Sort file:- Margate, May, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 13 May, 2024.


Earliest 1769

Royal Hotel

Latest 1882+

Cecil Square


Royal Hotel 1830s

Above engraving, circa 1830s.

Royal Hotel

Above engraving circa 1853.

Royal Hotel 1850

Above print, circa 1850.

Royal Hotel 1850

Above print 1850.

Royal Hotel

Above photo date unknown.

Royal Hotel

Above picture taken from a stereo card, date unknown.


Opened in 1769, this new hotel and assembly room had been built in New Square, later named Cecil Square. This new hotel was originally known as "Smith’s Hotel," then as "Fox’s Hotel," "Smith’s Tavern" and "Benson’s Hotel," before finally changing name after 1794, to the "Royal Hotel."


Kentish Gazette, 27 February, 1779.

To be Let, and entered upon immediately.

For a term of years, if required.

All that well-known Tap-room ready furnished with the vaults, &c, belonging to the Hotel or New Assembly Rooms in Margate.

It is not necessarily to point out the many good qualities that a person should possess in order to render the employment advantages to him. And as to the peculiar situation of the Tap, under Person's so capable as Messrs. Smith and Benson, for an extensive trade, there is no occasion to enlarge on; the former being so well known, after long experience, for giving universal satisfaction in one of the first Taverns in London as well as in Margate.

The Army are not to be any Charge or Burthen to the Tap-keeper.

For further particulars enquiry of Messrs. Simmons and Kirkby.


Kentish Gazette, Tuesday, 19 April, 1796.

To be Sold by auction.

AT Mr. BENSON’S HOTEL, in MARGATE, on Thursday the 21st day of April instant, about six o'clock in the evening, the following FREEHOLD ESTATES:

Lot 1. A convenient modern-built brick dwelling house, and garden, late in the occupation of Mr. Richard Field Smyth, wine merchant.

Lot 2. A convenient modern-built brick dwelling house, and garden, in the occupation of Mr. Arnold; four small tenements, in the occupation of John Mantell and others; two stables, and two coach houses.

Both the above lots are situate in Prospect Place, on the on the East-side of the Church Field, Margate.

Lot 3. Two duelling houses, one of them newly built, and two stables, adjoining, situate on the North-side of Love Lane, in Margate; in the occupation of John Freckson, James Hopper, and others.

At the same time and place, will also be sold, (unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract.)

The Good-Will of an House, with a grocer's shop, in full trade, in Broad-Street, near the Market Place, in Margate, now in the occupation of Mr. John Mepham; the purchaser taking the present stock, at a fair valuation.

For further particulars, enquire of Mr. Sawkins, Margate.


From the Morning Post and Gazetteer (London, England,) Saturday, January 24, 1801.


Benjamin Kidman most respectfully informs the Inhabitants and Company frequenting Margate, and its vicinity, that he has taken the above Premises, and humbly solicits their favours and support, assuring them no exertion shall be wanting to render the accommodation as commodious and agreeable as possible.

A general knowledge of the Hotel and Tavern business will fully enable him to conduct it upon such principles as, he hopes, will meet with the approbation of those who may please to honour him with their favours.

Likewise being supplied with Port of the Company's importation, he assures his Friends of being served with that article not inferior to any in the trade; also Wines of every other description, of first quality; Brandy, Rum, etc. sent to any part of the Island, carriage free of expense. - Good Stabling, Post-Chaise, Glass Coaches, etc. etc.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Friday 22 March 1811.


March 16, at Margate, Mr. ------- Irish, many years landlord of the Tap at Kidman's Hotel.


Morning Post 01 July 1823.


This place has felt the backwardness of the season in the absence of its accustomed visitants; but, if the company has not been so numerous, it has been more select. Among the arrivals at the "Royal Hotel" are the Duke and Duchess of Rutland, Mr. Irving, M.P., The Earl of Winchelsea, Mr. Finch, Mr. Harman, the Hon. George Watson, Sir John Palmer, the Hon. G. F. Milles, the Rev. Wheeler, Capt. Donellan, etc; and the "York Hotel" boasts as fashionable a list. The steam-boats are now bringing large importations, and the lodging-houses are filling fast, A new range of buildings have been erected since last year on the Fort, which, from the extensive prospect they enjoy, are in universal request.


Kentish Gazette 31 December 1839.

