment in every gaol in England, except that of Maidstone, to which she was now desired to be sent. The last she had been as was Coldbath Fields, and she felt bound to say that the prison was, in her opinion, the best regulated of any of those she had occasionally resided in. The Mayor, after some consultation with his brother magistrates, asked her whether, if she had the means, she would go back to her native place. To this she replied that she would much prefer going to Maidstone gaol; that if she should go back, she could get no employment, and to avoid the contagious, impure, and demoralising society of a workhouse, she should commit an offence to be sent again to gaol. She therefore begged of the magistrates to send her to Maidstone; to London she did not wish to return at present, as she had been in every prison in the metropolis, and she wished to try if Maidstone gaol was as well regulated.

The Mayor told her that she appeared to have a propensity for prison discipline, and as she objected to go to her native place or to London, the Magistrates would commit her for one month to Maidstone gaol.

Defendant, in a tone of disappointment, "One month - far too short a time - but still I thank you, gentlemen." Turning to leave the Court in custody, she exultingly exclaimed, "I'll die at least in a gaol and not in a workhouse."


Dover Express, Saturday 13 January 1866.

Gravesend. Harbouring Police Constables.

At the Petty Sessions on Wednesday Mr. Morey, senior of the "Globe Tavern" appeared to answer to charges of harbouring police constables in his house during the time they were on duty. Mr. Morey did not deny the charges, but said both occurred without his knowledge, and he would take care nothing of the kind should occur again. He was find 2s. 6d. and costs.

Mr. Morey then said he had pleasure in placing at the disposal of the magistrates a £5 note, requesting them to devote it to any charitable purpose they pleased.

The Chairman thanked Mr. Morey, and directed Mr. White to place it in the poor box.


From the Gravesend Reporter, North Kent and South Essex Advertiser, Saturday 23 September, 1871.

Geoff Peters was summoned by Mr. H. Taylor for assaulting him on Tuesday night last. It appeared that a man had done something to the defendant at the “Globe” public-house, and he asked a constable to take him into custody, which he declined to do so as the assault did not take place in the street. Complainant told the policeman not to mind the defendant, to whom he subsequently made use of a very offensive epithet. Before this it was stated by complainant that defendant had pushed him off the kerbstone, and subsequently to it he followed complainant into the “Globe” and there knocked him down.

Witnesses were called each side and the bench eventually decided to mark their sense of the transaction by an infliction of a fine of 6d. only and the costs.



LOTT Matthew 1824-40 dec'd (also bricklayer) Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

LOTT Mary (widow of Matthew) 1841-50 dec'd Census

LOTT Henry Victor 1851-65+ (also tobacconist)

MOREY Mr 1866

TRACEY John 1865-69+ (also Master Mariner)

HOOPER Richard 1870-71+ (age 30 in 1871Census)

AUSTIN Arthur 1874+

BUNDOCK William 1878+

AUSTIN (son assistant in bar) 1881+

AUSTIN Jane Ann Mrs 1881+

AUSTIN Harvey 1891+

WHIFFIN Albert 1901+

WHIFFIN David Joel 1903+ Kelly's 1903

MARTIN Betsy Ann Mrs 1913+

NOBBS Thomas 1913+

IBBETSON Edwin J 1922+

FOX William 1930+

HOPKINS Ernest William 1938+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-