Sort file:- Woolwich, April, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 27 April, 2024.


Earliest 1823-

Castle Tavern

Open 2020+

179 Powis Street (Edward Street 1832)


020 8854 0259

Castle Tavern

Above photo taken from by Matt Martin in 29 December 2008.

Castle Tavern 2015

Above photo 5 December 2015, by kind permission Chris Mansfield.


Project 2014 has been started to try and identify all the pubs that are and have ever been open in Kent. I have just added this pub to that list but your help is definitely needed regarding it's history.

As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation.


Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 25 August 1849.

Final accident on the North Kent Railway.

The half-past eight o'clock train from London arrived on Sunday evening safely at Woolwich, the station of which place was much crowded on both sides. The entrance to the platform debouches on the down train. This train has just begun to start for Gravesend when a frightful scream was heard - a woman have fallen from the platform between the carriages. The last two carriages passed over her chest. For a moment the concourse of people seem too horrified to pick her up. She was, however, conveyed into the station, but soon died. As the wheels of the carriage went over her, they were distinctly seen to rise and fall. On Tuesday, Mr. C. J. Carttar, Coroner for Kent, held an inquest at the "Castle Tavern," Woolwich, touching the death of the deceased, Hannah Murphy, who, it appears, was the wife of a labouring man.

From the evidence that appeared that the deceased, with her husband, and three or four friends, natives of the Emerald Isle, had been enjoying themselves at Woolwich during the afternoon, and, after paying visits to half a dozen different public houses, were returning to the railway station in order to proceed to London, when, by some accident, they got separated. The deceased, imagining that her husband had taken his tickets and gone through the station, hastened after him, as she supposed, and finding a train alongside the platform, she grasped hold of one of third-class carriages, in order to obtain a seat within it. The train was in motion at the time, and the deceased, continuing to hold on, was dragged along a few paces, and then fell between two carriages, in such a position that a part of the train passed over her chest, and caused instant death. It appeared that the train deceased attempted to get into was going to Gravesend from London, and just in the opposite direction to that in which deceased wanted to go. Evidence having been given to show that every proper precaution was taken for the preservation of the passengers from injury, the Coroner remarked that the accident appeared to him to have a risen entirely through the woman's own negligence. The poor creature appeared to have missed her husband, and without knowing whether the carriage alongside the platform belonged to the up or down train, she had run forward and attempted to get into one of them whilst it was in motion. No regulation of any railway company could possibly avert acts of this kind on the part of headstrong passengers, and he felt it due to the South Eastern Company to say that, as far as his experience went, he believed their regulations were equal to those of any company in the kingdom; they carried, he believed, over the Greenwich branch, more passengers than any other railway in the kingdom, especially at Easter and Whitsuntide, and, as far as he knew he believed they had never before had a fatal accident to a passenger upon their line. Mr Finnegan, the Superintendent of the company, who was in attendance, said it was quite true, they never had. The jury expressed themselves satisfied, and returned a verdict of "Accidental Death.


Kentish Gazette, 10 January 1854.

A coroner's inquest was held Friday at the "Castle Tavern," before, C. J. Carttar, Esq., coroner, to inquire into the circumstances attending the death of John Hayes, aged 40, in the employ of Mesers. Kirk and Parry; and a youth named James Elias Jarratt, about 14 years of age, who were drowned by the upsetting of a boat on the Thames, near the North Woolwich Pier.

From the evidence of three of the men who were in the boat with the deceased. it appeared that seven men and the lad Jarratt got into the boat, belonging to the barge, to disembark on the Essex side of the river, and were hastening towards the shore, when one of the witnesses fell down on the side of the boat and upset it, and the whole eight persons were immersed in the river, and Hayes and Jarratt were unfortunately drowned.

Verdict:— Accidental Death.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 25 January 1862.

Five Licences Transferred.

The "Castle," Richard-street; (I assume this is the same area)

"George the Fourth," King-street;

"Crown and Mason’s Arms," Cannon-row;

The "Steam Packet," Bellwater-gate;

The "Anchor and Hope," River side, Charlton.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 24 May 1862.


Having given an account in our last week's number of the melancholy death by drowning of Stevedore William Cook, and of a body of a youth found floating off the Arsenal, we have only to state that an inquest has been held on the bodies at the "Castle-inn," Woolwich, before C. J. Carttar, Esq., and an open verdict returned.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 26 July 1862.


On Monday last an inquest was held at "Castle Inn," Woolwich, before C. J. Carttar, Esq., on the body of Frederick Foster, a young man, of Lambeth, who was found drowned, on Sunday last, in the Thames, off Woolwich, when an open verdict of "Found drowned" was returned.





THUNDER William 1823-40+ Pigot's Directory 1823Pigot's Directory 1832-34

RICHARDS William Joseph 1852-58+


SMITH William Horrocis 1866+

HARRIS Ann to May/1869

HARRIS Richard May/1869+

HINE Henry 1874+

KEEBLE William Henry 1882+

DANIELS David 1891-1901+ (age 45 in 1891Census)

FOSS Charles Thomas 1904-11+

NAYLOR George John 1913-21+

BATLEY William James 1934-44+


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-