The first meeting of the Margate Catch Club will be held at the "Royal Hotel," on Friday Evening, January 3d, 1840. The Chair to be taken at Eight o'clock precisely, when Visitors and Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

T. Lansell, Secretary.


From the Kentish Gazette, 19 December 1843.


The inhabitants of this place are quite delighted to hear that the "Royal Hotel" (which has been a long time shut up) is again let on a long lease, and on such terms, as combined with moderate charges, will ensure its success.


From the Kentish Gazette, 5 August 1845.

MARGATE. Assembly Rooms, "Royal Hotel."

We are happy to see the spirit with which the spacious assembly rooms of the "Royal Hotel" have been opened this season. Mr. Gardiner, as might he expected, from his skill and knowledge of music, has selected a splendid band. On Monday evening the rooms were opened, and from 300 to 400 persons attended. It was no small pleasure to the well-wishers of the town, to see many of the wealthiest and most influential inhabitants present. The performances of the evening were much superior to anything that has been witnessed in the town for some time past. The singing of Miss Muriall O'Conner was well received, she displayed some ability in "Wha'll be King but Charlie." The accompaniment of Mr. J. L. Hatton was very melodious. To lovers of the flute, a rare treat was afforded by Mr. Winterbottom, who showed himself a perfect master of that instrument, and received much applause. The selections from Norma were brilliantly executed. During the week the rooms have been attended by a numerous and very respectable company, notwithstanding the attraction of Mr. Hughes's circus. The visitors and inhabitants appear to appreciate the exertions of Mr. Gardiner, and the ability of his orchestra.

We cannot help noticing that this place is assuming its former gaiety. Those who are anxious for a change of air, and wish to retreat to some watering place, will fail in finding one on the island possessing greater attractions than Margate, which abounds with pleasant walks and fresh and pure air. Be the visitors weak and in ill health, they may secure a good bathing place and reap great benefit, and ultimately become strong — if they desire a change of scene, it may be found in the Boulevard and Bazaars, where their fortune may be tried at the wheel of lottery, or the throwing of dice — even many a merry hour may be spent in listening to the old bell man, who is ever ready to cry at others losses to his own gain — if their taste be for singing, music, and dancing, they have only to cross over to the Assembly Rooms, where, for one shilling, Mr. Gardiner will give them a grand entertainment — if they desire a more rural retreat, they will make their way for Tivoli Gardens, which abounds with pleasant walks, and where they will be delighted with a grand display of fireworks, there they may also study to perfection the light fantastic toe and hear music and singing; they may also enjoy a good game of archery, or a row in the boat on the lake, and when evening's dark clouds come over, they will behold the walks and gardens most brilliantly lighted up with thousands of variegated lamps, as to remind them of Vauxhall in its olden time; and lastly, many an evening’s amusement will be found at the Theatre Royal, which opened on Monday, under the management of Mr. Coombes, supported by a large and efficient company of actors and performers; besides which the company will observe that there is a cheap steam-boat running to this place, and which has already introduced amongst many others, Mr. and Mrs. Caudle with their family, to this favourite spot, and they have already come to the determination of giving it in future their cordial patronage and support — they will occasionally be met with at the Tivoli Gardens, where every preparation is made for their reception. There are also many harmonic meetings, where a professional singer is engaged to take the chair.

The Margate Pier and Harbour Company have engaged a band to play on the high pier. This we have no doubt will induce many to resume their walk on that promenade, and increase the numbers materially there.

The boats continue bringing great numbers to this place. Nearly all the respectable lodging-houses are full.


From the Kentish Gazette, 1 December 1846.


The dinner at the "Royal Hotel," on Tuesday (this day), is expected to be on a magnificent scale. The large ball room is fitted up in great style for the occasion with banners, evergreens, and flowering shrubs. Upwards of 150 of the leading gentlemen of Margate and the vicinity have enlisted their names as participates of the festivities of the day, and the prospects of the coming event casts sunshine instead of shadows before.


Kentish Gazette, 21 December 1847.


THE Nobility and Gentry are roost respectfully informed, that a BALL will take place at the above Rooms, on TUESDAY, the 4th of January, 1848.

Lieutenant-Colonel STOTT. W. BROOKE, Esq. HARVEY BOYS, Esq.

Ladies’ Tickets, 5s., Gentlemm’s, 6s., tea and coffee included.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 19 March, 1864.


This was an action to recover damages for an assault, at Margate.

Mr. Hawkins, and Mr. Prentice were for the plaintiff; but no appearance was put in on the part of the defendant.

