Sort file:- Sydenham, April, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 28 April, 2024.


Earliest ????

Crown Inn

Latest ????

55 Bell Green

Lower Sydenham


Sydenham was located in Kent until 1889 when the County of London was formed and in 1965 it became part of the current London Borough. It is now a suburban district of South London in the London Boroughs of Lewisham, Bromley and Southwark.

Your help is appreciated, and every email is answered.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 1 November 1862.


Samuel Harris, 22, labourer, no address, Robert Whitely, 26, labourer, of Bell Green, Sydenham, and William Brackley, 30, of Bell Green, beer-house keeper, (as yet unknown pub) were charged by George Goldsmith, beer-house keeper, of Bell Green, Sydenham, the former with creating the two latter with attempting to release him from custody. Harris was committed for two months hard labour, and Whitely and Brackley for six weeks each with hard labour.


Sydenham Times, 11 November 1862.

Desperate Characters.

At Greenwich Police-court, on Wednesday, Samuel Harris, a tall marose looking fellow who has frequently been convicted of assaults on the police, was charged with assaulting Mr. George Goldsmith, landlord of the "Crown," Lower Sydenham, and P.C. Critchall and Osborne, and Robert Whitty and William Brackley were charged with attempting to rescue Harris from the custody of the police, and assaulting them in the execution of their duty. It appeared that several months ago Mr. Goldsmith entrusted Harris with half a crown, to purchase some mutton chops, but he made off with the money, and had not visited the house until the previous day, when Mr. Goldsmith requested him to leave, but immediately received a blow in the face, from the effects of which his right eye now appeared blackened. The police were then called in and took Harris into custody, and were about preceding with him to the station, when Whitty an Brackley persuaded Harris not to go, and assaulted the constables who had him in custody. Further assistance having arrived, the prisoners were all apprehended, but it took no less than eight constables to get the prisoners to the station. P.C. Critchell received a fearful kick on the head from Whitty, who was the most violent, and threatened, if he could get hold of any weapon, to run the officer through. P.C. Osborn was severely kicked about the body, and every one of the constables was in some way assaulted by the prisoners. Sergeant Best informed the magistrate that an uniform bat belonging to one of the constables had been destroyed by the prisoners. Mr. Traill said he would only convict for the assaults, and sentenced Harris to two months' and Whitty and Brackley to six weeks’ imprisonment, with hard labour.



I am informed that the pub has been demolished, but do not have a date at present.



GOLDSMITH George 1862+

JORDAN Charles William 1896+

FELL Mary Ann Mrs 1903-06+ Kelly's 1903

LANDLES Charles 1908-14+ (age 62 in 1911Census) Kentish Mercury


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


Kentish MercuryKentish Mercury


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-