Page Updated:- Thursday, 16 May, 2024.


Earliest ????

Red Lion

Open 2019+


Swanley Village

01322 586035

Red Lion 1920s

Above photo, circa 1920. Kindly sent by Michael Norman.

Red Lion

Above postcard, date unknown.

Red Lion 1929

Above postcard circa 1929, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe, showing a temporary Style & Winch "Farmer's Ales" sign hanging.

Red Lion 1950

Above photo, circa 1950.

Red Lion 2009

Above photo 2009 by David Anstiss Creative Commons Licence.

Red Lion 2018

Above photo, 2018.


The first "Red Lion" building can be traced back to 1721, that was originally a farm dwelling built by Isaac Staples, but unfortunately demolished in the 1860s.

The building shown in the pictures shows the date 1899 on it, but I am informed that it was originally built for the sum of £3,000 in the 1860 around the same time the first one was demolished. Perhaps the date 1899 shows an extension or renovation.


Kent Times, 5 July 1862.

An inquest was held on Thursday, at the "Red Lion Inn," Swanley, before C. J. Carttar, Esq., coroner, on the body of a man named James Cavell, aged 52. It appeared that the deceased was in the habit of going about the country with a donkey and cart, collecting bones and rags, and on Tuesday he was found dead in his cart. A post mortem examination was made by Mr. Ashurst, of Farningham, and in accordance with his testimony a verdict of "Died from natural causes" was returned.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 17 March 1891.

Question of Right of Way.

George Head, William Conekman, and Frederick Dutnall, was summoned for committing damage, by walking across a strawberry field, the property of Thomas Wood, at Eynsford, on the 19th Inst., the damages being assessed at 4s.

Mr. George Weller prosecuted.

Mr. Herbert Wood, a son of the prosecutor, P.C.'s Cordery and Sidders proved having seen the defendants go across the field, and the former deposed to the damage which was done being of more than 4s.

They as well as P.S. Barnes, and a man named Hawley, stated they had known the place for periods of from 8 to 16 years, and they had never known any footpath there, except for persons who were employed on the farm.

The contention of the defendants was that the part of the field where they crossed had been a public footpath for a period of at least 25 years.

William Howard said he was 77 years of age, and was born at Eynsford, and had lived there all his life. There had been a path commencing at the Old Toll Bar, at the bottom of Crockenhill, through Mr. May's field, out by the "Red Lion" at Swanley, and onto Puddledock. There was a defined path up to the field of Mr. Wood's, and again at the other side of the field, the defined path commenced again. He recollected when Mr. May planted potatoes in the field, and he draw a line right across, so that this portion of the field, where the path was, should not be played or planted. He had used the path hundreds of times, and had gone over it within the past 3 weeks. The stile at the commencement of Mr. Wood's field had been pulled up a few years ago.

John Parks, an old man, 74 years of age, who said he had lived at Swanley all his life, and who had known the place when it was in possession of Mr. Reeves, Mr. May, and Mr. Wood, said he had used the pub after 60-years, and till within the past 12-months.

The Chairman said the Bench dismissed the summons, on the ground that the defendants had reasonable belief that they had a right to use the path, and their jurisdiction was therefore ousted.



As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation.



GLOVER William George 1851-58+ (age 39 in 1851Census)

SHARP Charles 1861-62+ (also bricklayer age 44 in 1861Census)

WHITBREAD Thomas 1871-81+ (age 42 in 1881Census)

WHITEBREAD Maria 1891-99+ (widow age 58 in 1891Census)

HISEMAN Alfred R 1901+ (age 34 in 1901Census)

BOWLAND George William 1903+ Kelly's 1903

HOLLAND James R 1913+

GILES Alice Mrs 1918+

LARNER Thomas H 1922+

TEER Richard William 1930+

MORRIS John 1934+

SAPSED Thomas 1938+

Last pub licensee had FRY Verdun 1950s



Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-