Plaintiff deposed:— I am a billiard-table keeper at the “Royal Hotel.” I take it of Mr. Gardner, and have done so for the last seven years. On the 20th September defendant came to my billiard-room, while several gentlemen were playing. He commenced making a noise, and insulted the gentlemen there, saying he would fight any two of them, he was not tipsy, though he had been drinking. As he refused to leave I sent for a policeman. He still refused to go, and the officer at last carried him out. In about an hour, or an hour and a half, he returned with a young man named Friswell and both of them made a fresh disturbance. I sent for Mr. Gardner. Friswell kicked me, and afterwards knocked me in the mouth. Wyatt then struck me on the check and ear with a stick, cutting my head open. Both of my eyes were blackened, and my face was scratched, and my nose bled. On the following morning I was served with it summons for assaulting him, the summons being taken out in the name of Brown. Wyatt was in the billiard-room at the time it was served. No one appeared to the summons.

P.C. Hobday, of Margate, said he was sent for to the “Royal Hotel” on the evening in question, and was compelled to carry the defendant out of the room. He promised that he would not go back.

Mr. Simes said he was at the billiard room of the plaintiff, and confirmed the statement of the previous witness as to the disturbance made, and the assaults committed.

Dr. Innis, who was also at the billiard-room, further corroborated the previous testimony.

The jury, having consulted a short time, the foreman asked whether it was not the fact that another billiard-room had been started since this occurrence?

The plaintiff said that was so.

The jury then returned a verdict for plaintiff for £50 damages.


The premises was built in 1769 and destroyed by fire on 27 October 1882.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 1882.


A destructive fire occurred at Margate early on Saturday morning, with the result that the whole of the south side of Cecil-square has been gutted. The fire broke out in the Assembly Rooms, occupied by Mr. H. E. Davis, captain of the Fire Brigade, well known as the once favourite resort of George IV. An electioneering meeting in support of Captain Davis' candidature for the Town Council had just previously been held. Flames were seen issuing from the Assembly Rooms roof, which quickly spread, a strong wind blowing at the time. The "Royal Hotel" adjoining, and a ladies' large school belonging to Miss Smart, with four other large houses completing the square, one being the Vicarage and two others occupied by Captain Swinford and by Mr Cobb, head of the banking firm of Cobb and Co., were speedily in flames. The vicar and his family escaped only in night dresses and overcoats. The Margate, Westgate, Broadstairs, and Ramsgate engines were soon on the spot. One of the Ramsgate Brigade men, named Brookman, fell from a ladder, and was so seriously injured that he had to be conveyed to the Cottage Hospital.

The fire was discovered by some Freemasons when leaving their Lodge opposite the Assembly Rooms. They awakened the proprietor, and going into the yard, they found the little lodge full of smoke. The instant they opened the door the flames shot to the roof. Before maroons at the police-station could be found to call together the Fire Brigade the side of the Rooms facing Queen-street was ablaze. In half an hour the whole of the building was in flames, the gale which was blowing carrying the sparks as far as the railway station. The wind blew strongly in that direction, rendering the efforts of the Fire Brigade almost useless, and it was feared at one time that the whole of Queen-street and Wellclose-square, together with a portion of High-street, would be destroyed. Fortunately the gale moderated, while the heavy rain which fell assisted the firemen in their work. The fire was eventually extinguished, although it was found necessary to partially blow up and pull down a house situated between Mr Cobb's and the first house in Queen-street, to prevent the spreading of the flames. The damage is estimated at from £60,000 to £70,000. The premises are insured for £27,000, and the contents for £16,000, being about two-thirds of the damage that has been sustained. The Sun Office is the principal loser, the remainder being divided between the North British, Norwich, Law, Liverpool, and Globe Offices.

Fresh outbreaks of the fire kept the firemen at work to Sunday evening, the brigade and the police having been on continuous duty since midnight on Friday. About forty people are homeless, and have lost nearly everything except the clothes they are wearing. The coastguard men have demolished the tottering walls which blocked Queen street. The scene of the fire was visited on Monday by thousands of people, visitors coming for the purpose from Canterbury and Deal.


From the accessed 11 January 2021.

