Page Updated:- Friday, 26 April, 2024.


Earliest 1813-

Hare and Billet

Open 2020+

1 Dartmouth Row/1a Hare and Billet Road/Grotes Place


020 8852 2352

Hare and Billet

Above photo date unknown. Taken by Matt Martin.

Hare and Billet

Above photo, date unknown.

Hare and Billet Thomas Luny painting 1780

Above painting by Thomas Luny, circa 1780, showing a view from the vicinity of the pub.


I have also seen this addressed as in Lewisham.

Now part of Greater London, this area was indeed Kent before 1965. Hence, I will be adding information regarding this pub as and when I find or it is sent to me, but at present I'll be concentrating on the areas that are within the Kent boundary today.

Your help is appreciated, and every email is answered.


A Baptism.

On 16 May 1813 of William Henry, son of John and Elizabeth Bleksley, Landlord of the "Hare & Billet," Blackheath, Lewisham.


West Kent Guardian, 11 July 1840.

Charles Stanton, landlord of the "Hare & Billet," Blackheath, appeared upon a warrant charged with counselling, aiding, abetting and assisting from 40 to 50 persons, in making an attack upon a Temperance Society meeting, held in a tent near the defendants home, fined 50s, with 14s costs.


West Kent Guardian, 1 June 1844.

West Kent Yeomanry.

A cup awarded by Colonel Stratford to the best swordsman in the Chislehurst troop, to Mr Charles Stanton, of the "Hare and Billet," Blackheath, whose success in this trial of skill was celebrated with military honours and acknowledged by the hearty congratulations of his comrades, amongst whom Mr Stanton is deservedly a favourite alike for his estimable social qualities and his skill and attention to his military duties.


West Kent Guardian, 21 December 1844.

Hare and Billet Inn, Blackheath.

C W Stanton, takes this opportunity of the season to return his most grateful thanks to his friends and the public for the extensive patronage bestowed upon him during the time he has conducted the above establishment; and ventures to hope for a continuance of the same, assuring them that they may always rely upon being supplied with Wines, Spirits etc, of the very first quality, and upon the most reasonable terms. Guinness's Stout and Bass's Pale ale; also Trill and Genness's Stout and ales, in the highest perfection.


5 August 1848.

James Barnes charged with stealing sundry pewter pots, three pint pots the property of Mr Mann, landlord of the Hare and Billet, Blackheath, and one quart pot, the property of Mr Evans, landlord of the Crown tavern, Blackheath.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 19 April 1862.

Charles Ed. M'Arthy, Scotchman, about forty years of age, a half-pay military officer, staying at the "Hare and Billet," Blackheath, was charged on remand with indecent conduct to a servant girl living at Croom’s-hill, Greenwich. A second charge was also brought against him of a similar nature, and it was also stated that several young persons had been insulted by the prisoner, their parents declining to allow them to appear to give evidence. The Magistrate said it was one of the worst cases ever brought before him, and sentenced him to three months’ hard labour at Maidstone.





BLEKSLEY John 1813+

MACKENZIE James 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

STANTON Charles William 1840-47+ Next pub licensee had (age 30 in 1841Census)

MUNN/MANN John 1848-58+

COPPINGER Octavius 1866-Jan/72

COPPINGER Seymour Jan/1872-74

COPPINGER Thomas Fev 1881-91+ (age 35 in 1981Census)

WELCH Alfred E 1896+

DAVIDGE Albert Edward 1904-Sept/06 Kentish Independent

SILK Frederick Guy Sept/1906-44+ (age 55 in 1939) Kentish Independent


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Kentish IndependentKentish Independent


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-