The Report in the Daily News stressed the past history of the Assembly Rooms:

The destruction by fire of the old Royal Assembly Room in Margate will be regretted by visitors who have a kindly eye for associations with the past. It was erected in 1769, together, as an adjoining mural tablet records, with the solid, comfortable-looking, red-brick houses of "Cecil-square," of which the Assembly Room formed one side. This spot, now hidden away behind the houses in the upper part of the town, was long afterwards the very centre of the life and gaiety of this seaside resort. As it appeared then so the Assembly Room continued to appear till the other day, with its conspicuously broad front and its row of quaint white wooden pillars extending over the roadway of the square; but its former functions had suffered decline, and of late it had been mostly used for occasional concerts and semi-dramatic entertainments. A guide to the sea-bathing places of England, published in the year of the Battle of Waterloo, describes its principal room on the first floor as “a splendid apartment eighty-seven feet long, forty-three feet broad, and of proportionate height, adorned with busts of his present Majesty and the late Duke of Cumberland.” It was a cherished tradition of the place that the "first gentleman in Europe" had more than once danced a cotillion on its chalked floor; not to speak of other distinguished though less exalted "votaries" — as our great grandfathers liked to express it — "of the Terpsichorean art." It was the under­standing that the season could by no possibility commence earlier or later than the King's birthday, the fourth of June, and that the last ball night must be in October. Nor was it less de rigueur that the first dance should commence at eight o'clock, and that the ball should finish at twelve precisely, even though that should entail breaking off in the middle of a dance. Margate was severe moreover in the matter of etiquette; for it was sternly exacted “that on ball nights no ladies be admitted into the great room in habits; nor gentlemen in swords, boots, or pantaloons — military gentlemen only excepted." Those visitors who preferred to play at whist or quadrille in the card rooms were required in all cases to pay eleven shillings for two packs of cards, and seven shillings for a single pack; and on no account was any one permitted to use a pack left by another party. Those were days when “excursions” were unknown, and going to Margate, whether by coach or by the old "Hoy” whose captain and passengers have been so picturesquely described by Charles Lamb, was a serious business, implying, as a rule, an intention to make a sojourn of more or less duration. For such visitors evening amusements were as essential as the sands and the fresh air for the morning walk. Altogether the old Assembly Room may be said to have done useful service in its day, entitling it to respectful sympathy under the calamity that has at last overtaken it.


From the accessed 11 January 2021.

The final report, that from the Illustrated Police News, presents a summary view of the fire:


Seldom if ever, in the history of Margate has such a calamity visited the borough as that which occurred on Friday week. The calamity is not only disastrous on account of the amount of property destroyed, but also on account of the historical link with the past when perhaps Margate took a higher rank as a fashionable watering place than she had ever done before, or has ever done since, when Royalty recruited itself by the pure air, the sea bathing, and the amusements which were then provided — which, as with a breath, has been destroyed in one night. To Londoners the Assembly Rooms, Margate has long been familiar; and from one end of the country to the other, its fame has spread, while for Margate it has done perhaps as much as any other places of amusement in providing for the wants of the visitors seeking relaxations. For that reason alone the destruction which has overtaken the handsome and familiar rooms in which it has been the custom to hear the great works of our greatest masters given in a manner worthy of the works themselves, and where so many thousands have spent the evening in dancing to the strains of a first-class band, dinners, and public meetings, and entertainments of all kinds have for over a century been held, will excite feelings of deep interest and regret. Unfortunately the conflagration was not confined to the Assembly Rooms, but spread in both directions — up Cecil-street and along Cecil-square — until six houses were included in the mournful catalogue of destruction, and now the southern side of Cecil-square is a heap of ruins. The origin of the fire will probably remain a mystery; it is believed that it may have been caused by some careless smoker emptying his pipe or throwing away his light either from the billiard-room or from the lavatory, the entrance to which was under the main staircase, where it is said that there was a grating over a cellar which contained a quantity of straw and rubbish. However that may be, when once the fire had obtained a hold no earthly power could have saved it from destruction; the building an old one, above the ground floor was of wood — lath and plaster chiefly — and with such materials to hand the devouring element had little difficulty in igniting the whole rooms. A remarkable circumstance connected with the ignition of the rooms was that the fire passed with such wonderful rapidity against the wind from the western to the eastern end of the building. But in addition to there being all the conditions necessary for the preparation of a great conflagration, the wind was blowing a gale, carrying the sparks for hundreds of yards to the west, spreading the flames and the heat to an alarming extent, even to the broiling of the houses on the opposite side of the square, rendering it impossible for persons to stand in Queen-street or the Upper Marine-terrace; while to this must be added, as an aggravating evil, the alleged shortness of the water supply, which greatly nullified the efforts of the firemen and their numerous ready and willing assistants, though undoubtedly the firemen were prevented from using their appliances with proper effect on account of the amazing heat which prevented them approaching very close to the flames, and the strong wind which blew the jets of water away from the blazing mass, thus leaving the fire to work its way almost unhindered. With respect to the water supply it is difficult to tell where the fault lay. The Waterworks department did their utmost, the pumping engines being at work all night and keeping up the store at 20,000 gallons, and it is believed that the pressure in the mains was 14 lb to the inch; the supply to all other districts but those in the immediate vicinity of the fire was cut off, and so the whole force was concentrated in two mains, from which however at least a dozen jets were taken, each of course diminishing the pressure upon the others. The hydrants, however, were only turned on at two thirds, and even then the pressure was sufficient to frequently burst the hose while two engines in the square could not use all the water which ran into the dam from which they worked. By the time the servants in the hotel had been awoke, and had thrown some wraps around them, the smoke in the stairs and passages of the hotel had become so dense that a candle would not burn, and they had to grope their way out of the house in the dark, and through the blinding smoke. The inmates of the hotel were received by Mr. Searles, 12, Cecil-square. In a very short time the whole side of the rooms facing Queen-street was in flames. In less than half an hour the whole building, roof and all, was ablaze, and it was very evident that nothing could save it. The efforts of the brigade were first devoted to preventing the fire spreading up Cecil-street, but the paucity of water then did much to frustrate their efforts. The fire soon spread to the "Royal Hotel" and to Edgbaston House, so well known as a scholastic establishment for young ladies, conducted by Miss Smart; the boarders were safely got out, and after being housed by Mrs. Foord for a time were taken to the "Grosvenor." Some attempt was made to save some of the furniture, but this was only very partially successful, only a few books, papers, and some valuables being saved, and the great bulk of furniture in both places has been destroyed by fire and water. When this block of buildings was blazing, the sight was grand in the extreme — perfectly indescribable in fact — showers of sparks (many of them a foot in length) filling the air all around and being carried by the driving wind in fantastic eddies over the western part of the town, while the glass of the gaseliers and the looking-glasses which adorned the walls were heard amidst the roar of the flames to be cracking with a continuous rattle of explosions. When the great geselier in the centre of the room fell with a crash, a sensation of horror ran through the crowd, and soon after the roof and walls fell in with a crash, the dense smoke and blinding showers of sparks filling the square and making it difficult for a time to breathe. The fire soon extended to the cellars where the bottles could be heard for a long time exploding like the firing of skirmishers in an army. The wall between the rooms and hotel stood for a long while, but eventually fell with a deafening crash.

Assembly Rooms fire 1882

Above print showing the destruction of the Assembly Rooms in 1882.

Assemble Rooms fire 1882

Another print showing the fire destruction in progress, 1882.

Assembly Rooms fire 1882

Assembly Rooms fire 27 October 1882.

Assemble Rooms after the fire

Above painting showing the scene after the fire.

Royal Hotel remains

Above photo, after the fire showing the remains of the "Royal Hotel" on the left.

Above photo showing the remains of the Assembly Rooms, 1882.


At the end of November 1882 it was reported that the proprietors of the "Royal Hotel" and Assembly Rooms had decided to rebuild their premises, in red brick. This, however, seems to have been just a rumour since in January 1883 it was suggested that the proprietors were likely to sell the site:


From the accessed 11 January 2021.

It is reported that Mr H. E. Davis, who has offered to the directors of the "Royal Hotel" and Assembly Rooms Company the sum of £2,000 for the site of its late premises which were consumed in the conflagration of October 27-28th last, and has subsequently increased his offer to £2,300, has now made an alternative offer, whereby he proposes to sell his interest in the lease of the destroyed premises for £1,000. It is anticipated that this offer on his part to sell out his interest will be accepted. Thirty-four architects have, we believe, sent in plans to the proprietors of the Hotel and Assembly Rooms, in response to their invitation for plans to be supplied gratuitously. The chances are that in the event of the company accepting Mr. Davis’s offer to sell them his lease they will not re-build, but that the site will come to the hammer, and a large portion of it, it is to be hoped, may be purchased by the Town-council for the improvement of Cecil-square. The widening of Queen-street at the expense of the Tramways Company seems to be a contingency of a very remote character, but now that it is possible, and if rumour is true, even probable that Mr F. C. Cobb will not re-build his premises, the opportunity for widening Queen-street and squaring Cecil-square is one that may never occur again.


The drinks license of the "Royal Hotel" hadn't lapsed, but to keep it live, a temporary building or ‘shanty’ was built on the vacant land, and was renewed each year.

The vacant plot in front of the rebuilt Assembly Rooms and the shanty of Cecil Square are shown below, dating from circa 1883.


Cecil Square ceremony 1883

Above photograph showing a ceremony in Cecil Square, circa 1883, on the left is the vacant plot in front of the former Assembly Rooms where the "Shanty" would have been set up.

Cecil Square ceremony 1883

I believe the building on the left was the "Shanty" building.


The grounds were again put up for auction in 1896 and the purchaser was a newly formed partnership planning a chain of playhouses along the south coast, that of H. H. Morrell and Frederick Mouillot. They quickly went about a major rebuild, renaming the Assembly Rooms the New Grand Theatre, and later went on to gain a license for the performance of stage plays. The New Grand opened in August 1898.

Although it had been the intention of Morell and Mouillot to rebuild the "Royal Hotel," the Town Council persuaded them to sell the land to the them as they wished to widen Cecil Square. Morell and Mouillot planed to use the money they got from selling the land to build a colonnade along the Cecil Square side of the Theatre, with a bar opening into the colonnade. This plan, depended on the drinks licence held by the old "Royal Hotel" being transferred to the Grand Theatre. Morell and Mouillot went ahead with the work, believing they had the promise of the Council to transfer the licence, but the Council went back on its agreement, and Morell and Mouillot had finally to go to court to get the licence.


From the accessed 11 January 2021.


The case of Morell v the Margate Licensing Justices came on for hearing on Tuesday at the East Kent Quarter Sessions, Canterbury. When Messrs Morell and Mouillot purchased the Royal Assembly Rooms, Margate, they bought with them the whole of the site of the old "Royal Hotel" and Assembly Rooms, destroyed by fire in 1882, together with the licence which had been attached to the property for over 100 years. To keep the licence alive, on what was left as vacant enclosed land when the New Assembly Rooms were built, a “shanty" was erected, and the licence renewed year after year, until the last Licensing Session in September, when Messrs Morell and Mouillot were met with unexpected opposition. It had originally been intended to build a hotel on the vacant site, but they were approached by the Margate Town Council, who were desirous of effecting an improvement by the widening of Cecil-square, and long negotiations ended in Messrs Morell and Mouillot disposing of their land for £2,000, which sum they agreed to spend, and have actually employed, in the building of a colonnade on the Cecil-square side of the theatre. On their part, however, they made it a condition of the sale that the licence should be renewed to them, and that they should be allowed to open a buffet bar, shown on the plan passed by the Council, with doors opening on to the footway under the colonnade. On the assurance that the renewal of the licence was assured, as the members of the Council and the Licensing Committee were practically the same (although, of course, the latter could not pledge the Licensing Committee to any line of action), negotiations were concluded, and the contract entered into and their land was thrown into the square. Messrs Morell and Mouillot made the bar entrances, and then were met with the statement that as the land had been sold to which the licence had been attached — they already had the usual limited licence for the interior bars of the theatre — and as it was not intended to build a hotel there, the licence was no longer needed, and the committee refused to renew it. Against this Messrs Morell and Mouillot appealed. Mr. Kisch, barrister, appeared for the appealants, and Mr. Hohler for the respondents. Evidence was given by Mr. Mouillot and the Mayor of Margate, who corroborated the statement that the renewal of the licence was to be a condition precedent to the sale of the land. After a hearing lasting six hours his Honour, Judge Sir W. L. Selfe, said the committee had come to the almost unanimous conclusion that the appeal should be allowed and the licence renewed, with costs against the Corporation. An application to his Honour to state a case was refused.




BENSON John 1792-96+

KIDMAN Benjamin 1801+

IRISH ----- Mr to Mar/1811 dec'd (Tap)

HOWE Francis 1823-32+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

GARDINER Thomas 1845-67+ (age 43 in 1861Census)

VILLIERS Rosa 1871+ (age 37 in 1871Census)

COLLINS Isabella 1881+ (age 36 in 1881Census)


Royal Hotel Tap.

ARLIAS Samuel 1823+

MOORE Thomas 1851+


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-